
Ships Crew
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Posts posted by Jeanway

  1. Nothing remarkable happened for the following week. Except that the little female alien kept right on having babies. Averaging 15 to 20 in any 24 hour period. So by the end of the week there were so many that no one could count them. But there were at least 150 babies now. They had taken over the entire lower floor of the barn. The men resigned themselves to the fact that they had to either build more cages or build a pen or stall to house them all. Whenever they suggested letting them just run off into the woods they met with so much resistance from all the women and girls in the house they just decided to "Build a pen" :P and keep their big yaps shut about it. :P :P That's what they were told, on many occasions. :laugh:


    Lida kept her eye on the elves. With so many babies now they could do alot of damage in a short period of time if they saw the opportunity. It was obvious the elves had malicious mayhem on their minds. But everyone now knew this and were constantly on guard. Kaitlyn and Able still resided in the barn most of the time. The elves were locked in the smoke-house each night before sundown and the loft usually had a few people up there during the day or evenings on the computers talking with other STF.Net members on the site. They gave everyone the updates on the aliens and how many new babies there were each day. AND the fact that the Mama Alien was being taught how to speak and understand English. She was eager to learn, not like the male, the daddy, who just watched and never spoke. It seems the males of this species were very passive.


    Many theories about what happened were floating around the site. And many new threads were started with specualtions on what did happen to everyone who disappeared and why only the STF.Net members were left on Earth. There were a few very serious members who were trying to investigate and one member had something he wasn't quite ready to divulge to the rest of the members. He said "I'm workin on it, I'll get back to you when I 've figured this out." That member was headborg. :P

  2. Something occured to Lida that night just as she was falling asleep. The candle flickered on her dresser and the woman in the mirror's face shown in her mirror and her eyes began to glow green just as did the aliens and yesterday as the elves stood in the barn next to the cage. Funny she hadn't noticed this before. Was the woman in the mirror trying to tell Lida something? Lida got up off her bed and walked to the mirror. The man suddenly appeared next to her. His eyes began to glow green as well. :P "You know something, don't you?" She asked them. They smiled and nodded "yes" :yes: :yes: But what???? :P

  3. It's 9*, can I use the * as a degree sign? What do you think? Since it's the closest thing on the keyboard to a degree sign. OK, from now on this-->> "*" means degrees :laugh:


    The sky is a glowing gray/gold and the B.P. is at "Whoa"! 28.9. Lowest I can


    remember since I began this thread. Yep, I think we're going to get snow today. I


    can smell it. :P Just 11 more shopping days til Christmas, how's you credit card


    balance looking these days??? :P :P :P

  4. The smell of gingerbread baking filled the house. The men started milling around outside the back door. It was getting close to lunchtime now an Becka was so involved with her spinning and chattering with Chrissy and Kate she lost all track of the time. "OH My Heavens. We have to get lunch started. " Becka said as she put down the yarn and headed for the kitchen. She looked around for a minute trying to decide what to make. "Grilled cheese sandwiches sound good for everybody?" She asked. Everyone said that was fine. Becka sent Abbie and Beth to the cellar for the cheese and she started slicing the loaves of bread. "Get out the griddle will you Chrissy? It's in the pantry." Becka asked. She could make 12 sandwiches at a time on it so it was fast. Becka yelled out the backdoor to Bill and Lenny who were standing around out there to go get a couple cans of milk from the barn. With 23 people in the house she'd need to make about 50 sandwiches. Kate and Becka and Chrissy worked like an assembly line. :P Kate frequently made comments on her lack of cooking skills. Things like "I couldn't even make one of these with a replicator." Everyone laughed. :P

  5. Addie fed Lida the raw wool through her tiny fingers and Lida twisted it in the way Becka instructed everyone. Slowly the wheel turned and it wound around the huge wheel. "This is sort of fun, isn't it Addie?" Lida asked. "Yea, but I'm hungry. I wish I had some cake. Don't you Lida? We got any cake in the kitchen Lida? I want some cake." Addie kept going on and on about wanting cake. "Cake sounds to be a good idea, what kind Addie?" Becka asked. "How about gingerbread? I love gingerbread. I haven't had any since the last time My Mum made it." Addie said sadly then began to cry. "Oh, Sweetheart." Lida said. "Don't cry. How about you and I take a break and go make some? Would you like that?" Lida asked. Addie stopped crying and Lida looked over at Becka and Chrissy who were also getting weepy. "Go on you two. We can handle this. Go make some gingerbread." Becka insisted. Both Lida and Addie took off for the kitchen.


    "This wood basket is empty!" Lida yelled . "Where's Aaron? AARON, where are you?" She yelled. "And where are the boys? There should never be an empty wood basket in here." She yelled again. Addie took off out the backdoor to find Aaron. She looked around and he was outback chopping wood with the elves and nik. A minute later the wood basket was full and the stove blazing. Addie came in, headed for her mother's recipe box and started looking through her recipes. Running her tiny fingertips over her mother's writing, examining each word and crying again. :P "Lida?" Addie asked. "Yes?" Lida answered. "You think the aliens would like some gingerbread too?" Lida looked at Addie, her heart hurt for the little girl. :P

  6. post-897-1102816774.jpgnik went outside to find the elves and have a talk with


    post-897-1102816664.gifThe women went into the parlor and watched as the men assembled the looms and set up the spinning Everything was all set now and Becka stood up and started to talk about what they were all going to be


    Kaitlyn and Able headed back outside to the Barn with the aliens breakfast.

  7. Lida went back in the house. She stood in the middle of the kitchen. "Alright everybody, listen up. I just had a conversation with the female alien and she is afraid of the Elves. I don't know why but I have a pretty good idea. So it's up to ALL of us to make sure we keep them out of the barn and away from the aliens. Can we all do that?" She asked.


    Everyone just stood there, their mouths hanging open. "What do you mean you had a conversation?" Kaitlyn asked. "They never spoke when I was with them." Lida then told her and everyone what just happened. "I think they have been listening to you and Able talking but never said anything until now." Lida summized. "Well, if they can talk then they can tell us what happened, don't you think Lida?" Able asked. "I think they are mimicking us but if they can do that then eventually they will learn our language, hopefully enough to tell us what they know." Lida said.

  8. Lida walked out to the barn after breakfast. She wanted to see the babies. Everyone else was still in the kitchen. She was alone with them. She sat down beside the cage and rested her head on her hands and began to talk softly to the Mama. She thought to herself what an amazing experience this is to see creatures from another world living right here in the barn. She asked the Mama, "Where did you come from, little one?" The aliens eyes began to glow a soft green and she spoke to Lida. In a sqeaky, timid little voice she tried to repeat the words Lida just said. "Come from." It repeated. :P Lida looked around the barn to see if anyone else had come in and heard this too. But no one had. Lida asked her again. "Yes, where did you come from, that's right." The little creature repeated again "Yes, come from." Lida got all excited now and said. "Do you understand me?" It answered her. "Yes, understand come from." Lida was ecstatic now. Should she stay there and try to communicate with her or go get everyone. "No, I'll stay right here." She said to herself outloud. "Stay here, understand yes come from." The creature said again. :P "You don't understand what I'm saying but you copy what I say, right?" She asked her. Again the little creature spoke, each time adding a little more of what Lida had just said. " Yes, copy understand stay come from." It said. "Your learning, aren't you?" Lida asked. And again it said. "Yes, learning understand come from stay." Then the barn door opened and the two elves came running in and stood in front of the cage. "You want something?" Lida asked. "Nope just came to check out the new kids, that's all, it that alright with you Missy?" One of them said sarcastically. "Cute, Yep, cute." He said then the two of them ran back out the door and slammed it shut. Lida looked back down into the cage. The Mama was shivering in fear. "You afraid of them?" She asked her. The creatures eye glowed and even brighter green this time. "Oh, I didn't know. I'll keep them away from you from now on, alright little one?" Lida said to her. The little creature smiled and said. "Yes, understand afraid." She said back to her. "I'll take care of it, don't worry." Lida said to the Mama, got up and left the barn.

  9. Hearing Kaitlyn down in the kitchen making familiar noises with the the pots and dishes Becka was the first one down. "Morning. How are the babies this morning?" She asked her. "Twelve more overnight." She told her. Becka looked like this :P !!! Then said. "Good thing they made a bigger cage, huh?" :yes: Kaitlyn then said. "Becka, what if they just keep having babies? What will we do with them all?" Becka thought a minute then answered. "Don't know dear. We may just have to let them all go." Just then Able came running into the kitchen. "She's at it again out there. Six more in the past ten minutes. :P That's 27 now."


    The girls came down, then Abe and ILikeSeven and Chrissy and Sabe and Mellie. Then Aaron, Bart and Cain. Becka told everyone what was happening and everyone stood there speachless.


    Becka started making scrambeled eggs and had Kaitlyn slice up a slab of bacon to fry. She sent Addie and Beth to the cellar to get jars of Cranberry juice and peaches and a wheel of cheeze.


    "Mother?" Abe said. "We've got the wool already for you to start spinning into yarn, you ready today to start that?" Becka then answered. " You get the wheels down from the attic and we'll get started after breakfast. Set them up in the parlor, alright?" She asked him. The girls, her girls, had done this before. Kaitlyn, and Addie hadn't. Lida and Chrissy were looking forward to this too.


    Able, Aaron, ILikeSeven and nik went up to the attic and brought down the spinning wheels. And also brought down the looms to set up in the parlor. Then went out back to bring in the large burlap sacks of wool and piled them in the middle of the large room.

  10. 15 degrees here, BRRRRRRRRRR!!!! Overcast and snow is on the way this week-end. The B.P. is at 29.5. The ground is bare and there is no wind to speak of. Ten days til the first day of Winter and 13 more shopping days til Christmas. Spent the whole day yesterday Christmas Shopping. :laugh: ONLINE :P Left me feeling like this-->> :P and :P Good Luck with that. :P

  11. Everyone fawned and gushed over the new arrivals. The parents were very protective of them and didn't want people picking them up. But they were very cute and sweet. So far there were no aggressive signs by the aliens towards the humans. Like a wild animal that might be caught here on Earth. Now that all 9 of them were in one cage. They seemed to be very good parents.


    Everyone was tired and the novelty of these little green creatures was beginning to wear off. So after a brief visit with them that night most of the children decided to go to bed in the house. Kaitlyn and Able still wanted to stay in the barn with them. Everyone settled into their beds. Kailyn and Able flanked the new cage with they beds on top of the hay floor and went to sleep.


    The next morning. "OH My. :waaaa: Looks like Mama was busy, AGAIN." Kaitlyn looked in the cage as soon as she opened her eyes. Then she counted, 12 more babies were in there. :waaaa: So now there were 19 in 3 days. She called over to Able who was still asleep. "Able, Able, wake up!" He opened his eyes. "What? Let me sleep will ya?" He answered. "Able, there are 12 more babies, look." She told him. Able sat up and looked in the cage. " Holy Crap! Where're they all coming from?" He asked her. "Dunno." Kaitlyn answered. "Well, let's go in and start breakfast. I don't think anyone else is awake yet." She suggested. "O.K., I'm hungry anyway. What ya want to make?" Able asked. "How about hot cereal?" She answered. "Let me get the fire up in here first, then I'll come in, alright?" He asked her. "Sure, see ya inside and don't take all day either." She told him.


    Now there were 21 aliens in the barn. Almost as many aliens as there are people at Eden.

  12. Click For Spoiler
    I agree with BC. Koss did seem to take on a kinder, nice manner. He actually seemed more physically attractive, to me anyway. The first time I saw him I thought he was harsh and cruel. This nicer Koss is more appealing, to most of us Ladies anyway. Of course I can only speak for myself. :yes:

  13. The children were absolutely fascinated with the two, tiny, green creatures. "Do you think they're cold blooded like reptiles here on Earth?" Lida asked everyone. No one knew anything yet. "Let me see." She said as she sat down on the floor next to Kaitlyn. Lida put her finger on the cage near the creature then tried to touch it through one of the holes. It didn't pull away and Lida felt it's skin. It was cold. "Yep, I think it is." Lida said. "Get that stove going Aaron, let's get some heat in here for them." Aaron rushed over to the stove. "And shut those doors." He yelled.


    Everyone stayed in the barn with the two aliens for the rest of the afternoon. Some of the children talked about sleeping out here with them. Their reasoning was that some of the other aliens might come in the night and try to free their comrads. Becka and Abe talked and decided they could. ILikeSeven even volunteered to stay out there with them all so Sabe and Mellie could sleep in the barn too. Becka and Lida went in the house and made ham sandwiches and potato salad for supper and brought everthing back out to the barn. Everyone ate supper with the aliens. :lol: The children shared their sandwiches with them.


    Later some of the children went up to the loft, nice and toasty now, got on the site and told everyone about what had happened at Eden that day. Bart started a new thread titled "Aliens At Eden" :laugh: He was bombarded with questions and PMs. Lida, Chrissy and Becka went back into the house now for blankets and pillows for everyone. Meanwhile someone covered the floor again with fresh hay and everyone made their beds for the night all around the two Alientrappems and settled down with apples and cheese and a few jars of pickles. The women went back in the house to sleep. As did Abe and Aaron. nik stayed in the barn as well and so did the elves. :laugh: Everyone went to sleep. :nono:

  14. Muted screams could be heard coming from outside. Abe, Aaron, nik and ILikSeven looked at each other. "They Worked!!" Aaron yelled and ran out the backdoor followed by everyone in the kitchen. But to their surprise it wasn't the elves caught in the 'Alientrappems' But 2 aliens. The elves were just hooting and hollering at them. "Get them into the barn" Abe yelled. Aaron and ILikeSeven picked up one trap at each end and Abe and nik picked up the other and carried them into the barn. Everyone gathered around the two 'Alientrappems' that sat on the hay covered floor.


    "SSHHH! Now, be quiet. Let's not scare them anymore than they already are." Abe yelled at everyone. Everyone quieted down. Kaitlyn sat down on the floor next to one of the traps. She showed no fear whatsoever. She bent over the cowering little green creature and started talking softly to it. It turned it's face towards her and seemed to smile at her. Then it's little eyes began to glow and it began to chatter in a soft, squeeky voice. "What?" Kaitlyn said to it. It repeated what it said a bit louder this time. Kaitlyn couldn't make out anything understandable. So she looked in the cage and saw that the food that was used as bait was gone. "Your hungry, aren't you?" She said to it. Then she made motions as if she were eating something. The little creatures eyes glowed even brighter and it began squeeking again. "Lida, Becka, Chrissy, it's hungry! :laugh: " Kaitlyn said. "Go get something from the kitchen and hurry." Lida took off for the kitchen and came back in a minute with some leftover garlic toast and handed it to Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn held it in front of the creature and it sniffed it then opened it's little mouth. It appeared to be drooling. Kaitlyn stuffed it through the holes in the chicken wire and it ate it before it even hit the floor. "Feed the other one somebody." Kaitlyn said. And Able did the same at the other cage. It looked like Able and Kaitlyn had made First Contact. :yes: :laugh::nono:

  15. Lida had retrieved some jars of green bell peppers from the cellar and 4 good sized chickens. She decided to make Chicken Cattciatore for lunch. Using the last of the huge pot of sauce leftover from the night before. The kitchen smelled heavenly, the children were all milling around waiting to eat. Becka came back in from calling the men and the men followed her in quickly, they could smell it from outside.


    Everyone seated now, Abe said the blessing. The platters of steaming, hot chicken covered in sauce were passed around the tables and were cleaned off on their first pass. The leftover pasta also disappeared as quickly. The adults marveled at how well the children were eating. "nik?" Lida said. "Yes?" He asked. "How about we make this pasta thing a weekly thing? It'd sure take a load off me and Becka and Chrissy. What do you say?" She asked. nik agreed happily to take over this one meal a week from now on. "I'd also like to try to make a nice Ciopinno for you all sometime. It's a nice fish stew. How's that sound to everyone?" He asked in a loud voice. The children sort of moaned but agreed to try it once. :laugh: "Come on guys, we have a nice Lake we can all go fishing." He added. The boys perked right up. No one had gone fishing since they arrived here at Eden. "Sure nik, when can we go?" Bart asked. "Whenever." nik said with a shrug. "And we'll bring the elves with us." nik added with a chuckle. The boys let out collective moan knowing anything where the elves are involved turns into Chaos. :laugh:

  16. Everyone laughed as Lida picked pieces of spaggetti off her shirt. The men began to ask Aaron what he had accomplished as far as any REAL modifications. He took out a pad of paper from his pocket and showed them his sketches. His aim is to only trap the aliens and not hurt them in anyway. ILikeSeven and nik were very interested in his new design and they decided to go back out to the workshop in the barn after supper and work on it all together.


    Lida finished eating and got up to quickly make a dessert from the leftover pasta, a Noodle Pudding. She had made it before and did it quickly then popped it in the still hot oven. "We'll have dessert after we clean up, if anyone is interested."

    Everyone was stuffed and decided they'd wait and see how they felt in an hour.


    Table cleared, dishes and pots washed Lida took the pudding out of the oven. It smelled heavenly and one by one the boys and girls decided to try some. :laugh: Able liked it especially and so did Kaitlyn and Addie. "Dad sure is missing out on this Lida." He said. Lida decided to have Able bring some out to the men in the barn while it was still warm. All the boys went with him.