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Posts posted by DrWho42

  1. I work there, and I'll probably lose my job if you destroy the infinity-floored Temporal Headquarters' drwho42 said once again (remembering he needed to memorize his lines before filming), and so Voric shot his superweapon unto the Temporal Headquarters, until.....

    :lol: :tear::andorian::waaaa:


    Doctor Who official website

    The Adventures of drwho42 continues....

    Oh no! Will drwho42 save the Temporal Headquarter in time? To be continued in the next in the temporal adventures of Who.....

    Click for Spoiler:


    'And Now For Something Completely Different....'-Announcer

    Monty Python's Flying Circus

  2. 'Hmmmm, so it is Davros, the evil creator of the Daleks, huh?.....' said drwho42 (who should have memorized his lines of the script better), and he then faced both Davros and the Tribble-Hai, and questioned 'And what do you plan to do with this Doomsday Weapon?', and then.....

    ;) :unsure: :wow::vbg:


    Doctor Who official website

    The Adventures of drwho42 continues....

    Click for Spoiler:


    'And Now For Something Completely Different....'-Announcer

    Monty Python's Flying Circus



    Is this the one you're using?

  3. elves and bunnies that they are, and so drwho42, the wielder of the Sword of Gallifrey (an ancient time-lord sword), went on the quest to fight the Tribble-Hai, and as they journey through the enchanted lands of yore, they encounter the Queen.....

    :unsure: ;):wow::vbg:


    Doctor Who official website

    The Adventures of drwho42 continues....

    Click for Spoiler:


    'And Now For Something Completely Different....'-Announcer

    Monty Python's Flying Circus

  4. of your own boxes of Earl Grey tea,' and so drwho42 knew he had many enemies, one in which that ruled the planet Earth in the year 2005, the Emperor/Empress.....

    ;) :) ;) :)


    Doctor Who official website

    An Adventure of drwho42 stops for a moment, hopefully his adventures have not yet ended....

    Full sentence part: The drwho42 Secret Temporal-Agency seeks out and destroys many forms of life...

    (from the Weird Never-Ending Sentence)

    Click for Spoiler:


    'And Now For Something Completely Different....'-Announcer

    Monty Python's Flying Circus

  5. sending eMail (sorry, I don't remember the last time I wrote a letter to someone...)


    to traverse eternity or to breach infinity?



    Doctor Who official website

    The Adventures of drwho42 continues....

    Full sentence part: The drwho42 Secret Temporal-Agency seeks out and destroys many forms of life...

    (from the Weird Never-Ending Sentence)

    Click for Spoiler:


    'And Now For Something Completely Different....'-Announcer

    Monty Python's Flying Circus

  6. Star Trek: Enterprise will continue!

    Star Trek: Enterprise will continue!

    I've signed the petition. Hope others will also....

    Season 3 has been going great.

    Btw here's the some Firefly petitions, if anyone's interested....

    Help Save Firefly

    Continue Firefly




    Doctor Who official website

    The Adventures of drwho42 continues....

    Full sentence part: The drwho42 Secret Temporal-Agency seeks out and destroys many forms of life...

    (from the Weird Never-Ending Sentence)

    Click for Spoiler:


    'And Now For Something Completely Different....'-Announcer

    Monty Python's Flying Circus

  7. If anyone has noticed yet, I've been using the book-cover of "Doctor Who: Anachrophobia" as my picture. It's the one with the man with the bowler hat and a clock for a face. Also use the Eighth Doctor (another book-cover, this one "Doctor Who: The Slow Empire"), as my personal photo. Well, I don't seem to see Doctor Who fans like me round here parts.....



    Doctor Who official website

    The Adventures of drwho42 continues....

    Full sentence part: The drwho42 Secret Temporal-Agency seeks out and destroys many forms of life...

    (from the Weird Never-Ending Sentence)

    Click for Spoiler:


    'And Now For Something Completely Different....'-Announcer

    Monty Python's Flying Circus

  8. Well, Star Trek: Enterprise has dished out this "new" species: the Xindi. Which is your favorite? Btw, I got 2 out of 5 votes last time on the Monty Python poll to be turned into a toad.....



    Doctor Who official website

    The Adventures of drwho42 continues....

    Full sentence part: The drwho42 Secret Temporal-Agency seeks out and destroys many forms of life...

    (from the Weird Never-Ending Sentence)

    Click for Spoiler:


    'And Now For Something Completely Different....'-Announcer

    Monty Python's Flying Circus

  9. Er, you're supposed to ask the next question.......


    I'll go next.....

    Being god or meeting god?



    Doctor Who official website

    The Adventures of drwho42 continues....

    Full sentence part: The drwho42 Secret Temporal-Agency seeks out and destroys many forms of life...

    (from the Weird Never-Ending Sentence)

    Click for Spoiler:


    'And Now For Something Completely Different....'-Announcer

    Monty Python's Flying Circus

  10. hownotti.jpg

    Ah, yes, the importance of not being seen..... A lesson that I soon learned to regret...... *explodes*


    Mrs Smegma has not learnt the first lesson...... *explosion*


    Which bush is Mr E.W. Lambert behind? *explosion* Yes, it was the middle-one.

    ;):hug:;) :lol:


    Doctor Who official website

    The Adventures of drwho42 continues....

    Full sentence part: The drwho42 Secret Temporal-Agency seeks out and destroys many forms of life...

    (from the Weird Never-Ending Sentence)

    Click for Spoiler:


    'And Now For Something Completely Different....'-Announcer

    Monty Python's Flying Circus

  11. (Calls upon all Star Trek time-ships from the 26th( and up) centuries, reforms an armada. Fleet Admiral drwho42 calls upon his time-agents to use all available means to win the war......)

    ;) :lol: ;):hug:


    Doctor Who official website

    The Adventures of drwho42 continues....

    Full sentence part: The drwho42 Secret Temporal-Agency seeks out and destroys many forms of life...

    (from the Weird Never-Ending Sentence)

    Click for Spoiler:


    'And Now For Something Completely Different....'-Announcer

    Monty Python's Flying Circus