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I do an image search on Picard...

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And THEN I did an image search for "Borg Drone" and got bajorans, Saddam Hussein, and the Death Star.



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I might have an explanation for that pic of Wendy, Kyle's girlfriend from South Park.... Since you've looked for "Picard", it might have found something about "Captain Picard being married to Wendy Neuss" (that was Pat's ex wife). So it looked for that as well and it turned out to get you to that pic of Kyle's girlfriend :flex::flex: It's the only explanation I can come up with, though. :hug:

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I haven't a clue. Maybe is I looked up "Pokemon," but, aside from the "P", there's no connection!


Stupid search engines!

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The way that search engines choose the keywords that they use to show the site on a search is by checking the sites Meta tags, which are lines of code that are entered by the creator of the site and are not visible to normal viewers as they are intended mostly for search engines. Many website owners will choose words that do not really have anything to do with the site and add them with their relevant keywords in order to increase their chances of gaining new visitors. It is a practice that is very much discouraged and can get you banned from a search engine if you are caught, but with the number of sites on the web very few of these website's get caught unless someone who is competing with them for a given search term that they are using unjustly reports it to the search engine administrators. Also, there are many times in which a picture will show up on a search that seems unrelated because there was text near it that contained the word that you are looking for. A good example of this is if you do a search for images with a keyword of dewards, which is the name of my online business that has nothing to due with trek, you will find a pic of our Save Enterprise logo that we use here on the site. The reason for this is that for a long time this picture appeared in my signature as a direct link to the petition and I also had a link to my business site listed next to it with the same text that I have now about STF members getting a discount so it picked up on the word dewards and associated it with the enterprise pic because the two were seen together multiple time throughout the board in any threads that my sig appeared in.


Ok, so this is an example of why you should never ask a computer tech that owns a website a question. lol.

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