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DS9: The Final Chapter

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Over the last week, I saw The Final Chapter and I got to thinking about the pros and cons of those final 10 hours. After having viewing it and with it fresh in mind, I had some observations and a question about it.


First the question. When was the birth of the Dominion? I was watching "The Dogs of War" last night and Weyoun commented that the birth of the dominion was something like 10,000 years ago. After watching The Search last week, that 10,000 number didn't sound right. I could be wrong, but was that just a continuity error?


Second, and this isn't ment to bash the final arc, but does the Final Chapter hold up to multiple viewings? I mean, I was looking foward to seeing it again in it's entiredy when I started the series again, and now that it's here, I wish I was back in season 2. Some of the episodes (Strange Bedfellows, Till Death do us Part) are kind of boring. They are still good, but they are kind of slowish. I think one of the reasons for that is because I've never liked the whole Winn (Who I have noticed has overacted so much like that final scene in I think TDDUP in which she proclaims that no one will stand in her way) Dukat story. That part of the arc just drags down everything and I would have perfered to see more of what was going on on Cardassia or the Klingon Story.


Even though I just said that the early part of the arc was boring, Thank you Klingon Guy for saving the arc and making it more exciting with Tacking Into The Wind. I would probably rank this episode up with In Purgatory's Shadow/By Inferno's Light as series changing episodes. The dialoge, the plot, the characters all make this work and it was great to see Gowron meet his demise. I think I'm in a minority, but this was the episode that turned the Final Chapter into something meaningful. The episodes after it were all pretty good as well. Also, we didn't have to see Winn and Dukat until the final episode. No wonder these three were the strongest IMO.


With that in mind, am I the only one who loved Extreme Measures? I mean I hear that it was the weakest part of the arc, and I guess if you put in the technobabble, (Or lack thereof) comedy, and the fact that it's the only episode to have one plot going for the whole hour, it would be. However, it's always good to see Bashir and O'brian together, the comedy dialoge was a welcome with all the doom and gloom, and I don't think what they did was out of character. I mean people worship Sisko for his actions in For the Uniform and ITPM, and this wasn't as extreme.


Anyway, I could see why the final arc was disappointing. It was good, but it could have and maybe should have been a lot better. It would have been nice to see more of the Pah Wraith Cult, more of an impact on the attack on Earth, (This arc had way too much love/sex talk to it) Jake, and more about Sisko.


I tried this thread in another forum, and it doesn't seem as popular there. At least here I can see who has seen the final Chapter, or who has remembered it.

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I tried this thread in another forum, and it doesn't seem as popular there. At least here I can see who has seen the final Chapter, or who has remembered it.
You should get some replies here eventually. At people pretty much live and let live with regard to what your favorite series is. Each series has folks here for whom that series is tops! VBG prefers DS9.


What you might try to do is break this up into a series of threads related to your different thoughts on the final arc. For instance you might talk about the relationship of Winn and Dukat, or the demise of Gowron. Or was that last arc satisfying?


But putting so many thougths in one thread probably leaves many would be responders saying...

" I'll come back later. Too much to think about."


I don't remember (because I haven't seen) all the episodes of DS9, so I cannot at the moment comment specicifcally on the episodes and questions you mentioned, except to say I did not much care for the relationship between Winn and Dukat either.


But I did love the final episode of DS9. That lively bustling station, where Nog is a starfleet officer is such a contrast to the spent hull being rapidly vacated (where Nog was a thief ) when Sisko first arrived. The restored station was a testament to a restored life.

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I hadn't seen this thread till just now. A lot to comment on lol.


First, you aren't alone in some of your observations. In the final 10 episodes I've always wished they had focused less on Winn and more on the DOminion/Damar/Klingons/Section 31/The Federation. I agree that just when some of those final episodes were getting really, really good they'd switch to Winn/Dukat and kill the momentum.


Overall though, I think the final arc was great. Season 7 as a whole has more of my favorite episodes then any other season, though season 6 has my overall favorite (In The Pale Moonlight).


I loved some of the non-arc episodes of season 7 though, like Take Me Out To The Holosuite or Prodigal Daughter. The season opening arc was really good too. Treachery, Faith, and the Great River was a great Nog/O'Brien episode with some great comedy!


"The Siege of AR-558" was awesome and follow that with "It's Only a Paper Moon" and it makes a great, broken 2 parter. (Broken because "Covenant" comes between them).


"The Emperor's New Cloak" was a good Mirror Universe episode, "Badda-Bing Badda-Bang" was another great Vic episode and "Inter Arma Enim Silent Leges" was a great Section 31 episode.


So overall I think Season 7 was the strongest season they had despite the fact that they used Winn so much. I never liked her character going back to season 1's "In the Hands of the Prophets".


Gowron's demise was great and I also think it was a great thing for the writers to have Worf place the mantle of power on Martok. His character was a great character and I really like the idea of a commoner from the Ketha Lowlands leading the Council. I can well imagine that it really irked some of the "High Born" council members.


An episode that I don't see getting a lot of attention is "Once More Unto the Breach". This was a gem of an episode! Great, great Kor episode.


Ok, I'll stop babbling now lol

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I'd also add that I liked Damar's tranformation from Dominion puppet to resistance leader.

Yeahm his character got really good at the point where he splashes the Kanar onto the mirror, I also loved it when Worf kills Weyoun in his cell and later the new Weyoun comes to visit Damar and Damar chuckles and says "Maybe you should go visit Worf" or something like that LOL I about died laughing!

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Yeahm his character got really good at the point where he splashes the Kanar onto the mirror, I also loved it when Worf kills Weyoun in his cell and later the new Weyoun comes to visit Damar and Damar chuckles and says "Maybe you should go visit Worf" or something like that LOL I about died laughing!


Yeah, I agree with you VBG..I almost died of laughter when Worf killed Weyoun and Damar was so funny with the next one.. :blink:

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What you might try to do is break this up into a series of threads related to your different thoughts on the final arc. For instance you  might talk about the relationship of Winn and Dukat, or the demise of Gowron. Or was that last arc satisfying?


But putting so many thougths in one thread probably leaves many would be responders saying...

" I'll come back later. Too much to think about."


I probably should have done that, but I didn't want to be considered Spamming. Sorry if it was too long.

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Your post was NOT too long. I was only making a suggestion of what you could have done to get repsonses more quickly, since you expressed concern that no one had responded to that first post. People take longer to respond to long posts.


When I suggested you break it up, I did not mean that you would post 10 consecutive installments. I meant that you would pick a key idea or theme and start a conversation on it, and after that conversation was going, start a thread with you next thought.


You noticed that no one has responded to every issue you raised in your long post.


I only meant to give some advice on how to get the conversation going. I did not intend to be critical.

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