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Posts posted by stoned_vulcan

  1. okay first off lemme say i am not a fan of spike tv, i used to watch the new TNN for trek but now i dont since i bought 3 seasons of TNG on DVD for the other episodes i just watch them on the space channel.. I just wanted to say that it is sexist, im a guy and im not fond of their programming (stripperella) i watched it once, i laughed alot but many of the jokes were over the top. It is sexist but u have to look at channels like W (in Canada) and say to urself thats geared to women, so in a sense that channell is sexist..

  2. I think he means how hte borg queen got together with Data...? when he was grabbed under the door.. then he was considering her offer.. for a short time(though it seemed like an eternity for an android) and then i guess he just went along with it.. im just curious as to how she didnt know that he was just playing along..

  3. Well first off let us just imagine that Q could b assimilated.. okay well secondly Q knows everything in the universe... not just what has happened but what will happen.. presumably until the end of time if there is one.. think about how much information this is... limitless.. the borg couldnt process the information that Q contains.. look at what happened when Hugh was Re-integrated into the collective.. would that happen with Q.. ?

  4. well first off there are alot of gaps that need filling i think if they did they should just do away with neelix, it will only take away from the movie..and who says they have to have hte full cast? the problem with making a voy movie is the same as making a DS9 one.. they split hte cast up at the end, they should just milk TNG for another movie.. then see what ENT can do

  5. I like the idea but the problem is that killing hte capt would cause a large problem.. say maybe an annomaly or something that knocks her out and makes another ECH in the comp bank... no time line breaching.. but comp mistakes not alot of holo mistakes in Voy i wouldnt have minded if they put another in

  6. :) i think that the borg assimilate as much as they can it doesnt matter if it is a baby an infant or an adult, if it did matter why have maturation chambers? Secondly i think that there is a point when the baby is too young to be assimilated.. i do not believe that a baby could be assimilated until the 3rd trimester. Otherwise wouldnt assimilation kill the fetus?

  7. hmm maybe something like, "space is black, but as for my coffee, its blacker" or maybe.. ,"delta quardrent, alpha quadrent they have their differences, but one thing is a constant throughout the galaxy... the need to have a good cup of coffee"

  8. I admit if you do watch all the DS9 episodes again in order Jadzia does get tiresome at times, i felt that when season7 came around and Ezri appeared it was a nice break they didnt do a great job introing her in the first episode though i liked the human aspect of her.. and as for Ferell i dont know whats up with that leaving a show before its done.. maybe she doesnt get along well with management.. maybe she doesnt want to be type cast.. but would one more season have hurt?

  9. In TNG the Dom. war has been mentioned in the movies insurrection i forget the exact quote in insurrection but somewhere along hte lines in Nemesis They talked about the Remans being involved in the Dom. war as troops. But i agree it wouldve been great to hear something about the Ent E in the Dominion war, i dont think they wanted to cross TNG over with Ds9 too much in fear that the series would turn out similar or people would only watch it for the TNG in it.. they wanted to develop DS9 on its own, give it some distinction