Beam me up

Ships Crew
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Posts posted by Beam me up

  1. I do not find it hard to believe. Maybe, I am just a sheep. :unsure:


    Anyhow, I think Geordi had read about Cochrane's ship in a very early chapter of a textbook, thus implying that it was a very simple design. Simple designs tend to be easier to produce. If Cochrane had built a complete starship, that would not be nearly as feasible. However, all that he built was a simple test bed for the warp technology. He wanted to get rich, and Lily shouted about ECON. Therefore, it is reasonable to assume that Cochrane wanted to sell the warp ship to them for a large sum of money. I believe that all Cochrane wanted to do was to prove warp travel was feasible and so, he would build the simplest design that he could get away with.


    Also, if it was the most simple design possible, then parts to build one would probably be relatively easy to acquire or to simply make. He is not trying to mass produce a fleet of warp ships, thus there is no need to build infrastructure to support large scale production.


    They probably could have scrounged most of the parts even at a time when there really was no American government to speak of.


    The fact that it took ten months to scroung that titanium is probably because Cochrane wanted to keep is surefire plan to get rich quick hidden. Remember how surprised the people looked when he launched the missile?

  2. 1. General Chang

    Just gotta love that guy. The Shakespeare spouting fight at the end of 6 is great!


    2. the Romulan Commander in Balance of Terror


    3. "god" in ST:5


    4. Spock in Amok Time


    5. Apollo