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~ The Floor is on the Bottom ~~

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Some things are SO obvious. I asked Fen why if all I do is vacuum the carpet, take my shoes off outside the door. Wash my floors, wear CLEAN SOCKS all the time. WHY are my white socks always dirty on the bottom????? :b-day: he said it's because "The Floor is on the Bottom" :b-day: And everything falls Down. :b-day: DUH, I said :b-day:


Got any other little bits of obvious wisdom you can share?? Not just Fen, but anyone??? I know Fen will be right on top of this one. :b-day::b-day:

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I don't know if this is wisdom but it's a theory I've developed by observing people. Most conspiracies are the product of incompetance. For example:


There are a lot of people who believe that the government is covering up the truth about what happened in Roswell NM. This is true, in a sense. The first guy on the scene was kind of um...I guess the only word I can find is stupid. He thought he was looking at an alien spacecraft from outerspace.

The owner of the field just wanted the crap gone so of course there was a lot of Barney Fifeing going on.

"Step away from the wreckage Sir. You are not authorized to view this wreckage." The guy says.

"You mean this crap? Looks like a balloon or something." The field's owner replies.

"I'm not at liberty to say Sir. But lets just say this craft may not be of this earth."

"A spaceship? I don't buy it. I think it's a balloon. Am I right?" The owner asks.

"Sir please step away from the craft." Our hero is a little discouraged now.

"Whatever. I'm calling your C.O. and tell him to get this crap off my land or I'm going to burn it with the rest of the trash." The owner gets in his truck and drives away.


Our hero's buddy showed up next.

"Look. This is amazing. I've found a flying saucer." Our hero explains.

"You are an idiot. This is a freaking balloon."

"No. It's a flying saucer. I just know it." The first guy responds.

"Yea. And last week you thought the reason why the waitress at the diner shot you down was because she's just being hard to get. Do all flying saucers say property of the USAF on them genius?" His friend says.

"This is a flying saucer. Hey look. I found an alien body."

"An alien body? That's made out of plastic? If you weren't such a lousy poker player I don't think I'd hang around with you. Where's the radio. We need to tell the C.O. so somebody can clean this up."

"I thought you brought one."


Of course rather than admit he was mistaken the first guy stuck to his story to the last. The moral of the story? If you make a stupid mistake just admit it, it will be much easier on the rest of us in the long run.

Edited by fenriz275

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