
The Founders
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Posts posted by Korthedaharmaster

  1. I read it in 2 days Because i need to for school mainly because i i procrastinated until 3 days before a giant report was due. All in all i liked it as a total work of fiction but you are right i felt super guilty enjoying the book because of how they basically said Jesus was just a guy. and that he was married and all this other crap. Point is Da Vinchi himself some say was crazy so you really can't assume anything from a few painings he did. The ending was also terriable as well i hated who the Teacher Turned out to be the nice kindly old knight that made me mad he reminded me of mr.pitt from seinfeld and if you know mr.pitt then you can't see him holding a gun or killing anyone. My advise If you are not a Christian with firm a strong Faith do not read this book. In my Opinion although a good story it is turning people away From Jesus and should be taken off Shelves but thats my opinion.

  2. Click for Spoiler:

    HEre is my theory

    Remember the episode of Ds9 titled little Green Men. Basically Quark, Rom, Nog, and Odo are thrown back in time to the year 1947 and are taken to roswell or Area 51 and they become what the entire conspiracy is about. Anyway the shuttle they were on was a Ferengi Shuttle that Quark's cousin had given him. They are Taken Nog to starfleet academy. Quark without telling Rom or Nog is smuggling Kemocite to Drop off on the way back to DS9. They find out there is a bomb planted by there cousin on The shuttle and when it explodes it pulls there shuttle out of time because of the Kemocite and they end up in 1947.

    Ok now to Enterprise We saw in the shipment that the Xindi Sloths were mining and refining massive amounts of Kemosite to put into the Xindi Weapon. We then come to Zero-Hour Archer is aboard the weapon it blows up with the massive amounts of kemosite the weapon is massive as well at leats 20 times as big as the shuttle quark and rom were in. It blows up and the kemosite causes Earth To shift it's place in time because the blast is big. The Andorians and Degras ship were far enough away not to be affected by the explosion. When Enterprise gets back to Earth they go to San Fran to find out whats going on. The P-51's came up to shoot them done because they felt they were a japanese or German threat. now we come to Archer in side the Medical tent. The doctor has been told to get the Nazi officers if someone shows up wearing an odd uniform. We then see the Blue Alien. I belive that he is in Fact a Reman But sent back in time to mess with the timeline by our old buddy Future guy who in fact is a Romulan. And somehow this is going to Spark the Rommulan war. We also find out why the expanse never shows up in any other show because Enterprise destroyed the Expanse. I think that The guardians were also being manipulated by Future Guy. And that the Guardians and The xindi were pawns in his plans to instigate and win the Romulan war.

  3. Ok here are mine

    1. The Dinner party("look to the cookie" "that was the dictator sudam hussain but with a british accent")

    2. The Bookstore(The begining of that eppisode is classic with kramer in Jery's apartment then the homeless richitia(sp) pullers "Potato salad reporting for duty sir")

    3. The Dealership("it's a candy line up")

    4. The Purto Rican day parade(Maroon Gual may i say more)

    5. The Frogger(at the end was great and who can't love slippery Pete "it's the loper")

    6. The Race(Who can't love the end "I choose not to run")

    There's my top 6

  4. QUOTE (Ensign Jim Phaserman @ Apr 7 2004, 07:16 PM)

    I was watching Emmisary, Pt. II, when they introduced Garak, I got the impression he was a homosexual cardassian. Maybe I'm the only one who got that impression, though. 



    I just thought he was a metrosexual


    Ok Garack was just a metrosexual in the end of season 3 i think he falls in love with Dukot's daughter Ziyal(sp). Garack was one of the best characters in the whole show just because of all the mystery that surrounds him, and how his story unfolds through out the show.

    Anyway Jadzia was a hotty and Ezri was equally as hot. So those 2 are tied for the DS9 hotty award.

  5. Hey all i was watching damage agin last night and noticed an error with the special effects. As Enterprise departed the crippled alien vessel they got the warp coil from they casted a shadow on there hull. How is this possible if there was no sun to cast the shadow. Other than that excellent episode.


  6. General Chang second best klingon ever he had the poetic prowess about him as did kahn but it was the hate that kirk had for him and the taunting that he did to kirk and though it seems he didn't seem all that honorable he was he thought he was doing what was best for the Empire as Did the chancellor Gorkon granted he had the cloaked bird of prey and he was killing from a hidden position but otherwise very honorable Best klingon ever would be Kor

  7. I just read a terrible rumor it was on the star trek . com message boards it basically said that jolene Blalock had contract disagreements with paramount and that she walked of the set and now in a soon to come episode T'pol is being killed off :clap: . Can some one please confirm or deny this for and list there source if they say it is true I.E. like www.---------.com/----------- T'pol and her hotness keep me coming back i wasn't even a trekkie till this one day that i was flipping through channels after lacrosse practice and there was T'pol in her underwhere get gel rubbed all over her. after that i started to watch and i bought the dvd's for both ds9 and tng i liked them but my whole reason for watching trek is goimg to die that would be horrible so if she does die they better replace her with some equally hot human or alien.

  8. Hey I'm back i've been really busy lately haven't made a post in a while. Anyway i watching the encor of Chosen Realm

    Click for Spoiler:

    did anyone else think the alien that was guarding phlox in sickbay as a moron Phlox releases the bat and yells get down it is very venomous Then the guy lunges down guarding his face I thought that this was funny as hell the guy is willing to blow himself up and yet he is terrified of getting bitten by a bat that phlox for all he new could of had an antidote that alien gets my enterprise season 3 award for dumbest Alien



  9. Hey all im back have not been here for awhile but happy thanksgiving yall. So I live in portland oregon and this weekend I went up to my grand parents for thanksgiving. And this morning we went to church with them. My grand parents live in ------------ and attend church. So we get there a little bit early and sit down and guess who walks in and sits down in the pew in front of us no other than Connor Trinneer. It was really cool we talked about Enterrpise for a 1/2 hour before church started and for about a 1/2 hour afterwords. I also got an autograph. And he is going to send his parents a sighned poster of The command Crew of the

    NX-01 to give to my grand parents to give to me. HE also said he might be abel to get me a nice signed poster of jolene blalock from her maxim shoot. Anyway he told me about a few coming up things that he heard about from the producers but made me swear on a bible not to tell anyone sry bought that haha. Well anyway it was a cool sunday. Just need to tell some fellow trekkies.


  10. The society on Sigma Iotia II was contaminated by the U.S.S. Horizon ... a hundred years before TOS, putting it right in the time frame of ENT. (ref. A Piece Of The Action)


    Well there has been a referance to this if u watch the eppisode of Enterprise from season 2 Called horizon u will see the book titled Chicago Gangs it is in Travis's quarters it is the big grey silver book u see it when he is talking to his old friend cant remeber her name but is is there. Now remeber it is not a Fed. ship yet but it only will be * years till it does so mostlikely they will get the Title U.S.S some place and we have a Feeration ship now i know it is not the same class but who cares maby it was recorded wrong when it was get put into the newly formed Federation Data base they did have a alot of Earth ship.

  11. Ok in the Eppisode If Wishes Were Horses Sisko is Talkin to his Favorite baseball player Buck Bokai he says that the game of baseball dissaperead on Earth in the 22nd century or somethin like that but far away in the past. Anyway Then in the Voyager Eppisode Pathfinder When Troi and BArkly are on the BEach Troi asks him y he was so happy at Gordies Brithday part one of the reasons he gives is that the Dragons had just won the penate. now i don't no about u but that sound like baseball so in just a few years how did Earth go from no baseball teams to having Baseball teams?