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The "Why is it...?" game

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What you do is ask a question that star with "Why is it". The next person has to try to come up with a witty answer, then post another question.


For example, "Why is it that you always see a bikini on the beach?"


Next person would say, "Because the beach doesn't have anything else to wear." Then the replier would ask a "why is it" question.


I'll start.


Why is it that babies dribble like basketball players and basketball players dribble like babies?

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Because when your in private you don't care if someone you know sees you scratching your butt. You only care if strangers see you doing it. Like they have some big influence over your life. B) and you'll lose your job or get put in jail or something. :laugh:



Why is it the days you CAN sleep late you wake up earlier than the days you can't. :rolleyes::hug:



{Why is it that this thread is making me itch? :o }



B) HEY, LT. VAN ROY, YOU FIXED IT!!! B) { was it something I said?? B) :o B)

Edited by Jeanway

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It's because on the days you can sleep late it's because you have a free day( or morning at least) so your brain goes, "WEE!!! I ain't wastin' a minute of this!" On the days you can't sleep late your brain says, "Wake up? Now? Why? Well I don't want to go to work. You can if you want but I'm going back to sleep. No! Wait. I don't want to go to work! WAAAAA!!! :laugh: " (At least that's what my brain told me. :rolleyes: )


Why is it only seem to get sick on your days off. But by the time you're feeling better it's time to go back to work? :hug:

Edited by fenriz275

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:laugh: Maybe work makes you sick B)



Why is it when you try ALL DAY to remember something and can't, you wake up at 3:00 A.M. and remember it then in the morning you forgot it again?? :hug::rolleyes:

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Well I don't know about anyone else but my brain uses an Etch-A-Sketch for it's short term memory. When I roll over in my sleep, there goes my memory. Same thing also happens when I stand up too fast, sneeze, or bump my head.


Why is it the only show you've been waiting to watch all week always gets pre-empted by something lame like The World Banana Peeling Championship?

Edited by fenriz275

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Because "Monkey Business" is Very important :rolleyes::hug:



Why is it when you tell someone your going to log off, THEN you see a half dozen new threads you want to read???? :laugh:

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Because you SAY you're going to log off, so people run and make a bunch of posts to keep you here!


Why is it that when you want to be nice to a homeless person they're all gone, but when you want to be a tight-wad they're all there asking you for change?

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Because your always a Tight-Wad???? Is this a trick question??? :rolleyes:



Why is it when you want to go to sleep you can't and when you want to stay awake, you can't? :laugh:

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