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Posts posted by trekzone

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    MP: POS #406 – War Footing


    09:00am UTC

    Paris, Earth, Sol System

    As Earth repair crews fix buildings in Paris, the President of the Federation sits facing the window. Looking distraught, the President composes himself when he is informed that Admiral Hading from the JAG office is on his way. The admiral walks in and stands to attention,

    “Mr. President, thank you for seeing me at such short notice.” Without any pleasantries the President proceeded,

    “What can I do for you admiral?”

    “Sir, it is my un-fortunate duty to inform you that Vice-President Matheson has implemented the 35th amendment of the UFP’s constitution.”

    “WHAT?! The 35th amendment clearly states:

    When the President is incapacitated and if the majority of the Federation council agrees that the President is unable to make clear and concise orders, the Vice-President may assume the role of the President of the United Federation of Planets.

    I don’t feel ill, do I look it?”

    “No, sir. However, I have reviewed prior precedents, you are – by definition – incapacitated, due to your inability to act on credible intelligence.”

    “Two paragraphs! And it is over 4 years old!”

    “Sir, I’m afraid I am not your council, but I can tell you that these proceedings are legitimate, and that they will take place in 24 hours…I’m sorry, sir.”


    And with this the admiral walked out.


    Captain’s Log, Stardate 57850.8

    It’s been 2 weeks since Earth was brutally attacked by a new elusive enemy. I have slowly, but surely, been growing accustomed to having Mich on board, and Commander Stanozlof is making a very interesting counsellor. In our continuing mission from President Relodan, we have detected a Vohrsoth colony 6 light years away.


    “Sir, we are approaching the Vohrsoth colony.”

    The atmosphere on the bridge was very tense, Commander Miller was not in her usual, relaxed, position in her chair, she was on the edge. Captain Miller was pacing about the bridge and this seemed to make the junior officers nervous.

    “Slow to impulse.”

    “Aye, sir.”

    The greyish ball grew steadily closer on the viewscreen.

    “Have we been detected?”

    “No signs yet.”

    The Poseidon drew so close the captain thought he could extend a mechanical arm and touch it.

    “Assume standard orbit. Commander Munro, please report to the bridge. Analysis, Ensign Garlan.”

    The female ops officer worked her console and after a few moments replied,

    “Sir, it appears to be a class-D planetoid, with a concentrated mining colony in the southern hemisphere. I am reading over four thousand life signs, 3 500 Vohrsoth and…” there was a very ominous pause,

    “And what Ensign?” Commander Miller stands and walks over to the ops station, to her left. Commander Miller thought to herself – we should have been more original in the bridge design, and not copy the Intrepid – she got behind the console, and looked at the reading, Ensign Garlen looked at her first officer and saw the shock on her face,

    “Matt, their human.”

    “What the hell? Can you get a tight shot of the most concentrated region?”

    “Stand-by.” The commander worked the back Ops consoles, while Garlen worked the front, after a few moments, the viewscreen shifted from the planet, to a birds eye view of a group of humans walking, they didn’t appear to be captives, they appeared very powerful. The Vohrsoth slugs slime around the ground, while the bipeds walk past them with ease. In the very left of the shot the crew see human children playing a game with a group of Vohrsoth children, the small slugs easily jumping and sliding. At that moment, Commander Munro walked in.

    “That’s it! Shut that off! Ah, commander – I want you to penetrate that colony, hack into their computers and then get the hell back here.”

    “Aye, sir. I will lead a 4 man strike team.”

    “Do whatever you have to, just get me data.”

    “Aye, sir” The commander turns and leaves, the captain also leaves, to his ready room. Michelle looks at Jellico, at tactical, and then follows the captain into his ready room.


    07:30am Poseidon Ship Time (PST)

    Captain’s Ready Room

    “I don’t believe it!” The captain jumps the steps and heads to the couch, running parallel to the window.


    “Bloody hell Mich! What the hell are we doing down there?” The captain approaches the replicator,

    “Coffee, black.” The replicator produces a steaming silver mug of coffee.

    “Ah…” The captain sips,

    “That’s not us Matt.”

    “The last time I looked in the mirror I was human. They have betrayed their own people, AND they have children growing up down there. What the hell are they doing?”

    “I…” before Michelle could speak, Commander Stanozlof pipes through the comm.

    “Sir, we are receiving a transmission from the surface.”

    “I’ll be right there.”


    “Sir, a Michael Kiraswotsy is hailing us, he appears to be the leader of the colony.”

    “On screen.” The screen changes to an image of a human male, about 60 years old – grey hair, he is sitting in a chair, the background is empty except for a grey wall,

    “I am Captain Matthew Miller of the Federation starship Poseidon.”

    “Michael Kiraswotsy, president of Prasis III. We have been monitoring you for several hours now, what can I do for you.”

    “Mr. President, we have noticed that you have Vohrsoth in your colony, may I ask why?”

    “A Vohrsoth dreadnought crash landed on this planet a year ago, we provided aid and before we knew it our children were playing with them, and they decided to say.”

    “Have you heard the recent news about Earth?”

    “Yes, such a devastating tragedy.” President Kiraswotsy seemed unmoved by this, like he expected to hear the news.

    “I would like to speak to the highest Vohrsoth, if I may.”

    “I’m sorry, he’s indisposed at the moment. And I’m afraid I have to be going.” The communication ended very, very abruptly.

    “He’s hiding something.”

    ”Sir, I have just completed another scan of the planet and a long range scan of the surrounding systems.”

    “What have you found?”

    “The citizens of the colony are harvesting hundrium,” noting confused looks all around, the ensign elaborated, “With proper facilities it can be refined down to trilithium. Also, the signature of that dreadnought – on the far side of the planet – is the same as the wrecked probe on Earth, also – some of the materials used by the humans were present in the wreckage on Earth.”

    “What about the long range scan?”

    “I am detecting over 30 Vohrsoth / Human colonies, in over 24 sectors. I now have no doubt, the weapon was built here.”

    “And they are only 230 light years from Earth, damn them.” The captain’s rage seemed to peak,

    “Away team to Poseidon.”

    “Go ahead, Commander.”

    “We have successfully penetrated the colonies security perimeter, and are downloading their database now.”

    “Good job Commander, report to my ready room when you return.”

    “Roger that, Munro out.”


    12:12pm PST

    In the Poseidon’s conference room, the senior officers sat along a table, Captain Miller stood against the monitor.

    “Commander Munro and his team have stolen some very disturbing information. Prior to and during stardate 50862.3 the Maquis were supposedly attacked and killed, however we have learnt that over 500 of them managed to escape to this planet and surrounding planets. Then, it appears, that somehow the Vohrsoth managed to get ahold of Borg transwarp technology and warp to these sectors, and – with the assistance of the humans – managed to build up several bases including the one that built the original probe to attacked Earth.”


    Captain Miller scanned the room, where his crew was shocked by all this information, but he continued.

    “More disturbing to learn is the fact that the Vohrsoth brought two Delta Quadrant species with them, the names of the species was classified, but we did learn that there will be another attack – a bigger one, and it wont stop at Earth, it will continue until every last Federation colony, ship and station is destroyed.”


    03:25pm UTC

    President Relodan sits at his desk, analysing the latest casualty reports, the fatality statistic has been revised for the 15th time, it is now at 325 million. At that moment, a Lieutenant walked into the room.

    “Mr. President, my name is Lieutenant Jundes, I am here to represent you in the proceedings.”

    “Thank you Lieutenant, and no offence to you – but I don’t want some rookie to represent me, I am the President, I can handle myself.”


    02:25pm PST

    Captain Miller sits in a darkened ready room with his eyes closed and leaning back against the chair, “Bridge to the Captain.” The Captain sits upright, but keeps his eyes closed,

    “Miller here, what is it Mich?”

    “President Relodan is on secure Starfleet channel 1.” The captains eyes opened, and lit up,

    “Put him through.”

    An image appeared of the old human wearing a black shirt,

    “Mr. President, it is an honour to speak to you again.”

    “Captain, I need a report on your investigation I have received word that the Vice-President is going to instigate the 35th amendment.”

    “WHAT!? Mr. President, I can say that I believe the Vohrsoth did attack Earth, and not the Dominion.”

    “Are you certain? Do you have any hard evidence?”

    “No, sir. To both questions. But I need more time.”

    “I’m afraid you have less than 15 hours.”

    “I will attempt to have something by then.”

    “The fate of the Federation is in your hands Captain.”

    “Oh well, thank you Mr. President.”


    Captain’s Log, Supplemental

    It’s been 7 hours since I learnt that the Vice President will be instigating the 35th amendment. Our investigation into the Maquis return has yielded more questions than answers, and the discovery of two extra Delta Quadrant species here has heightened my concern for my crew, and my family.


    On the bridge of the Poseidon, Captain Miller sits in his chair talking to his wife, when Commander Jellico – at tactical – pipes in, with a fearful tone,

    “Captain, I am picking up a very disturbing sensor reading at the very edge of our sensor range.”

    “Can you put it on screen?”

    “Attempting to do so, sir.” The screen flickers, from black to a starfield and then to a Cardassian starbase, the Captain grabs his chair arms, and then launches himself into a standing position,

    “My god!”

    “It appears to be abandoned, however sensor resolution is very low.”

    “Helm, set a course….Engage”


    11:40pm PST

    “Sir, we are approaching the starbase.”

    “Slow to impulse. Full scan”

    “I’m reading no life signs, only a couple of hundred Voles. The station seems to be in relatively good nick, the fusion reactor is intact, and the gravitational stabilisers appear to be working. If we could get this station operational, with a crew – it could become a very important base of operations.” Ensign Garlen’s report excited the captain, but before he could order anything, an alarm begins sounding, Commander Jellico analyses the information,

    “Sir! We have just been sabotaged. The deuterium intermix chamber has been bombed, we have lost high warp capability.”

    “Nothing special then?” Just then another explosion rocks the ship,

    “I guess I spoke too soon! Where was that one?”

    “Weapons lockers 5, 6 and 7 and shuttlebay one, we lost 5 type-9 shuttles.”

    “How many causalities?”

    “Reports are coming in…35 wounded, 12 critically and no fatalities.”

    “Good, dispatch repair crews.”

    “Their on their way.”

    “Bridge to Engineering.”

    “Edwards here, sir.”

    “How long will repairs take?”

    “My guess is 12 hours, sir.”

    “You’ve got 6.”

    “Aye, sir.”


    09:20am UTC

    “Mr. President, it is the decision of this council, which represents all the members of the United Federation of Planets, that you are un-fit to continue as President. You are hereby relived of your post, and I will assume command as Acting-President. I’m sorry to do this in light of recent events, but I, and most of the members here, feel that retaliation is necessary.”


    Vice President Matheson, standing at the head of the large round table, nods to the guards and they escort President Relodan, standing at the other end of the table, out of the room.

    “Now, I will order the 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th fleets to begin their attack on the Dominion. Someone must pay for this act of war!”


    07:30 PST

    Poseidon Bridge

    “Sir, we are receiving a communication from Earth, President Matheson has recalled us.” Captain Miller jumps out of his seat, no one understood why Matheson was the President, but Matthew did,

    “Damn It! Helm get us out of here, set a course for Earth.”

    “Aye, sir.”





    Matthew Miller



    Matthew Miller



    Andrew J. Hodges



    Matthew Miller




  2. They released it on the best day in the year.


    here in aus there was NO promos........but then again - Paramount is god, we must follow Paramount, they dont like Australia, we dont like Australia....lets move to the US if we want to watch ENT.



    (note: WE=Australians)

  3. most likely. It was designed as a sleek and maneuoverable craft, and - with techno enhancements - it could still function in 2380 (current post VOY and NEM time).


    The Galaxy-class is a bit out-dated now, although it would most likley replace the ambassador.


    The Soverign, the Defiant, the Akira, the Sabre, the Steamrunner, the Excelsior and the Norway classes are all current ships (most were built for the Dominion War)