Ships Crew
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Posts posted by ILIKESEVEN

  1. “Well my good friends” ILS Said, “ Me and my family are very happy to be here and that you all took us in this house, we will do our best to help where ever we can, my wife is very good in the kitchen as you all couldt taste” He looks at his wife and give her a little kiss on her cheak.

    “My children will help on the farm as best as they can do, Melanie knows her way around the sheep, and as for Sebastian goes he will be helping his sister.”

    “But no it is time for some presents from Holland “

    ILS stood up and walked upstairs to the bedroom and picked up a big box and cariet downstairs.

    “Okey everybody inhere are some presents, the first one is for you Lida“

    Lida blushed and said “ooh you shoulnd“ she opened her present and took out a few boxes of Hagelslag, “ooh that is so nice“ she said and walked to ILS and gave him a big Hug.

    “This one is for you Aaron“ He gave him a big round present “Haha this must be a soccerball aye ILS?” But when he opened his present he saw(and smelled) that it was a big cheese from Gouda

    “ For the rest off all you people i didn,t realy know what i should bring, so i brougt a lot off dutch wooden shoes in all sort of sizes”

    After a few minutes everybody found his size and started to walk on them,


    After Diner everybody helped to clean the Kitchen and the dishes and when it was done Chrissy and Lida took the children to their bed and ILS, Aaron and Abe went out because ILS wanted to have a smoke, “you all smoke?” ILS askes the two men “well, actually i am trying to stop” aaron replies” but i smoke one with you”

    ILS took out his tobaco bag and offered it to Aaron he looked at ILS and said “i hope that it is not your famous grass?”

    “O no it is not, “ILS said. “ It is rolling tobaco, not weed” Aaron tries to roll his own and after 15 minutes he had his self rolled cigaret “ hmmm you funny dutch, rolling you own cigarets” ILS took his lighter and gave it to aaron, he lighted his cigaret, and took a deep inhale, when suddenly he turns red and white, blue and purple in the same time, and for 4 minutes he coughed and tried to get some air, he ran around the corner and with a rumbling sound his entire dinner came out again, ILS walked to him and started to laughed a little and said” O my i am sorry aaron i should have told you that it was Heavy~Tobacco, i am sorry my friend”

    “ ooh well it is okey, maybe it is better that way, smoking is bad anyway”

    “ Ill make it up to you with this” ILS took out a little bottle off Beerenburg,” Here take a little sip of this, but becarfull it has a little alcohol in it” Aaron took the bottle and smelled it first and than took a little sip off it” Well ILS this taste good, i hope you have more?”

  2. Finaly, after that long journey ILS and his family sailed towards the Port of Michiana.

    The wind was comming straid from behind and the yacht had a speed of 15 knots, things were going fast.


    ILS stood on the bridge holding the wheel "only a few miles now"he thought.

    His wife was bringing him his diner and looked at him and said" thank g*d, we are almost there"


    ILS put on the auto-navigation and sat down to eat his diner, while eating his mind wandered of thinking about the last few weeks, when they left holland and crossed the English Channel, he never will forget how he saw that little boat in that terrible storm, it sank before they could reach it and that moment the mast broke, it was around greenland for 3 days in hard rain he had to repair it, and the time that there was no wind and they had to wait for it, becouse the fuel was needed to heat and to cook.


    Suddenly his trance was over when he heard the sound off a small airplane, he ran outside the cabin and looked up, it was Lida,s plane, they must have arrived at the meetingpoint now, only a few hours and we will meet.

    He started to wave to the plane and so did the rest of the family, the plan shook his wings to confirm they saw them.


    Even the sheep noticed that there was going to be a change in theyr live, they made loud noises, Sebastian and Melanie already started to unpack the ropes and lay them ready.ILS lowered the sail and switshed on the diesel engines


    The rest of the family stood on deck and tried too look if they could see someone using treir lookingglasses. after two hourse they entered the Port of Michiana and saw a group off people standing and waving to them

    ILS steered his ship to the wall and the kids through the ropes to the side

    Aaron grapped a robe and pulled hard Abe also grabbed a rope and together they pulled the ship against the side.


    Lida was standing on the side and looked for ILS, she saw him walking on the deck with a plank in his arms that he laid down and he walked across the plank.

    He walked to her and he said;



  3. I bet they could come up with some good designs for a ST bike though.



    As I read this I got this image of handlebars (is that what they call them on motorcycles?) that look like Andorian antennae.


    Good idea Takara, and the gastank in the shape of a soucersection i think voyagers soucersection would look perfect

  4. I am sorry WF if i am a little Offtopic on this one but when i saw your topictitle i had to think inmidiatly at my fav. Rock band TOTO

    they made a CD with the same name



    I've never heard of them. What kind of music do they do?



    Look at this site, and all your questions will be awnserd

    (i will not go off-topic on this topic anymore :lol: )