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Posts posted by MrPsychic

  1. A coyote grabbed a 2-year-old girl by the head and tried to drag her from the front yard of her mountain home in the third incident of a coyote threatening a small child in Southern California in five days, authorities said.


    The coyote attacked the girl around noon Tuesday when her mother, Melissa Rowley, went inside the home for a moment to put away a camera, the San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department said in an incident report.


    Rowley came out of the house and saw the coyote dragging her daughter toward a street. She ran toward her daughter, and the animal released the girl and ran away, said sheriff's spokeswoman Arden Wiltshire.


    Rowley took her daughter to a hospital where the toddler was treated for several punctures to the head and neck area, and a laceration on her mouth.


    She was then flown to Loma Linda University Hospital for further treatment. Her injuries were not life-threatening. She was released from the hospital Wednesday afternoon and was expected to fully recover.


    State Fish and Game wardens and county animal control authorities set traps for the coyote and were monitoring the neighborhood high in the San Bernardino Mountains about 65 miles miles northeast of Los Angeles.


    On Friday, a nanny pulled a 2-year-old girl from the jaws of a coyote at Alterra Park in Chino Hills, a San Bernardino County community about 30 miles east of Los Angeles. The girl suffered puncture wounds to her buttocks and was treated at a hospital.


    A coyote came after another toddler in the same park Sunday. The child's father kicked and chased the coyote away.


    That incident prompted Fish and Game officials to temporarily close the park, which is near Chino Hills State Park, a natural open space of thousands of acres spanning nearly 31 miles.


    To me, it sounds like there's a massive food shortage for the coyotes, that's why they're getting bolder.

  2. Hey TUH, the only bad behavior I see is your own. Enough with that nonsense of "I know you're going through a hard time". Everyone rags on different areas of the US, do you hate all stand ups who say something about the south and say about rednecks or about California, or other areas?

  3. If the kids are that messed up to emulate a video game, they probably picked more of it up from bad habits of the parents. By the way, Mature means that you have to be 17 to buy it. Also, no store sells AO, Adults Only, games, it's the same with R rated movies and NC-17 ones. Parents have to buy tickets for their children to go to those movies, just like they have to buy M rated games. MADD shouldn't be lashing out at stores that sell it or the voluntary rankings the gaming industry gives itself, it should take a look at its own parents and actually teach them about what's out there.

  4. Grand Theft Auto has always been trying to push people's buttons. Australia has long since banned GTA III and up. San Andreas was briefly given an AO rating before being edited slightly to make it rated M. In the game, yes, you can kill police officers, but if you do, you're targeted by all police officers in the game, and they are out to kill. Once again, it's a game, not meant to be real, I have God of War, and I'm not going to go out and swing blades around by a chain and kill minotaurs, nor am I gonna go drunk driving based on this game. MADD is just looking for another thing to complain about.

  5. The New York Rangers said forward Sean Avery suffered a lacerated spleen in Tuesday night's Stanley Cup playoff game.


    The team announcement came as the New York Daily News reported Avery had been taken to a Manhattan hospital in cardiac arrest, citing unnamed sources.


    The Rangers said Avery was admitted to St. Vincent's Medical Center following a CT scan and is expected to make a full recovery, but he will not play again in the playoffs.


    Avery was unconscious and not breathing, the Daily News reported.


    A source at St. Vincent's Medical Center said Avery, 28, arrived at about 3 a.m. Wednesday morning. Hours earlier, the Rangers lost 5-3 in the Stanley Cup playoffs against the Pittsburgh Penguins at Madison Square Garden. The Penguins took a 3-0 series lead with the win.

    I may think half the things he does are childish, but that doesn't matter now. I hope he pulls through.

  6. but I'd much rather wear a TOS uniform to show where my loyalties lie

    Where, exactly, will you be wearing this uniform at?...... :blink:

    Eh, anywhere really or whenever I feel like it.

    Good answer, my friend. One question though. Where are you going to put your towel when you're wearing your uniform?

  7. Here I thought we were seeing the return of Jim Phaserman and instead its one of his old topics mysteriously bumped....... <_<

    This isn't one of his old topics, and it's bumped because you just posted on it... B)

    No No....I posted in it because it was on the top of Latest Posts list

    Also: A thread called "Worf" just popped to the top of the Latest Posts list. The last post in that thread is by Captain Jean Luc Picard who hasn't been here since before my time

    What brand of 24 oz. are you drinking again? B)


    Must be some good stuff.

    I guess insulting others for bringing up an issue is standard here now....


    B) Insulting? Who's insulting? The :P is meant to indicate a playfulness... :P

    Yea, it's playfulness, but still... We notice somethings not right, and the tone of your posting makes it seem like you're mocking.