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[s] The Breach 23.4.03

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So what did you think of this 23.4.03 episode?!


Personally, I thought it was average. Learned more about Dr. Phlox however!


Lets rate this episode from 1 to 10.


I'll give it a 6.


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"MOVE or I'll shoot in you in the *buttocks* with my phase pistol!" -- classic.

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I liked it, but as usual I still haven't seen an episode I didn't like. But...


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It was predictable that the Doctor would "get through" to the other guy (his race escapes me at the moment).



I too would rate it as average.

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I really enjoyed it



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I enjoyed the ethical nature of the show with the Dr. Phlox situation. Yes, it's been done before in ST, but the way did it I was still guessing as to what the outcome would be. I had expected that the patient would choose to die, despite Phlox's best efforts to get through to him, but the fact he did get through to him surprised me... though after the speech I started to change my mind. As I said, it's been done before, but they did it well because it gave background info on Phlox's character and the circumstances were different.


As for the side story, I really enjoyed that as well. There were a couple of really good lines and the cave scenes were somewhat tense and very entertaining. The line: "MOVE or I'll shoot in you in the *buttocks* with my phase pistol" was fantastic. I also really liked Trip's determination in this episode as well (remember, I'm still somewhat new to Enterprise so I'm not completely familiar with everyone's personality.)


It wasn't a great episode but it was very enjoyable and Hoshi had more than two lines.



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I really enjoyed this episode.


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I liked when Archer and Phlox were talking about a doctor's responsibilities to his patients and Phlox said that Hippocrates wasn't a Denobulan.


I also liked the scene at the very beginning with Phlox, Hoshi and the Tribble. ;)

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I think I would give it an 8. The way Trip was telling those scientists to get going was great.


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Wasn't that scene where that Denobulan scientist was shown climbing that cliff something!!


I thought the overall message of the episode was great. Our own history is filled with people who hate people just because of their ethnicity, etc. and I thought the episode handled that issue well.

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I enjoyed - not ground breaking drama but good. I'd give it a 7


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The Phlox part was predictable - not like the ep of TNG where Worf let an alien die rather than give a transfusion. Anyway - Trip had some great lines. I like the part about the last cave he was in had a snack bar. I wonder how they filmed the crawling scenes - one side had to be cut away for the camera but they sure looked like they were in a narrow cave.



Have you ever been in a cave? I've been on guided tours - no spelunking. I got claustophobic just watching this.

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I thought it was a fairly good episode, I would give it about an 8 out of ten.


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Something that hit a cord with me was when Phlox was talking about his grandmother's prejudice. It sort of reminded my grandmother's (and to certain extent mother's) prejudice against Japanese people. My entire family are of korean ethnicty so the oldest generation in our family have this sort of "bad blood" against japanese people during their occupation of Korea. Some of them go to the extent of hating all japanese products such as automobles, cameras and my PS2 (although my mom doesn't like video games in general.) I feel like Phlox on the importance forgetting old wounds and trying to open more I really like my PS2

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I thought it was a fairly good episode, I would give it about an 8 out of ten.


Something that hit a cord with me was when Phlox was talking about his grandmother's prejudice.  It sort of reminded my grandmother's (and to certain extent mother's) prejudice against Japanese people.  My entire family are of korean ethnicty so the oldest generation in our family have this sort of "bad blood" against japanese people during their occupation of Korea.  Some of them go to the extent of hating all japanese products such as automobles, cameras and my PS2 (although my mom doesn't like video games in general.)  I feel like Phlox on the importance forgetting old wounds and trying to open more I really like my PS2

I can really relate to this. My grandparents (both sets) live in the rural Southern US. Like your grandparents' relation to prejudice against Japanese people, obviously my grandparents (not so much as they use too, but still today) have prejudice against black Americans and that is disturbing to me. Phlox is a good example of how to NOT follow a previous set prejudice. It is something that we should all strive for.

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I MISSED IT!! I forgot to set my VCR and I was at work. Now I will have to wait until Sunday night.


As far as the topic of prejudice I have dealt with my families prejudice for most of my life, but I have been able to change my father's view in a large way. My father was always very prejudice against Black Americans. Two years ago a really close friend of mine, who happens to be black, did not have anyplace to go for Thanksgiving so I took him to my father's house to have Thanksgiving. At first my dad was not really happy about it, but he agreed to give him the benefit of the doubt. After the two days that we spent down there my dad ended the visit by telling my friend that he would always have a place to go if he needed it. The best part was that my friend said the grace, as it is tradition for the guest to do so in my family, and he thanked the Lord for giving him a friend with such a kind and accepting family that would open there doors to a stranger so that he did not have to spend another holiday alone. And on the second day we all woke up to the sound of my friend shoveling the sidewalk to my brothers car, as it had snowed the night before, and when my dad told him that he did not have to do that, he replied by saying that it was the least he could do since we had been gracious enough to accept him into the house and been very kind to him.


The speach at dinner was the first time I ever saw tears in my father's eyes. Since then this friend has spent every holiday with my family, even some when I could not be there.


Okay, sorry for the book, I got carried away. It is just a very fond memory for me.

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It keep's getting better and better.


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Before the show, I was thinking The Breach was gonna be about Phlox refusing to follow orders to treat an enemy, big deal, dullsville. ;)


I thought it might be good for maybe a 5 then, seeing the Tribble up’td the score to 6. :D Then there was a time when the show seemed to be falling apart before my eye's and I might've groaned inwardly with disappointment :oops: and my rating of it began to plumment but then the pieces began falling into place, ;) The brilliance of this masterfully crafted rehash began to shine through, I realized the title "The Breach" was not about Phlox disobeying an order from the Captain to disobey his Denobulan Ethic, it was about Phlox's decision TO OBEY IT! ;)

I began to sing praises to ENT again and by the time it was over, I rated it a Strong 8. :D


This morning I am greeted by this wonderful thread filled with the most heartfelt responses for an ENT episode I have ever read.



My finale analysis for The Breach: 10!sun_smiley.gif


What an experience! Long Live ENTERPRISE!

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well, the episode was pretty good.. but a bit slow i think.. and the moral message became a bit too loud, still i rate it a 6 out of 10.. Haven't seen a bad episode of Enterprise yet ;)

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It keep's getting better and better.


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Before the show, I was thinking The Breach was gonna be about Phlox refusing to follow orders to treat an enemy, big deal, dullsville. :D


I thought it might be good for maybe a 5 then, seeing the Tribble up’td the score to 6. :D  Then there was a time when the show seemed to be falling apart before my eye's and I might've groaned inwardly with disappointment  :oops: and my rating of it began to plumment but then the pieces began falling into place, ;)  The brilliance of this masterfully crafted rehash began to shine through, I realized the title "The Breach" was not about Phlox disobeying an order from the Captain to disobey his Denobulan Ethic, it was about Phlox's decision TO OBEY IT! ;)

I began to sing praises to ENT again and by the time it was over, I rated it a Strong 8. ;)


This morning I am greeted by this wonderful thread filled with the most heartfelt responses for an ENT episode I have ever read.




My finale analysis for The Breach: 10!sun_smiley.gif


What an experience! Long Live ENTERPRISE!

I was confused by one thing.


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I thought current medical practice (at least in the US) was that you couldn't force treatment on a patient (unless you have a court order - I guess the Captain's order would be the same thing?). Phlox seemed to indicate this was Denoblian ethics but not the human standard. Any medical professionals out there?

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I'm not a doctor and I don't play one on tv ;) but:


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I can think of many instances where patients have refused treatment for various reasons (example Jehovah Witnesses refusing blood transfusions) but I think Archer's concern was that at first Phlox was going to do nothing to try and convince the patient to take treatment. The patient said no and Phlox basically said ok and was ready to walk away.

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Im gonna go with a 9/10. Definitly a great episode.



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Honestly I think that this episode will be a conerstone for a few reasons. 1) I think that this will secure Phlox a permenant seat on the series (amist some discussion of possible crew members leaving as in past series). 2) I think that Archer rubbed off on to Phlox and Phlox understood his point of view and accepted it as being right. Hence showing the beginning of the profound impact that Humans will have on the universe.


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This ep just aired in UK tonight. I really enjoyed it, trip was great as usual. The phlox issue really makes you sit up and take a look at yourself.8/10

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