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#10 Mudds Passion

What rating would you give "Mudds Passion"?  

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    • 4. It's good
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    • 2. It's not that good
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#10 Mudds Passion

Written by: Stephen Kandel

Directed by: Hal Sutherland

Airdate: Nov. 10, 1973

Stardate: 4978.5


Review Pending...


Voice Credits:



Regular Characters:

Captain Kirk William Shatner

Mr. Spock Leonard Nimoy

Dr. McCoy DeForest Kelley

Scotty James Doohan

Lieutenent Sulu George Takei

Lieutenent Uhura Nichelle Nichols

Lieutenent Arex James Doohan

Lieutenent M'Ress Majel Barrett


Guest Characters:

Amusement Park Computer George Takei

Gabler James Doohan

White Rabbit James Doohan

Alice Nichelle Nichols

Queen of Hearts Majel Barrett

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Harry Mudd helps Nurse Chapel make Spock fall in love with her. Meanwhile, as Nurse Chapel tries to win her love, Harry tries to win his freedom and escape.


I really enjoyed 'Mudds Passion' just for the fact that it both brings back Mudd, but it also once again explores Christine's love for Spock. She is offered a love potion that actual works, temporarily at least. It has a great alien towards the end of the story when they land on a planet. It looks like mountains, but is actually a couple of huge monsters. Once again, if you enjoy the stories between Spock and Nurse Christine Chapel, then you will enjoy this episode that explores the subject deeper. I, for one, really had fun watching this episode. Great!

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I'm sure that Carmel was doing the voice again, but it seemed like he was being a little too cartoony instead of just bringing out Mudd as naturally as possible. One other slight drawback is that Christine's love for Spock while apparent, wasn't completely transparent in TOS as it is in this episode. Still, it played out well. I like the compounding trouble brought on to the Enterprise by this little incident, which is something we don't see much of in TAS.


Sidebar, sorta, I really like the inclusion of Lieutenants Arex and M'Ress. Federation of Allied Planets, and now we see that a bit more here. Just part of the liberty animation gives you. And the fact that they were worked as intricately as they were in this episode makes it even better. We see a little bit more of them and their personality.


And oh yeah, the hangover incidents were great too. 5.

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