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Posts posted by stoned_vulcan

  1. I like your thinking! : )

    THANKS :bow:


    I wood like to see any Canadian team in the finals but i want to see my favourite team win it again (colorado)

    I just hate Gary Bettman

    dont wry i hate betman too i live near toronto but im not a leafs fan the opposite i dont like them at all,


    HOW DO YOU GUYS FIG THE WINGS CAN TAKE THE AVS? the avs have a much better team than the wings!

    Tommy sucks

    Tommy doesnt suck... and either way Abescher is prob starting in net in the playoffs

  2. i have one its about 14.5 inches long.. it makes 4 sounds phaser, torpedo, warp, and impulse and i forget what i did with it when i was younger but it has a grey mark on the underside of the hull... kinda looks like its a burn mark from a fight.. but its hardly noticeable

  3. no your best (and cheapest bet) is to buy one of the toy phasers that were made by playmates bak in ummm hold on let me check mine.. 1992 off ebay, it has two sounds im not sure if it has a little light up thingy on the top mines so old the light wood have burnt out but if you really want it to shoot a beam try to fit a laser pointer in it.. it would take some engineering though

  4. Both have actors who have played in previous star trek movies/episodes


    Both involve Alliances within the wars that shake the foundation of the arc


    Wormhole (temple)- Caretaker array

    (both can take people to distant corners of the galaxy and are the cornerstones of the show)


    Voyager stoped by DS9


    Both have ties with the maqis


    Both have had a show(s) with the badlands involved


    Both had a crewman with klingon blood


    okay those werent as good... ill get bak to u with more if i can think of them

  5. Star Trek IV, argueable the best trek film ever concieved, or the best film made in the world. No one on this board probably hates the whole movie so i was wondering what is the boards opinion on their favourite, moment, or line in Star Trek IV, mine is when spock is swimming with the whales and then after in teh truck says "Gracy's pregnant" and the truck comes to a screaching halt, so what is your favourite moment?