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Posts posted by stoned_vulcan

  1. Yeah, they also establish one of the cadets to be scotty's nephew or something, STII has a lot of it, i just don't think they caught it, and i dont think that spock really has a problem with swearing in IV since Kirk does say something like, " you should refrain from using [colourful medaphors]..." but afterwards he says "one damned minute admiral.. i think he liked it :dude:

  2. i dont think that anyone really said that the fans didnt like it .... I LOVED IT.. just like nemesis had a fairly warm reception (insurrection may even have a warmer one) but it just didnt do well in the box office.. im not sure if you're getting the two confused...

  3. Voyager is fluff... no offense to any voy fans but i just found it to b kinda pointless u watch the episode then it all ends up all good in the end and you wonder "well why did i just watch that?" at least in DS9 or TNG it added a lot more to teh character and it would show in other episodes ex picard getting assimilated, julian being in a dominion POW camp.. thats what sets voyager apart its not the fact that it has something, its just missing something

  4. okay first off i DO NOT think picard made the right decision... secondly

    Yes, the Borg are dangerous and a threat to the whole alpha quadrant.


    they are more than a threat to the alpha quadrent.. they are a threat to the delta, gamma, and beta quadrents..


    But, who defines which species is evil and which not?

    well first of all no one called them evil, they are a threat, but if you insist they are evil then look at FC... or the best of both worlds... trying to assimilate Earth and the whole federation... they are a threat to humanity, they attack us, dont we have the right to attack them? dont we have the chance to defend ourselves? the borg are a threat to humanity Picard should have destroyed them all when he had the chance!!!!

  5. OOHHHH wait sorry i have more..


    Dominion-Federation war

    Borg-8472 war




    (both were married and had a child born on the show by the end of the series)



    (both combat vessles, that kiked butt on numerous occasions)



    (both have very serious spiritual beliefs)



    (both engineers did not grad. starfleet acadamy)



    Neelix and Quark

    (both had the role of providing food, and comic relief to the show)



    (both don't like Q...picard should be in there as well :huh: , they were also born in the USA)



    (both liked to cook, though some did it better than others)


    Sisko- the Dr.

    (bald... enough said)


    the defiant and voyager were both captured by a hostile force at some point


    Defiant-Delta Flyer

    (both were destroyed and another was made)


    by the end of today i might have more

  6. in first contact picard mentions them attacking fed space and them having to retreat and fall back... this shows that there was more than one attack... there were many attacks that they didnt mention... so whos to say the other hubs dont lead to fed space or have a conduit that leads to it.. remember how many fed ships were waiting when voy came home that shows that there have been more than one attack on fed space its like they saw it comming and sent re-enforcements