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Posts posted by v_seven

  1. Like you say..its a difficult decision....one that comes to mind is"Lower Decks" mainly because the idea was brilliant and I really enjoyed seeing things from a different point of view....and not so happy an ending helped make it stand out in my mind. :)


    I never thought of Riker as a scary guy before..it was refreshing.

  2. I noticed a few minor errors, maybe I watch too much!


    1) I think it's called Time Squared...it's in the 2nd yr and its the one with the duplicate Picard....In sick bay Picard tells Troi to stay with the duplicate and he leaves and she has a discussion with the dr. and walks out.


    2) Suba Rosa...again Troi leaves the funeral with Crusher and then you see in the back ground while Picard is taking to the planet leader.


    3) Insurrection...Everyone noticed this one...Troi again "I never kissed you with a beard before"...not totally true...Thomas Riker had a beard and she kisses him.


    Don't get me wrong I like Troi...I actually think her telepathy should have been exploited in a few more episodes, but that's another topic.... :)

  3. I love VOY too...My favorite episode is One Small Step...I'm in Canada and for once being behind the times is a plus because its on here 3x a day during the week and on 3 different stations (mainly on SPACE)...the great part is that they are all in different years so not a lot of repetition....Tom and Chakotay are my fav characters.

    I think one of the reasons for lack interest in VOY is that it seems unlikely they will ever make a motion picture...I read the books written after they got home...I didn't really like them that much...I wish they had done more...Just like the final episode I don't have any closure. :)