bearded ape

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Posts posted by bearded ape

  1. i hope this post isent moved. anyway, i was wondering, have any of you seen any signs of religon in any of the charecters on star trek? and i dont think quarks little obsession with shiny things counts.

  2. yeah. at first it may have been a social class thing. "o those poor people, they dont have the money to download info strait to htier brains. imagine haveing to go to school or read to learn something? how can they do it?" then it fainlly became a neccesity to have info go strait to your brain, to have your power tools in your arm and to be able to know what everybody else was thinking. anybody that dident wouldent even be considered a sentenit being. then somebody takes over the whole "nueral" net and we have the borg.

  3. i dont think anybody is gonna try and make a chip for your head. the surgery would cost to much and as ladynarana said, people dont want chips stuck in thier brains. thier just isent a market for it. in the futere we will probably carry a small box about he size of a pencil, it would transfer info to a pair of sunglases that could project the info onto your retna so you could surf the web anywhere. the pencil would also be you cell phone, and you could talk face to face with the other person, all you need to have is and ear insert. we already have this technology, but like cell phones and palm pilotes in thier early stages, they cost to much.

  4. i think that even though it is old, has rather bad grapics and isent even animated for most of the game, the strategy and thinking that it takes make it the best trek game ever created. i wanted to know who has played it before, and what you think of it.

  5. i am told that my post about the wrath of khan got some people annoyed. sorry, i was trying to make it sound like khan. but i had to leave in a hurry and forgot to lwave anything like a smilie to show my intentions. anyway, i like wrath of khan by far and think it is the best thing that trek has ever created.

  6. as of right now we are hopeing that we are lucky. we dont have nearly enough teliscopes trained on the sky to see when an astreoid is comeing. many scientists think we would see it with the naked eye before we saw it with telescopes. i guess the engine idea is sound and if we really had to we could blow it up. that would at least make it a little better for us humans.

  7. alright, then we understand one another. if we had enough anti-matter we might be able to create a warp ship, but right now anti-matter costs around 10 million an ounce. also, what do you think of the idea to terreform mars by melting the ice caps and then putting algi in the oceans (algi and other sea plants create 82% of the earths oxygen) and let them feed off the carbon concentrate atmosphere creating a thicker atmosphere and in effect global warming, heating the planet to at least livable temretures.

  8. Gul Dukat is one of the best charechters in all of star trek, and thier is nothing wrong with scheming, it it how you get things done when ethical people stand in your way or people with twisted values stand in your way. i think that exept for the mass killings that he was ordered to carry out and that if he dident carry out then someone even worse would take over for him, i thinm he was an ok guy.

  9. radiation is not a problem in space becuase the suits they wear protect them, and on mars they have an atmosphere. also the delay is not an hour, it is ten minutes. many experts think that if we really worked at it in about 1 century we could terreform mars and live on it like a second earth.

  10. Myers-Briggs would say that you are an ENTP (Extrovert, Intuitive, Thinker, Perceiver). In Star Trek language, you share a basic personality configuration with Harry Kim.



    People like you are generally highly creative, eager to challenge themselves, and quick-witted. You're charming and enthusiastic, full of questions and very friendly. You enjoy dealing with things directly, rather than manipulating others, and you love to brainstorm, especially with others who are equally creative and ready to take on complex problems. Your imagination, not your cunning, is your great strength.


    You're somewhat irreverent, which can cause you to say things you shouldn't at the wrong time. When challenged, you can be downright unpredictable, but you're logical and analytical by nature. You thrive on success, and while you're discouraged by failure, you're flexible and energetic, and will soon work your way back into an advantageous position.


    You respond best to people who understand and appreciate your perceptiveness and original insights, as well as to people who like friendly and open debates. You don't like to be nagged about small things, but you love to be dared with both mental and physical challenges. You love adventure.


    You're quite image-conscious and probably a snappy dresser.


    Your primary goal in life is being creative, seeing possibilities, and always having new challenges. Your reward is becoming famous and/or powerful yourself.


    Good careers for your type include being an entrepreneur, investment banker, Voyager's operations officer, marketing consultant, radio/TV talk show host, strategic planner, motivational speaker and advertising creative director.

    i like to use cunning more than imagination to beat peole and as long as the shirt is clean and it isent pink, then i really dont care what i am wearing. half and half accurate.

  11. Thomi Nouta

    Current Residence: Cardassia



    Identifacation Number: 27024-3763

    Class: Traveler


    This Klingon being is authorized free travel through all of Federation territory, as prescribed by the Federation treaty, this species is afforded all rights and privileges as prescribed in articles IV and VII.