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Skin of Evil

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Series: Star Trek: The Next Generation

Season: 1

Episode #: 22

Production #: 122

Episode Name: Skin of Evil

Original Air Date: 04.25.88


Deanna Troi's shuttle crashes on a planet inhabited by an evil entity called Armus. Being unable to beam Troi and the pilot to the Enterprise, an away team is dispatched to investigate. During one rescue attempt, Armus attacks and kills Tasha Yar.




Patrick Stewart as Jean-Luc Picard

Jonathan Frakes as William Thomas Riker

Brent Spiner as Data

LeVar Burton as Geordi La Forge

Michael Dorn as Worf

Gates McFadden as Beverly Crusher

Marina Sirtis as Deanna Troi

Denise Crosby as Natasha (Tasha) Yar

Wil Wheaton as Wesley Crusher


Guest Cast:


Mart McChesney as Armus


Director: Joseph L. Scanlan

Teleplay By: Joseph Stefano and Hannah Louise Shearer

Story By: Joseph Stefano


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A poor episode.


It did however acheive something urgently needed in TNG, the cutting of Tasha Yar.


Although honestly, they should have taken the opportunity to kill off Deanna Troi too although having both characters killed by Armus (the black oil slick thingy) would have been a waste. They could have been killed in more dramatic and meaningful ways.


I know what you are thinking, "That would have left Dr. Crusher as the only female". Well technically yes, but I would have eventually sent Wesley to Starfleet Academy and replaced him with a permanent female CONN officer.


The scene where Riker was submerged in the black oil was well done.


This episode gets a 0

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Despite a moving funeral service for Tasha at the end, I wasn't sad to see her go. Denise Crosby's penchant for overacting was annoying. Also I was just so darn happy I would not have to listen to Tasha go on about the "rape gangs" of her home planet any longer.

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An average episode that had the pointless death of Tasha, even though it was just made so Denise could leave. Tasha's funeral was fitting and sad. It ended perfectly with Data standing quietly alone. Good ending to an okay episode.


*** 1/2 out of *****

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Hated this episode.

At the time I was in love with tasha yar :laugh: .

I stopped watching TNG for about a year after this episode. I had read somewhere that Denise Crosby had gotten canned because she wanted a bigger role or something and Roddenberry said no. And since I was

smitten by Yar/Crosby I took her side....for a while, anyway.

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Eh, never cared much for Tasha Yar. The death had to have pointless, but if Denise hadn't been leaving, it would have been "Ensign Ricky" or some such disposable character. Although, I'm glad Deanna lived. :P


P.S. A 2


P.P.S. Where'd the poll for this episode go? I'm not seeing it.

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