Beam me up

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Posts posted by Beam me up

  1. I think what probably happened with the Romans especially, is that there was a dramatic loss of infrastructure during the decline of the Roman Empire. As the amount of infrastructure decreased, the amount of work that they could expend on exploring new ideas decreased as well.


    I believe that the reason there was such a great economic boost for many countries after World War 2 is because the U.S. and Russia still had so much infrastructure left to incorporate and adapt technologies that had been developed during wartime.

  2. Fascinating, and seemingloy accurate. I have the Rihannsu books on my shelf, waiting to be read, but one can see in the people as a whole a desire for their Empire to trimph. It is amazing how disunited the Romulans can seem on their own planet, but when it comes to facing others, they immediately are a whole, united against enemies who might seek to harm their Empire.

    Indeed. That is probably partially what makes the Empire so great. There are many voices until a conflict. Then the Empire is united.