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Posts posted by Stewey

  1. Sorry to trouble you lot with a question that you are probably sick to death with being asked, so I'm just gonna go for it!  B)


    I was wondering how to post a poll topic?


    Do I need to post a specific number of posts, or do I need tocontact a moderator to post a poll for me?


    TIA! ;)

    Should be easy to do Stewy..Can't do it in this section though..(The Guardian of Forever-FAQ)..Go to a forum like Star Trek-DS9..In the upper right hand corner there will be 2 buttons..New Topic and New Poll..Select your preference..

    Thanks very much :)


    I really ought to learn to read properley :)

  2. Sorry to trouble you lot with a question that you are probably sick to death with being asked, so I'm just gonna go for it! :assimilated:


    I was wondering how to post a poll topic?


    Do I need to post a specific number of posts, or do I need tocontact a moderator to post a poll for me?


    TIA! :laugh:

  3. And all of this because of some technobabble excuse, it might have been realistic if instead of showing her butt off and acting like a spoilt brat, they showed the inner personal struggle that her predicament presents instead of "the experimentation with humanity"


    What techbobabble excuse? She doesn't show her butt off, the camera crew does. When has she acted like a spoiled brat? They have showed an inner personal struggle in several episodes. What's wrong with experrimenting with emotions, hmm? I'm still thinking this will lead to some kind of horrific break down, turning her into a violent grunt, showing us just exactly why Vulcans repress their emotions.


    The technobabble excuse I was referring to is the Trellium D substance which affects the ability for Vulcans to contol their emotions. Experimenting with emotions is not logical for a Vulcan, especially a full Vulcan.


    That's not a technobable excuse. She lost control for that one episode. If you would watch the show more carefully, you'd learn that Doctor Phlox was able to repair the damage to T'Pol. Experrimenting with emotions may not be logical for a Vulcan, but ya know what? Not all Vulcans are the same.


    Well, the lack of a technobabble excuse is even worse, it's B&B cloning seven and Data on a whim and using that exploration of humanity as an excuse to show skin dring the sweeps, for ratings purposes.


    ]All of this confirms that not only can't B&B actually understand what a Vulcan actually is, let alone even write one properley but also that they seem quite content with cloning seven of nine for the sake of the ratings.


    B&B do understand what a Vulcan is, you just put Vulcans on a pedastol too high for B&B to ever reach. They're written T'Pol just fine as far as I'm concerned. T'Pol has nothing in common with Seven beyond wardrobe. :laugh:


    I don't think I'm putting them on a pedestal, I just think that B&B wanted to emulate the success of Spock's character by having another Vulcan on the show, in an effort to recreate the McCoy/Spock/Kirk relationship in an attempt to create a formula in which to attract casual viewers to the show.


    I agree, but it won't work if T'Pol is a Spock-clone. :assimilated:


    Exactly, I believe that there should not be a Vulcan regular character in the first place.


    As far as similarities to Seven is concerned, I see a lot more than just the clothing similarities; the recurring theme of exploring humanity was first done with Data (rather successfully), then done with Seven (successful to a point, in an attempt to recapture the same magic acheived with Data) and now with T'pol.

    Data wanted to explore humanity.

    Seven was attempting to recover her lost humanity.

    T'Pol is experrimenting with emotions.


    Where's the similarity? I have yet to see a single episode where T'Pol explores humanity.


    She mentioned the experimentation with emotions, in doing so she has expressed an interest in understanding humanity through emotions. A recurring theme as I said.

  4. The problem with T'pol is that she's really a man, (or else how can she go through Ponn Farr?) impulsive, prone to jealousy, and even lies.

    Women can't go through Ponn Farr? What's wrong with impulsive and feeling a little jealousy for one of her closest friends? As for lies, Spock lied many times.


    Spock can be given the benefit of the doubt as he's half-human.


    And all of this because of some technobabble excuse, it might have been realistic if instead of showing her butt off and acting like a spoilt brat, they showed the inner personal struggle that her predicament presents instead of "the experimentation with humanity"


    What techbobabble excuse? She doesn't show her butt off, the camera crew does. When has she acted like a spoiled brat? They have showed an inner personal struggle in several episodes. What's wrong with experrimenting with emotions, hmm? I'm still thinking this will lead to some kind of horrific break down, turning her into a violent grunt, showing us just exactly why Vulcans repress their emotions.


    The technobabble excuse I was referring to is the Trellium D substance which affects the ability for Vulcans to contol their emotions. Experimenting with emotions is not logical for a Vulcan, especially a full Vulcan.


    All of this confirms that not only can't B&B actually understand what a Vulcan actually is, let alone even write one properley but also that they seem quite content with cloning seven of nine for the sake of the ratings.


    B&B do understand what a Vulcan is, you just put Vulcans on a pedastol too high for B&B to ever reach. They're written T'Pol just fine as far as I'm concerned. T'Pol has nothing in common with Seven beyond wardrobe. :laugh:


    I don't think I'm putting them on a pedestal, I just think that B&B wanted to emulate the success of Spock's character by having another Vulcan on the show, in an effort to recreate the McCoy/Spock/Kirk relationship in an attempt to create a formula in which to attract casual viewers to the show.


    As far as similarities to Seven is concerned, I see a lot more than just the clothing similarities; the recurring theme of exploring humanity was first done with Data (rather successfully), then done with Seven (successful to a point, in an attempt to recapture the same magic acheived with Data) and now with T'pol.

  5. Well, I've had a look at the technical manual (I found a good excuse to read it again :lol: ) and I found an extract about it's flight operations:


    Taken from technical manual:


    Defiant Flight operations


    All standard flight operational rules are in effect for Defiant, as a single, nonseperable interstellar vessel. The current mission types include tactical and defence, emergeancy and rescue, and secondary scientific investigations. The operating modes include cruise, yellow alert, red alert, external support, and reduced power.



    From this, I would probably guess that the ship can't land given there is no mention of a blue alert. Also given that the ship is experimental maybe they didn't see it fit to include the ability given they needed to rush the thing out in preparation for the BORG.

  6. It's such a heartening thing to see that so many people here are so tolerant and friendly despite having differences of opinion. :lol:

    That has always been one of the biggest advantages of this board. Everyones opinion is welcomed whether others disagree or not, as long as the opinion is expressed in a civilized manner that does not violate the boards rules.

    I'll drink to that ;)

  7. Thanks for the addresses, I have all the information I need to encourage UPN to make the correct decision and cancel Enterprise for the sake of Trek. :assimilated:

    Why waste your time? Its not going to be cancelled. Its the best thing on UPN and they are not giving that up. I don't know what your problem is but Enterprise is every bit as good as TOS,TNG,DS9 and Voyager. You are probably one of those bashers that did not like the idea of going back in time in the first place and therefore refuse to accept it no matter how good it is and get your cheap thrills out of bashing the show.

    At the end of its 7th season you can expect an audio e-mail from me, it'll just be the sound of me laughing at you.

    If its a waste of time, then you shouldn't be worrying about it. :assimilated:

  8. Because that's the way Stewey is.  That is something he would do and that is exactly the kind of negative, nasty comment he has made non stop without fail on the Trek BBS for the past THREE YEARS.  He has never let up, and he never will.  He has never graded an ENT episode above a D+--and I do mean never--and he will continue to come here without fail to make negative comments.   He loathes ENT yet he follows it with a passion and makes comments that bring everyone else down.  He will not change.  I'm extremely upset that he's here.    He gets off on this.   He sought out another Trek board so that he could make more negative comments that he knows upsets people.


    Take your greivences about my alledged bahavoiur on another BBS to that BBS' complaints procedure instead of this BBS' complaints procedure. Also, try to quit with the personal remarks and stay on topic, thanks :assimilated:

  9. Thanks for the addresses, I have all the information I need to encourage UPN to make the correct decision and cancel Enterprise for the sake of Trek. :assimilated:

    Why would you do such a thing? If you don't like it, don't watch it ! Why ruin it for everyone else ?!

    Why should I allow Enterprise to ruin trek for everybody else?

  10. I think most people now know that the third season has been cut from 26 episodes to 24.  Normally, a Star Trek full season consists of 26 episodes where most other shows have 22.  Now, even though they've cut from 26 to 24, that's still more than most shows like Stargate SG-1 for example.


    How do you feel about this?

    I think this was a move designed to take a little pressure off B&B. Its been proven by the ineffectivness of this "arc" that they can't make an idea last long. It's like watching a kid make an essay out of a small paragraph seeing this arc unfold. So two less episodes is a good move.

  11. This season is not about going where no man has gone before. I can't stand it! I mean starfleet was based on the principle of exploration not battle. But why the change??????? Why differ from the common thread of Trek?

    I think they probably read the acclaim that DS9 received over it's tendancy for arc related stories and decided it might be a way to hook them into the show. It failed miserably as evidenced by their lack of skill for writing a plot arc without even bothering with the character arcs. Another contributing factor in the ineffectivness of this arc is that putting Earth in danger is undramaticgiven that every Trek fan knows that Earth will be aroud for Kirk, Spock and Picard.

  12. I dislike T'pol because she represents the screwed-up impression that B&B continue to push every week on the show. Part of what made Spock so special was his struggle between Logic and emotion being half-human, and the more stoic he was, his popularity soared I think. The problem with T'pol is that she's really a man, (or else how can she go through Ponn Farr?) impulsive, prone to jealousy, and even lies. And all of this because of some technobabble excuse, it might have been realistic if instead of showing her butt off and acting like a spoilt brat, they showed the inner personal struggle that her predicament presents instead of "the experimentation with humanity"


    All of this confirms that not only can't B&B actually understand what a Vulcan actually is, let alone even write one properley but also that they seem quite content with cloning seven of nine for the sake of the ratings.

  13. Who thinks Archer is gullible? I mean he actually believed the alien was there involuntarily!!! He also didn't think about why someone would put a pod near gravimetric distortions!!! I mean you could figure that out without having to ask him or bring him on the ship.....

    Actually, I have a hard time figuring out who Archer actually is. One week he's a bad-*rear end*, the following week he's a gullible idiot and the following week he's a whiny little girl. Until we have writers that can agree on who the guy actually is, then maybe I could better aswer the question.


    As for the question, he was no doubt gullible, he should have at least posted a MACO either inside sickbay (there is plenty of room, considering there are no nurses :assimilated: ) or outside the room.


    Notice to mods: I was unaware that you guys edit posts, and I know swearing is a bit of a bad habit, but I would appreciate it if you could post a mesage under my post stating that it has been edited by the mods. Thanks :assimilated: