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Too many Drugs

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I wasn't going to start this thread until I was relatively sure about this. I've noticed alot of our members are on some kind of mood alternating substance. prozac, xanax, etc. I knew someone once who went to a few different doctors and was prescribed these kinds of drugs. She was a professional tennis player. She was beautiful, healthy, optimistic person. I watched her go downhill, very quickly. She mixed all these different drugs. She went nearly insane. She was so screwed up, I couldn't recognize her. She talked of death and thought going to a funeral was fun. She really got sick from these drugs. She had to go into a hospital where they gave her shock treatments to try to stop the damage done, which only made her worse. It took her years to get her old self back. By totally stopping putting anything foreign in her bloodstream. This stuff really messes with your metabolism. Changes your thinking patterns. Why do people do this to themselves? I think it's all about money. Doctors prescribe these drugs, encouraged to do so by the drug ' detail man'. So the drug companies make billions on this practice. With total disregard for what it's doing to people. I'm sorry, I just don't think God wanted us to do this to ourselves. Our bodies are wonderful machines that should be treated with respect and by not dumping all this poison into. We don't need this stuff. This happened to me too, but I was very young at the time, so I do know about it. One drug may help you, for a short time, but to make it a way of life??? Please consider other options if your unhappy. Maybe the quick fix isin't really fixing anything. It's just creating new problems.

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Drugs should be used in combination with changes within your life.


Prozac and other drugs within its particular grouping work in a way that stimulates the brain to make serotonin. Without it you don't sleep, it is a principle componant in making you drowsy to sleep, this bio-chemical also in turn resets your moods and regualtes them. Without these drugs I would have ended up DEAD.


Doctors shouldn't prescribe more than one drug, but if your friend "shopped" around for drugs from more than one doctor thaen these doctors didn't automatically know that she was on more than one drug at a time.


Your friend was probably classed as an acute case sever depressive after her mixing of the drugs. (there are two anti-depressant groups which aren't reccomended in mixing because they combined cause a psychosis)


The use of Electro convulsive thereapy (ECT) isn't recommended unless the case is highly problematic and is used to induce normal brain function. It is tended to be used in cases of severe cases of deperession and rapid cyclers of Manic depression (Rapic cycler is someone who goes from mania to severe depression at a moments notice. the periods of depression can be prolonged and last months, treatment of lithium is often a last result as it inevitably builds in the patients system and causes more problems).


I symapthise for you and your friend. I, myself and on my second bout of depression. Mine wasn't drugs induced, I take nothing unless I have a skull splitter of a headache for more than 2 days. I am on prozac. One of the oldest of the modern drugs. It isn't a drug you can become physically dependant on, you can however become psychologically dependant on it.


There have been more recent inovations in anti-depressants, but as of yet I haven't seen one I would take in place of prozac, despite its side effects. Such new anit-depressants have been Seroxat. A notoriously dangerous drug (I am in no way advising anyone to stop taking this drug) Seroxat have been linked to patients going from mild depression to exhibiting psychosis and commiting suicide, most notably the case of a 16 yr old boy in Florida given seroxat for acne of all things, flying his two seater light aircraft into a skyscraper around 2001/2002.


As yet smithklein beacham's hasn't with drawn this drug world wide nor will it accept an overwhelming wealth of data collected by bopth the European Medical communities nor have they accepted any of the information produced by the FDA. Whether this particular medication is still approved by the FDA isn't known by myself at present.


All drugs are dangerous and should be taken under medical supervision and under consultation with a doctor. Doctors in the UK aren't under the thumb of pharmaceutical companies, however they are pressured by an over taxed and over stressed system to initiate chemotherapy (The psychological term for medicating a mental ilness such as depression) treatments.


A more worthwhile course of action is intensive councelling for 3 sessions a wekk for three months via a behavioural psychologist, where by a review of lifestyle should be taken in to examination and moves to implement changes which would be benificial to the person involved intiated. The sessions would be scalled back to once weekly and inevitably after a year a once monthly affair. Alongside this a 6 -12 month course of drugs as a reinforcement and restablisher of normal biochemical levels in the brain.


I am not a psychologist (Yet, I am studying for my degree in psychology and for an accreditaion by the British Psychological Society) and none of the above is a recommended treatment, it is however, something that myself as a depressive would find a good treatment. Each case is different and the above would be a rare occasion as therapy is a costly affair and therefore in the politics of psychology and psychiatry (a psychiatrist has a medical degree and has interned as a qualified doctor) is deemed a non worthwhile pursuit due to economics.

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Yes, we are on the same page , in most things, you and I. I just think that alot of this so called 'depression' is just the result of damaging relationships and circumstances out of our control. I know when I feel powerless in a situation, I do get depressed. But once I take steps to gain at least some control, my mood elevates dramtically. So many things in our lives are out of our control.


Abrupt cessation of any drug can cause problems. I've had a brief experience with Prozac. It energized me so much I was like 'The Big Giant Head' who couldn't stop pacing. It wasn't pleasant and clearly wasn't something that was going to help me. I improved without drugs but by a change in circumstances. Then I started making other changes.' When things change, things change'. This, right now, is the best time in my life. I'm in control of every area of my life. I don't like others living my life for me. This is so important and relevant. And I pray alot :) ::wink::

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There are instances where a condition becomes permanent. In rare cases depression can be permanent. There are also conditions which are always lifelong such as Shizophrenia. For conditions like these medication has to be life long to manage the condition.

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Jeanway this is my second time on prozac. As I am natural a dervish according to my mum, I am back to normal.


As I am naturally hyper my drugs have a different effect on me that normally non hyper people. Prozac has calmed me down. This is Normal given my normal behaviour and is well documented in others.


I am making changes. I have managed to find a stron direstion for my life and am researching how to go about it.


I am aiming to be a Child Advocate and coucillor and my end of course essay (Not final year project) will be on the effects of chemotherapy in depressives. As I have experienced this I think this will be a good place to examine and become specialised in.


Each depression I have entered into has been in a way life affirming and a positive experience. I have come to a greater understanding of myself and others, met wonderful people and also made another move to a concrete future instead of being I don't know what I want to do.


For me whilst the effects of depression are awful and in the first instance I was very close to suicide. The after effects and intrespection on my life has been one of the most positive. Every cloud has a silver lining.

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I'm sorry, I'm not talking about a mental condition such as schitzophenia, or bi-polar disorder. I'm talking about depression. An affective disorder. Which means we are reacting to outside stimuli.

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Depression isn't nesacarily started by outside stimuli, sometimes it just occurs the most environmental mental illness within the depressive category is Seasonal affectiveness disorder which is set in place by a sever deprevation of sunlight. I will get into how this happens in a lter post

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I don't want to debate. I'm just expressing my opinion, O.K. :)



"The picking of nits" Dr. Polasky :blink:

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Not debating. Just enlightening a few souls who haven't been around depressives before

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ive read all the replies to this and i have a few things to say.. i know there are cases where drugs are necisarry.. but there are also many cases in which drugs should not be used because they are not needed.. there are many things for say depression that can be used.... unless it is a serious condition (im not accusing anyone of saying that they dont have a reason im just saying that drugs are recomended too often) and as for other drugs ... health food and suppliments can be substituted and they are often cheaper and have less side effects than prescription drugs.. though there are cases that prescription drugs are used..

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I wasn't going to start this thread until I was relatively sure about this.  I've noticed alot of our members are on some kind of mood alternating substance.  prozac, xanax, etc.  I knew someone once who went to a few different doctors and was prescribed these kinds of drugs.  She was a professional tennis player. She was beautiful, healthy, optimistic person.  I watched her go downhill, very quickly.  She mixed all these different drugs. She went nearly insane.  She was so screwed up, I couldn't recognize her. She talked of death and thought going to a funeral was fun.  She really got sick from these drugs.  She had to go into a hospital where they gave her shock treatments to try to stop the damage done, which only made her worse.  It took her years to get her old self back.  By totally stopping putting anything foreign in her bloodstream.  This stuff really messes with your metabolism. Changes your thinking patterns. Why do people do this to themselves?  I think it's all about money. Doctors prescribe these drugs, encouraged to do so by the drug ' detail man'. So the drug companies make billions on this practice. With total disregard for what it's doing to people. I'm sorry, I just don't think God wanted us to do this to ourselves.  Our bodies are wonderful machines that should be treated with respect and by not dumping all this poison into. We don't need this stuff.  This happened to me too, but I was very young at the time, so I do know about it. One drug may help you, for a short time, but to make it a way of life??? Please consider other options if your unhappy. Maybe the quick fix isin't really fixing anything. It's just creating new problems.

I do not believe you should be dispensing medical advice since you are not a doctor. I agree with most of what you said, but not all. Even though I agree, I still do not think a public forum is the place to say such things. I have a friend who has struggled with depression, along with other psychological medical problems... What if they came across this thread, and for whatever reason, decided to stop taking their medication. The consequences would be unpleasent for that person. If you were talking about a paticulat drug, then the topic would be OK with me, if backed up my links to websites, information from your doctor, or other facts. This thread is too general, in my opinion.

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What if they came across this thread, and for whatever reason, decided to stop taking their medication.

Anyone who's on anti-depressants knows that if you just stop taking your medication you get nasty withdrawl syptoms. I forgot to take my medicine once and I swear felt so sick I thought I was going to die.

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Well Jeanway you are expressing an opinion as you said. But you may potentially be insulting a lot of members of this board. Would you tell a diabetic not to take insulin? Would you tell a heart patient not to take their meds?


Your friend isn't a mess because she took an antidepressant. She is a mess because she abused antidepressants. You raise a good point in that people need to be informed and make wise decisions concerning their medical treatment. I have a relative who was severely affected by being prescribe the wrong drug (prozac instead of lithium). IMO, her therapist that prescribed the drug should have been the one that ended up in jail...but life isn't fair. There are incompetent doctors and counselors.


However, clinical depression is not "the blues" - it's much more severe. In fact people that suffer from depression suffer a double affliction. Not only does their body work against them - they have to face the judgmental condescension of the public that keeps telling them that all they have to do is change how they think. So they lump guilt and self reproach on top of their chemically imbalanced brain. Many people would rather admit they have AIDS or an STD than admit they take an antidepressant because of the negative image attached to it.


UA, ssri's don't stimulate the production of serotonin...they slow down it's absorption - making what you have last longer.


Some people benefit from counseling but if you have a chemical deficiency in your brain all the counseling in the world won't help - anymore than counseling could replace synthroid. On the other hand not all depression is chemical in origin so over prescription is a problem. You need to have a competent doctor and some life changes do help in some cases.


This is a subject of great importance to me and I get really mad when I read people just telling depressed people to "just get over it". I get even more angry when they try to drag God over to their side to further dump on these suffering people. I think God expected us to learn everything about science we could and use that to improve our lives.


Another point of interest - studies have shown alcholism often masks depression - people are desperate to stop the pain. These people would have far less side effects if they took an SSRI.

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TUH, I agree not all depression is internal stimuli related. but It would be a good idea for all ppl to see a consellor, making changes in your life helps, it doesn't cure.


At the end of the day, the distinction between whether it is an outside or internal causation has been determined by the psychiatric community to be a dangerous distinction. I tend to believe it is a simple malfunction of a specific gland making a neuro-chemical. You may see it as something else. I have to live with it. I have to find the most plausible explination to me.


It is true that people do suffer judgement. My boss a depresive herself hates the thought, I feel she doesn't understand what she has. She feels that conselling is the only thing that can help her, I hope it is true.


I have always said that combination therapies when it is conselling and drugs is a good idea, in the cases it needs to be done in. Others can have one oor the other.


We may have differing opinions. I welcome that.There is a culture of over medicating, but why? each country, has an over stressed country and so drug regimes are a way around it and in the end a cost cutting affair. for example a drug regeime like the generic version of prozac that I am on cost less than 20 dollars to a person/healthcare provider/health system. A counsellor can charge thousands respectively over the course of a few weeks. Doctors have a budget to maintain as do people. I don't think medicating is the way for all. but it does help a large percentage.

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TUH, I agree not all depression is internal stimuli related. but It would be a good idea for all ppl to see a consellor, making changes in your life helps, it doesn't cure.


At the end of the day, the distinction between whether it is an outside or internal causation has been determined by the psychiatric community to be a dangerous distinction. I tend to believe it is a simple malfunction of a specific gland making a neuro-chemical. You may see it as something else. I have to live with it. I have to find the most plausible explination to me.

To be honest I'm not sure what you're disagreeing with. I think I clearly stated that depression is chemical in nature - which seems to be what you're saying.


As for how ssri's (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors) work - that's more biology than an opinion.


How it works brain/body:

Heterocyclic antidepressants work by blocking the recapture of neurotransmitters once they are released into a synapse. When less of these chemicals are recaptured, the result is that more of them are present in the synapse, which corrects the natural deficiency. Heterocyclics work primarily by inhibiting the recapture of norepinephrine and serotonin.

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I suppose there is the opportunity that I was confused between the generation of anti depressants of a generation before prozac, which had a different purpose.


I guess I read the line that said that not all depression isn't chemical in origin in the wrong way sorry.


Although it's origin my be from the outside it will ultimately given enough time affect the neuro chemical absorbtion. At which point environmental depression wil become a chemical problem.


I do however as someone who has suffered depression twice think it would be an idea for those with it to make at least one change in their life, not in the way they think, but simply to take out overly stressful stimuli or to do something for themselves.


A trend I have found with depressives is the tend to be people pleasers or tend to do alot for others and sometimes neglect to do something for themselves. (This isn't always true, it is something I have noticed). Perhaps it is time that some if not all depressives did something good for themselves.


The outside world does suck when it comes to pre judging depressives and those with a mental disorder. We have done nothing to deserve this affliction (I have in some respects found it benificial to have depression, each time I have found a direction to take my life and made me think about what I wasnt instead of others) A little thought and understanding wouldn't go amiss.


(APOLOGY, sorry TUH if I managed to offend you, I have just taken my meds and the side effect to prozac is sleepyness for me)

Edited by Unadopted Angelic

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80% of all anti-depressants are prescribed by doctors and pediatricians instead of psychiatrists....

That's not good....

The drug companies tell you in the ad to ask your doctor....

Why notsee your doctor and psychiatrist and ask their opinion....

Stupid pharmaceuticals...

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Hey, Hey, hey. I have just as much right to my opinion as all you guys do. I didn't label anyone. This was one, only one, incident that I cited. There have been many more which I didn't talk about. I just don't form opinions unless I've had empirical evidence to back it up. i'm not telling anyone to stop taking their meds. I think I said something like for a short time it can help. But not a way of life, for affective disorder. This girl was having alot of problems in her life and couldn't cope. She looked for help from anti-depressants and got into serious trouble with them. I've had bouts of depression myself. I know what it feels like, it's terrible and I do sympathize with those people on here who are suffering now. o.k. anyone else going to Jump on jeanway? :) And if choose NOT to take those kinds of drugs, that's my choice, for myself. I'd rather not. I don't take any kind of drug. Unless it's for a specific, acute problem.

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UA, you didn't offend me - I just was confused by your answer.


Another aspect of depression besides being the "people pleaser" is the feeling of powerlessness of not having control over a situation. I wonder if that is behind being a pleaser - it is one way to have some control over a situation.

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It is quite a possibility that people pleasing is a way of enacting power over ones life.

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Awww huggles your my knight!!!


You are a good frind to me!!

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Awww, you made me do the awww face, thats rare. Dude you are one in a milliion. Now why hasn't some lucky lady taken you off ,market for good????

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