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Terms & Phrases all PC users need

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Computer Terms


586: The average IQ needed to understand a PC


State-of-the-art: Any computer you can't afford.


Obsolete: Any computer you own.


Microsecond: The time it takes for your state-of-the-art computer to become obsolete.


G3: Apple's new Macs that make you say, "Gee, it's three times faster than the computer I bought for the same price a microsecond ago."


Syntax Error: Walking into a computer store and saying, "Hi, I want to buy a computer and money is no object."


Hard Drive:The sales technique employed by computer salesmen, especially after a Syntax Error.


GUI (pronounced "gooey"): What your computer becomes after spilling your coke on it.


Keyboard: The standard way to generate computer errors.


Mouse: An advanced input device to make computer errors easier to generate.


Floppy: The state of your wallet after purchasing a computer.


Portable Computer:A device invented to force businessmen to work at home, on vacation, and on business trips.


Disk Crash: A typical computer response to any critical deadline.


System Update: A quick method of trashing ALL of your software.



"Layman's Computer Terms"


BIT: A word used to describe computers, as in "Our son's computer cost quite a bit."


BOOT: What your friends give you because you spend too much time bragging about your computer skills.


BUG: What your eyes do after you stare at the tiny green computer screen for more than 15 minutes. Also: what computer magazine companies do to you after they get your name on their mailing list.


CHIPS: The fattening, non-nutritional food computer users eat to avoid having to leave their keyboards for meals.


COPY: What you have to do during school tests because you spend too much time at the computer and not enough time studying.


CURSOR: What you turn into when you can't get your computer to perform, as in "You $#% computer!"


DISK: What goes out in your back after bending over a computer keyboard for seven hours at a clip.


DUMP: The place all your former hobbies wind up soon after you install your computer.


ERROR: What you made the first time you walked into a computer showroom to "just look."


EXPANSION UNIT: The new room you have to build on to your home to house your computer and all its peripherals.


FILE: What your secretary can now do to her nails six and a half hours a day, now that the computer does her day's work in 30 minutes.


FLOPPY: The condition of a constant computer user's stomach due to lack of exercise and a steady diet of junk food (see Chips").


HARDWARE: Tools, such as lawnmowers, rakes and other heavy equipment you haven't laid a finger on since getting your computer.


IBM: The kind of missile your family members and friends would like to drop on your computer so you'll pay attention to them again.


MENU: What you'll never see again after buying a computer because you'll be too poor to eat in a restaurant.


MONITOR: Often thought to be a word associated with computers, this word actually refers to those obnoxious kids who always want to see your hall pass at school.


PROGRAMS: Those things you used to look at on your television before you hooked your computer up to it.


RETURN: What lots of people do with their computers after only a week and a half.


TERMINAL: A place where you can find buses, trains and really good deals on hot computers.


WINDOW: What you heave the computer out of after you accidentally erase a program that took you three days to set up.

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I blew half chewed Pringles across the screen at "CHIPS"! It is uncanny how accurate so many them are.

I too, can relate to many of them. :)

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WINDOW: What you heave the computer out of after you accidentally erase a program that took you three days to set up.

LOL!!! rotfl.gif

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:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: The Window one i felt like doing yesterday after i accidenty deleted a game i downloaded off of Kazaa that took a day and a half.

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These are hilarious, especially from my point of view as a computer tech. Especially considering I have actually heard them from some customers that thought they were accurate.

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