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Stephen of Borg

My Review of Star Wars Episode III

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Revenge of the Sith is a 17 level story about love, loss and betrayal. Since this is a game that is based on the movie, the game follows it, and let me just say, the movie Revenge of the Sith will be awesome! Now on to the game.


The game play for this game truly is top notch. The moves in the game connect so well and so natural, it's as if you are literally in the movie. The controls are easy to learn and they teach you the different moves as you progress through the game. The difficulty on this game is challenging, but not impossible.


This game is mainly action/adventure but adds a little RPG into the mix by letting you upgrade the force powers. All of the force powers start off at level one, but as you earn experience, you can spend the experience to upgrade your power all the way to level three. If you do very well, you will up grade your character. You earn experience by killing enemies, the more impressive the finishing move on your enemies are, the more points you get. As I have mentioned, your character will be upgraded if enough enemies are killed. Obi-Wan and Anakin both start off at Jedi, but as you progress, they can eventually become Jedi Knight and finally Jedi Master.


In the game, there are also hidden health and force upgrades that allow your health and force energy bars longer and gives you more health and force capacity which is very helpful. Besides light saber battles, you also mount cannons to fire at certain object to complete certain goals, there is variety.


Multi-player can be done with a friend or a computer partner in the dual. The dual is characters that are unlocked battling each other like a fighting game, and it is treated as such.



The look is equally amazing. You can tell how much detail that was put into the game, very beautiful watch as you play. The characters are very detailed and the background is equally astonishing. As you fight, different things are happening in the back ground i.e. ships exploding and fighting as you fight Count Dooku. A lot of time was put into this and it really does show.


The story is told by actual movie scenes. When the movie scene ends, you begin to play and vice verse, as you play in the game it will cut to movie scenes. Both are very well done and work very well to help make the ultimate movie experience.


The music adds to this game. To the beautiful peaceful music, to the Star Wars theme, to the Darth Vader theme as Anakin begins to change, it really does set the mood.


As always, this game has extras, although be it not many. The only extras that can be unlocked in the Special Features menu are lots and lots of concept arts for the game. In the Special Features, you can also view the movies of the levels you have completed and you can also view the end credits.


The game really shines by having bonus missions that are unlocked as you beat certain levels. These bonus missions add game play to this game after the main game is finished. You play as certain different individuals and completing certain tasks, usually you have to beat a certain amount of enemies or survive. After the 17th mission is completed, an extra 5th bonus mission featuring the mechanical Darth Vader of Episode IV can be unlocked.


Besides lack of real extras, there is only one negative thing that can be said about this game and that it's not long enough. Sadly, this game doesn't go scene for scene in the movie and skips quite a lot of story. It mainly focuses on the action parts of the film, which is understandable; Lucas didn't want the entire movie spoiled before it was in theaters. There is nothing in this game about Anakin and Padme, but they do focus on the friendship between him and Obi-Wan. With that being said, this game is about six to eight hours long, depending on how long it takes you personally to beat the game. If everything in the movie was added, this would have been longer.


Finally, overall, despite the lack of extras, this game is a must have for all Star Wars fans. I haven't had this much fun in a Star Wars game since Knights of the Old Republic. Since it follows the movie, this game does contain A LOT of spoilers, so if you don't want the movie spoiled, don't buy until after you see the film. Luckily, it has a high replay value. So it is worth your money, especially if you want to get an early look at the film, or have something to remember the film by until you have the DVD movie. I recommend this to all!

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