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I know there is alot I don't know about my car. I do my own tune-ups and add fluids and stuff like that. But when it starts making some funny sound, most guys know exactly what's wrong where as I think it's just a squirell under the hood :laugh:

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I don't really know that much about cars. What I do know has been from experience. Like what it sounds like when you're brake pads are totally gone and you're down to the rivets. Eventually I decided I needed to find out what that horrible grinding noise was, especially after it got too loud for the radio to drown out. :laugh: I have a whole checklist of noises that my car is supposed to make. If I hear something new then I have to go investigating. ;) Or turn the radio up. :look:

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Yea, well, you see, it's like this, for me anyway. If the car still rolls, stops and steers, I figure why worry. :eek: But then if you let the transmission fluid get so low that the dip-stick is dry, hmm, I just did that. :laugh: That will prevent the car from rolling, I don't like that. :look: And that horrible grinding when you try to stop isn't good either. I got that going on too now. :( My steering is good though. ;);)

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In high-school and college, I did all of my own repairs. The most difficult was replacing the valve seals on my Mustang without an air compressor. Most of the time, it was just


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My mechanic told me not to worry about the leak under my car.  It's when it STOPS leaking that I need to worry.  :flex:



We must have the same mechanic :flex: mine said the same!


So I noticed ours had stopped leaking and took it into the shop, he said I was right on time; one quart below empty.

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