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Posts posted by mr_tinkles

  1. I'm sitting here awake,listening to Launchcast radio on Yahoo and "Lights" by Journey is playing.I love that song,and I'm not even from 'Frisco.

    Anybody else here listen to Launchcast?I have my own personal station.Your supposed to be able to program your own music from a selection of thousands of albums,but it doesn't work.I've tried and half my music is still stuff I don't care for (Launchast will play songs it thinks you will enjoy,besides the songs you program,depending on the genre of music you select as your favorite).Also,when I'm at a site like this where I post,my Launchcast sometimes closes itself when I click on "post new reply".That's annoying.

    My aunt's family arrived tonight from San Bernardino.The wildfires are ravaging the area where they live,and my parents have agreed to let them live here for a stretch.Hopefully,they won't lose their home.My little cousin has asthma,and all that smoke and ash has really got him in a bad way.My dad thinks muslim terrorists started the fires.I would say he's nuts,but who knows?All I know is,is I've never known any fire like this before.Its scary.

    Well,I'll stop rambling(I'm bored and everybody here is asleep..and I want to talk! :laugh: ).

  2. You never know.Might not hurt to go to some of their websites and see if there were some way to contact them or their agents.Then ask nicely.Sure,they probably won't.Probably will never know that exists.But,we're no worse off if that happens than if we never asked at all.

    Some stars are really cool.I got a message through to Joseph Gordon-Levitt (Tommy Solomon,3rd Rock From the Sun) that my little nephew was a fan and wanted an autograph.Three months later,one showed up in the mail.

  3. Loved Scary Movie 1.Scary Movie 2 was merely okay.Hated Scary Movie 3.The comedy just seemed forced,and it wasn't allowed to just natural occur with the flow of the story.The director might as well have added subtitles like "Laugh now" or "this is the punchline".I wanted my dinero back. :lol:

    The only big laugh I got out of the film was the Michael Jackson/The Others spoof.And the commercials hyping the movie ruined that for me.

  4. Absolutely.Buy them.I've enjoyed them all,particularly the first.Its too bad they can't keep one actor in the cape and cowl for more than two films,though.Michael Keaton was my favorite Batman.Clooney wasn't too bad.Kilmer...ugh,hated him in the role. :lol:

    Too bad Jack Nocholson's Joker can't make a comeback and team-up with Devito's Penguin.

  5. Werewolves.

    Because,in a way,they're real.What I mean is,there is the potential within each and every one of us to be a ravening,predatory monster behind our outwardly "normal" exterior. :lol:

    Take the case of executed serial murderer Ted Bundy.By all accounts,he was a well-educated,smooth talking,charming gentleman,who was the nicest guy you'd ever want to meet.And who,in fact,was very loving to his mother and former girlfriends,and wife....but underneath all that,there was a sociopathic monster.

  6. I've rethought my position,too.

    I was a bit hasty a week ago.Maybe Paramount won't go bananas over this.Afterall,nobody is making a dime off of this.Does Paramount sue the fans who attend conventions in Trek garb?Does Paramount sick their lawyers on people who write and share fanfic on their Internet sites?No.

    So,I say go for it.I watched the Exeter film earlier today and it rocked.I see the same potential in the 4th season series.Full speed ahead,Jorel.



    P.S. Captain Picard,it's not as if these fan films are going to draw sooo many viewers away from Enterprise that Paramount will be hurt financially.That's just silly.No fan is going to give up their weekly fix of Ent' for a fan film.Like me,they will probably enjoy each with relish,and greedily wait for more. :laugh:

  7. Why the flak about China having military intentions connected to their space program?SO DO WE!

    Do you think the Chinese feel safe knowing our capabilities?I doubt it.I don't blame them for attempting to even the playing field.

    China's leaders are not stupid.They know the implications of orbiting nukes,and they won't do it.They have,however,demonstrated that they are capable of it.And,it would appear,the west has taken notice,which may have been the sole intent and benefit of the launch in the first place.

    As for SDI...oh,brother :blink: as if that will EVER work!They've been trying to perfect Reagan's project for twenty-years now and are still no closer to initiating it than ever before.If SDI works half as well as our Patriot missiles from the Gulf War,we might get lucky and intercept about a sixteenth of the incoming birds.

    China has a right to do what it is doing.

  8. I can prove that negotiations wouldn't have worked. What nukes that theory is that when we did drop the first atom bomb on them they still refused to negotiate.



    Master Q

    That's no proof.

    Given that a blockade was never given a chance,much less considered,you can offer no proof that it would not have worked in time.

  9. I canceled all of my rental memberships a few years ago. I was constantly getting late fees, I know it was my own fault for that but I never had time to go back to the rental store to return the Video/DVD.

    Same here.I gave up my membership to Blockbuster and Hollywood Video about 3-years ago.

    I looked into downloading films,but decided against it.I'll just go to the movies and buy DVD's,same as always.

  10. I vote no.

    Japan's military had been effectively driven back to the Japanese mainland,their resources were greatly deminished...they weren't going anywhere.A naval blockade could have worked.Continued negotiations could have worked.There had to have been better options,that weren't pursued.I'd hate to think that race played a factor,but I don't believe Truman would have dropped "The Bomb" on Berlin or Frankfurt.There was also the revenge factor for Pearl Harbor.

    I personally view the atomic attacks against Nagasaki and Hiroshima as two of the ugliest and barbaric moments is American history,and signed a petition against displaying the Enola Gay at the Smithsonian a few years back.

  11. Does anybody know when Lucasfilms/MGM plan to release Star Wars (A New Hope,The Empire Strikes Back,and Return of the Jedi) on DVD?I've looked high and low,and have yet to spot these films.I can find tons of the new movies,but not the three originals.Its driving me nuts! :clap: A friend of my brother,swears he saw a boxed set of these films on DVD at a local comic book store,but the guy that owns the place doesn't know what the kid was talking about.(the strangest thing was,I saw some sort of boxed something-or-other,wayyy in the back with Star Wars logo and drawings from those 3 films on it).The guy became annoyed when I asked about it.Don't know why,so i just left.

  12. I'll have to agree with Captain Smiley.All of that sounds like typical US Govt' paranoia.We are such hypocrits.We can have a powerful military,huge stocks of nuclear weapons,and a highly successful space program,but when anyone else seems to be augmenting their defensive strength,Washington freaks.Now,with space,we insist on being the Grand High Poobah's,and everyone else can just follow our lead and like it.It doesn't work that way.If the Chinese want to build a space station,they will.If they want to continue to build their space program.They will.And I'm not against it.Like was said,they have as much right as we do.Why should they feel constrained to join the international space station program?

    I'll congratulate China,too.Good going! B)

    Maybe one day when all of this retarded East Vs. West bs is behind us,we can explore space together as brothers.