TJ Phaserman

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Posts posted by TJ Phaserman

  1. hey, they managed to get married in all good things in the alternate future. but your right, it really would of never worked out between those two anyway. picard himself (i forget which episode, or i think it was crusher) is that, he never really had a chance to be with her because he felt like he owed jack just for having her on his ship. not to mention the number of times they've been in some kind of trouble together.

  2. well i think the only reason there isn't any backup is


    a: in case if a enemy takeover of an federation starship, they really can't afford but to backup his medical files unless from square one.


    b: if anyone has a backup, it'll be starfleet command or starfleet medical along with dr. zimmerman.


    c: as for voyagers doctor, star_rose is right, he's exactly just like data. he wanted to be more human, and feel more useful than just a tool of starfleet.

  3. i just think the last season of enterpise was a last ditch effort to copy episodes that were already done in series pasts or re-doing them. this was one of those last ditch efforts just to get rathings up again. because i see it like this:


    a. you understand more what caused the war between the augments and the humans, but you don't really get to see how kahn or his people excaped.


    b. the episode where they deal with the borg but in reality, doesn't happen for another 289 years in the TNG universe


    c. the only good 2 part episode that was great, is when they pulled off In a Mirror Darkly. you see the begining of the Terran Empire, and not to mention it takes place right after a great TOS episode mid way.



    there, im done ranting.

  4. i like it because to me, it was one of the original elements of suspicion and suspense brought from TNG. add in section 31, a doctor who as a serious case of paranoia, then the romulan senate who trusts no one, got yourself an episode.

  5. to me the 3 episodes to the 3rd season were great (cause it took so (I'm trying to misspell a badword but can't) long to end the Xindi mess), then somewhere towards the middle-end of the forth season were great....except you end it with riker and troi witnessing the birth of the federation. i mean why would you slice in parts of the last season of TNG - The Pegasus, skip 7 years of the orginal enterprise's history, then end it like they did? i mean to me it's just stupid. promote archer to admiral, have someone he trusts to take over, show what happens between tpol and trip, and let it be done with it for god sakes.

  6. if the borg ever found a way to get the gamma quadrant, you know the federation wouldn't even have a chance. not to mention there would be a truce between the dominon and the federation to take out the borg, but at the same time, just as they get the upper hand, the dominon would take the advantage to destroy the reamaining federation fleet. vis a vis last episode of DS9.