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I miss Fraggle Rock

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I miss Fraggle Rock. Fow all y'all that don't know what it was..


It was a Jim henson show from the 80's with these weird puppets called Fraggles. they lived under this old mans work shop in caves. the old man had a dog named Sprocket....

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Doc - The Old Man


Doc is a human inventor who is owner to Sprocket. Fraggle Rock is beneath Doc's house, even though he has no clue. But Sprocket knows and enjoys trying to hunt them down. Their house is the only connection for the Fraggles to Outer Space and getting Uncle Matt's postcards. Doc's real name is a Jerome Christian.


Doc is actually the only human seen in the show and being that, the actor for Doc had to change with each language version of Fraggle Rock. Among them were Gerry Parks, the US/Canadian; Fulton MacKay from the English version, who was not named as Doc but as Captain; Michel Robin from the French version, where Sprocket's name was changed to Croquette; and Hans-Helmut Dickow, from the German version.


Sprocket - The Dog


This is Sprocket. People think he's a nice, friendly dog. Fraggles thinks he's a horrible terrifying beast who lives in Outer Space, in a Room at the End of the Tunnel. It is from this room that Gobo Fraggle must collect the postcards from his Uncle Travelling Matt. Every time Gobo goes through the hole into Sprocket's room, the brave Fraggle must fave the terrible beast. If Sprocket sees Gobo, he barks and chases him out of the room. Sprocket thinks chasing Gobo is fun. Gobo doesn't agree.


Eventually, Sprocket does meet Gobo and befriends him even while he tries to grab Doc’s attention just for a moment to see their weekly visitor. I guess it's his sick-sense.


The Fraggles included


Red - The Enthusiast


Red Fraggle is the kind of Fraggle someone watches and then says, "Now there's a really energetic Fraggle who knows where she's going and what she wants to do." And then, CRASH, Red runs right into a stalagmite. But that doesn't stop Red. It's certainly not her fault the stalagmite didn't know enough to move.


Moving is one thing Red never stops doing except maybe when she's asleep - but even then she keeps moving in her dreams. If she's not diving or running or sliding down the slide, she's balancing a racket or having an adventure or doing her job, which is cleaning the pool. Of all the things that Red does and does well(which, in here opinion, is just about everything) she likes swimming the best. Red's other bests in her life are Mokey, her best friend; Gobo, her best sparring partner; pigtails, her best hairstyle, and the Triple Sideways Over Under Back Twist, her best dive without holding her nose.



Wembley - The Indecisive


Wembley Fraggle has never been good at deciding. In fact, "to wemble" is a useful Fragglish word meaning "to go back and forth from one thing to another without deciding on anything." Wembley usually is wembling about whether to stand or lie down or look right or left or straight ahead. In the morning, he wembles about which shirt to wear though he only has two and they're both exactly alike.


Part of the reason Wembley has such a hard time making decisions is that he is genuinely eager to please. So he doesn't like to disagree or decide something which might make someone unhappy - especially if that someone is Red, Mokey, Boober, or Gobo, Wembley's best friends. Gobo is Wembley's hero, and if Wembley were better at deciding, he might decide to be like Gobo some day. In the meantime, Wembley is very good at being Wembley which means he's a cheerful, agreeable, easy-going Fraggle to have for a friend.


His roomate:


Gobo - The Leader


Gobo Fraggle is the leader of the group. He wasn't elected or anything; he just sort of got the job. Red tries to take it away from him now and then, so sometimes they share it, but most of the time, Gobo's the one who decides what everyone is going to do.


Gobo is an explorer. He comes from a long line of explorers - his very own Uncle Traveling Matt even left Fraggle Rock to explore the far reaches of Outer Space, the Ultimate Quest. So, being brave and daring and adventurous come naturally to Gobo and are qualities his friends all admire and respect.



They also respect the fact that every few days Gobo goes into the room at the "End of the Tunnel" to collect the postcards from his uncle. This job would be easy if the room was uninhabited, but it's not. A giant furry, four-legged beast with sharp teeth lives there and makes it his business to chase Gobo. So maybe Gobo has earned the position of leader after all




Boober - The Worrier


If Fraggles had middle names, Boober's would be "Uh-oh." Boober Fraggle is almost always worried about something or if not worried, then frightened or depressed. Boober's tendency to see the down-side of life provided him with fairly good education, though.


Boober realized many days ago that he should know as much as possible about everything in order to know all the things there were to worry about. So Boober knows alot of things that most Fraggles don't know (or care) about, such as "A knot in the tail can bring good luck" and "Stale puddle water can cure the most stubborn bruises."


Another thing Boober knows a lot about is laundry. Doing the laundry is Boober's job, and he chose it because, in his words, "It's so wonderfully tedious and boring." Boober sometimes feels that if it weren't for him, no one would truly appreciate how good they felt.




Mokey - The Artist


This is Mokey Fraggle who likes to write in her diary. She might be writing a poem such as, "Sing hi, sing lo for the bright red glow of a radish that's far from a Gorg's big toe." Or she might be writing a song, or perhaps something more profound and observant such as, "Red's hair is like a sunset in the Gorg's Garden."


Mokey is a dreamy, graceful, thoughful, artistic and endlessly helpfu Fraggle. If you're in trouble or need advice (but don't think it's bad enough to see the Trash Heap), talk to Mokey. She'll always help you - it may not be the kind of help you want, but it just might be the kind of help you need.


When she's not helping someone, Mokey likes to sing or paint or write or take long walks. Her job is gathering giant vegetable (from the Gorgs' Garden) for the Fraggles to eat. She loves the Gorgs' Garden, but isn't at all fond of the Gorgs. "If it weren't for them, the Garden would be perfect," she often says. It it weren't for them, there wouldn't be any Garden, but Mokey hasn't thought of that and probably never will.



then there wer ethe gorges, the doozers and the trash heap. It was wild stuff. i use to watch it on HBO. When cable was young. I miss it because childrens shows today are such crap


For More info on Fraggle rock


Go to:The Unofficial Fraggle rock web site

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I used to watch this show when it was on. Was it not on HBO? It was a good show but I really don't remmber how it ended. I always liked the dozers and how all their buildings were tastey to the fraggles.

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thank you tina *gets to singing the fraggle rock theme*


your evil.

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I remember "Fraggle Rock" as well. Even though it was a kid's show, i used to watch it all the time. I didn't realize that it was no longer on the air. Thats a shame.

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I think I loved it when I was a kid (but I never had HBO... it did air on regular broadcast too, right?)

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I too was a child of the 1980’s so I remember Fraggle Rock very well. I even have some of the toys somewhere around the house. Needless to say I was a big fan growing up then. Didn’t they like eating radishes? I know they loved eating the buildings the dozers were constructing, but I can’t remember if they liked radishes, it’s been too long ago

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they loooooved Radishes.. and the dozers made the builings out of radishes


I had the toys and some books..Boy i miss it

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I could actually be talked into buying dvds of Fraggle Rock if it existed. Does anyone know?

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They should... I really like the show when I was a kid... I was watching VH1 and they said that Fraggles were muppets on acid... yeah right.

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  I could actually be talked into buying dvds of Fraggle Rock if it existed. Does anyone know?


yes! The first season is being released on DVD in sept.I saw it on Amazon .com


Fraggle Rock DVD Preorder

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My nephew really loves this show.I need find some DVDs for him.

I guess I kind of like it,too.That shows really trippy.

I just know they were on something other than doozer constructions.... :partytime:

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