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B&B, Time to go?

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I know that you're highly critical of the current series and the franchise as a whole. But I for one am anxious for the upcoming season and the promise of the next movie..


I have to be critical of the franchise right now, because I believe it is in trouble. ENT has been abysmal IMO. Hopefully, it may improve with Season 4 and I sincerely hope it does. News of a new movie would normally peak my interest but after what I think was a terrible last movie and it's poor performance at the Box Office, I believe it would be foolish to waste millions of dollars on a movie that will be an embarrassment, since I no longer believe that Rick Berman and Brannon Braga are capable of reversing the downward spiral of Star Trek.


It could be that I am the only one who sees trouble in the franchise and I may be the only one who does not believe that ENT is of a sufficient standard. I like Trek to be the best it can be, I only see mediocrity now with the franchise and it breaks my heart to say that, but I believe it is true.


What Trek needs right now is to be looked at very carefully and it's future absolutely secured before anymore movie folly's are planned. The producers should concentrate on ENT and try to improve the show, although I believe it may already be too late. Hopefully, when it's over they can let Trek rest for a while and then come back to it with a fresh approach.





Well King I'm two shakes from jumping on the can B&B bandwagon. Personally I don't mind the strange directions they have taken T'Pol and Vulcan's in general, I've found it all very interesting but I'm just one voice so for the good of the series by making it appealing to the all important MASSES again then perhaps the time for change is approaching but we must be clear that simply changing the leaders is no warranty things will improve. Much consideration to where new leaders will go with the franchise must be given first or it could get worse. <That has been my biggest fear of a change in power; someone with less idea about what's right for it gets power.

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Suppose i agree with some of that but there was a interview i saw one time on the Space Network and the one that played Harry Kim and Kira Nerys also says that Trek has it's up and Down periods this might be one of the down periods where they should be more working on the present series and making it better and be very careful if they plan on making a 11 film in the Film series doubt it might be with the TNG cast might be with DS9 though

since in NEMESIS Janeway was a Admiral not a Captain couldn't have a film without Janeway reduced in rank back to Captain if they were to make a Film with the Voyager cast??

:laugh::bow::bow: :(

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So you think ENT problems are just a low period for it now? I wish. The problems I see are fan dis-enchantment on a scale never before seen. Are they just bored with Trek or are they unhappy with what's being served them?


Fortunately while B&B are off making the next movie ENT will be in the capable hands of Manny Cotto so the matter of few people doing too many jobs is minimal right now. MC being the top dog for this coming season may be just the injection of adrenaline ENT needs to secure for it a season 5. *prays*


Janeway could appear in a film as an Admiral, Kirk did right? She could get tired of flying desk and find some reasons to get out there again I suppose but right now the Trek saga seems caught up in telling more of it's long ignored backstory.

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My big problem is why did they go to the time period that they did? I really never like the pre idea IMHO it made the last two star wars movies not as good as they could have been. So that has left me a little biased. I have come to enjoy enterprise but to me it would be so much better if it was just a sifi show and not star trek. There is just so many things (little and small) that make my viewing of the show not as good as it could be. I am really hoping that with the new writing staff trying to connect enterprise more to TOS than TNG the show gets alot better. They just have alot of problems to fix.

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It's time for Braga to go, and Berman to step back. He's been with the franchise for too long and it's showing.

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The Star Trek franchise needs a period to cool off a bit. The market is saturated. Too many movies and series at the same time by the same group of people. When TNG came out it was at the right time, because the fans where hungry for more Star Trek. It great to have change. But at what cost? Alienating the core fans by changing cannon. The franchise need new blood or it will recover from its loses.

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To be honest I rather like Enterprise, certainly a hell of a lot more than I liked DS9 or Voyager (a series I lost interest it but later caught up with most of the episodes on reruns). So from my view it is with Enterprise that B&B are finally coming good in a series that started without Gene Roddenberry's involvement.


Having said that I will admit that I would like to see T'Pol's emotions fade away quickly and the basis of the show focused on the 'main characters' (Archer, Trip, T'Pol, Reed) and in my opinion best characters of the show, turning it into more of a TOS format. Overall I have enjoyed Enterprise and found the quality of every aspect to be superior to the previous instalments.

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I think it is more UPN than B&B that have caused troubles with Star Trek. DS9 wasn't always my favorite but the quality was exceptional - both scripts and characters were complex. UPN's only concern is appealing to a certain demographic - and that isn't the demographic that Star Trek was originally created for. They don't just want numbers - the want the right viewers. In other words - UPN wants the young, not particularly deep-thinking, sex obsessed demographic that is the darling of the Nielsen's. Look at the other shows on their network. They're not interested in making substantive, thought provoking drama.


ENT would have been better in syndication or even on the Scifi channel. I think Manny Coto sounds great but I'm afraid it is too little too late.


I had issues with ENT at first but when Archer quit whining and they got weapons that worked I was happy. But last season turned me off and I will probably end up watching the season premiere but I'm not expecting to stick with it.

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I just wish that there would be a nice rest for B&B. What I don't understand is why they won't let fans send in scripts. I find them more as lap dogs than fan oriented.

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