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The Forsaken

What rating would you give "The Forsaken"?  

2 members have voted

  1. 1. What rating would you give "The Forsaken"?

    • 5. It's great, I loved it!
    • 4. It's good
    • 3. It's average
    • 2. It's not that good
    • 1. I hated it!

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Lame ep. I gave it a 1. The only thing going on in this ep is a well-weathered Lwaxana Troi making a play for Odo. All Lwaxana ends up getting is a big stain on her dress after Odo is forced to revert back to his gelatinous state while they are trapped in a turbolift. It kinds plays like a bad ep of Moonlighting.

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2. This episode was almost as bad as the passenger. Again, I'm not a Lwaxana fan, but she and Odo saved this episode. I had a feeling she was gonna use her dress to help Odo.


And yeah, the puppy bit sucked out loud.

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