Ships Crew
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Posts posted by ILIKESEVEN

  1. Is it hammer? Don't know why, just a feeling. B)


    If I'm right here's 4 for ( :) ) the next person








    Oscar (he is in sesamystreet) the rest is on "the muppetshow"






  2. The 'Crazy Dutchman' stoud over Morgana as she slept in here bed abboard ship. Standing bezide him, barelly vissible, the ghost of Morgana's deadt sister. Here arms foldedt across her chest. She touched the dutchman on his shoudler and they bothe dissappeared.

    The sea began to rise and fall slowely. Increasing with each pitsch of the ship. Until it stood nearlie on it's side in the everincreasing swells. Morgana woke up. The crew was running franticaly arounde on deck. Some falling overbouard. Until no one of the crew was left. Over the schip, high in the night sky, a hot aire ballon appeared. It's outline could be seen against the full moon. Shee looked up at it. "Noooo!!" were the last words she spoke as the basket tipped over dumping a thoussand sticks of lite dynamite on to the deck and here. BOOM! FLASCHES OF EXPLOSIONS lite the night. Here ship now skattered to the four winds. Morgana flondered in the Sea. Injuredt and drowning When suddenly a hunge mound of a creature was there in frond of her in the water. It opened it's gawping mouth and closed down on here, cutting here stuggeling body in half. Then snappedt at the other half and bit down and swallowed it.

    The "Curse" that was set upon here by the Evil Witch "Formaldehiyde" also coveredet her after her deathe. Shee had no more powers to return to this Earth again. If shee does, it will "ONLY" be as a "Gust of Wind". Only in HERE mind will she walk the Earth again. She is finishedet.




  3. I would think a nice Dutch name like:


    PIETER: if it is a boy


    GRIETJE : if it is a girl


    But what is in a name, the important thing is that it will be born healthy, and it will have a cool mommy and dady who love it very much.


    Enjoy you time pregnancy, and let your man make you feel good ( i did the same for my wife)


    It takes two to have a baby



  4. I am glad i don,t have to vote for Kerry or Bush, but (takes a deep breath) we have to put up with him for at least 3 years, yes this is our president, he is called Jan Peter Balkenende, i hate this *ssh*le, he just looks like ahum you know who :)


  5. The Crazy Dutchman sits across the table from the dreaded "Witch Formalehyde" :)

    Below deck of the Batavia While still sitting at the pier.He hass summonned here To conjure up the "Curse" Here cackeling laugh scarese every sailor who can heare it Even the "Crazy Dutchman" feels here power. As she rubs and caresses the "Crystal Ball" in front of here She begins to speak "Ahaaaaaaaaaaaa! She fansies herself a "Lady" I see. Vanity will killl here in the end. Haaahaaaaaaa!" She creaks out. "She has enemies who shee thinks are here friends and friends who she thinks are here enemies. THIS shall be here undoing. Enough! I must go now." She stood up. "Butt the curse is set and all is not well with the "Lady Morgana. Not by a long shot."

    She leaves the ship.

  6. *ILS had a Family meeting.*

    “Honey, kids,everybody is gone, we are the only ones left her in Holland.

    I went on the STF.N site and found out that the entire world is kidnapped exept for all STF.N members and they all went to a place in America called EDEN.

    They want us to join them, so do you all wanna go to America?”


    The whole family looked at ILS with big eyes.


    “But..but how do you wanne get there my dear “Ils wife askes.


    “WE GO BY BOAT!”,


    ILS saw how the kids were dancing around the house and yelling”We are going to America!!”

    His wife shaked her head and said”but do you know how to sail, and what are we going to do with our sheep??”

    “We will take them with us, we will tow another ship with the sheep”(ILS hobby is to keep sheep in his backgarden)

    The Family traveled to the nearest Dutch-Port and found a abandoned Yacht, a big Two-masted 60 meter long Yacht.

    Ils looked for another boat on where his could put his sheep.

    Then he broke into a maritime-shop were he found the manual “Learn sailing step by step” by A.M. De Ruyter, he readed the first chapters. In the meanwhile his wife and kids bought food and supplies for the long journey across the big sea between Europe and America.

    In a Computerstore he took a Laptop with a Wireless Internet Connection, so he could log into the site when ever he want and to keep the rest updated on his adventures journey to ~EDEN~


    ILS checked every thing, the sheep were on the tow-boat, the family was on the Yacht the wind was coming for a good direction, he put on his Captains hat, layed in a course, raised the Anker and sailed to the open sea.

    He looked from the bridge over the water at the West and yelled as hard he could,

    “WE ARE coming TO America!!”


    (To be contignued)

  7. * Meanwhile in a small village in Holland *


    ILS wakes up it was a beautifull morning, it was saturday morning, everytime on saturday he is the first person out off bed and goes to the bakery to get some fresh baking bread.


    He looks beside him and sees mrs. ILS still sleeping, he walks on his toes to the childrensroom and sees the kids also a sleep.


    ILS puts on his clothes and walks outside, "Hmm, very quit for a saterday-morning" he thinks, "no one on the streets", he walks to the bakery and sees that it is still closed"hmmm, that funny" :laugh: he walks to the supermarket and sees that it is closed to :(


    "there must be somthing going on, i feel like i am in the Twilight Zone :(


    ILS walks for two hours through RUINEN and noticed that everybody is gone, he and his family are all alone :(