
The Founders
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Posts posted by JTKirk1

  1. I don't understand why they do things like this but then again how many people actually thought about that when they first aired the episode? In fact I watched the episode tonight before WWE Raw came on and noticed the same thing seeing as though this was only the second time that I have actually got to watch the episode all the way through I have to admit that I didn't notice it. Then I guess no one is perfect.

  2. From what I have seen on TV lately there are some really offinsive things on when young kids are watching. I have seen things on some channels that just make me mad. But what can I say it's not the 80's early 90's anymore everything that was once offincive are now accepted and I guess I'll just have to deal with it.

  3. As you all have probably noticed by now I have not been online that much. I just wanted to let my second family know what is going on. At this moment my fiance and I are in the process of getting ready to move back to North Carolina. I'll try to get online as often as I can but most of the time I'm going to be either in NC looking for a place to live and a job. Just wanted you all to know that I have not forgotten all of you. I'll talk to you all later.

  4. Yeah I used to watch Star Trek on TNN all of the time, but it just got tiring because one night you might see one episode and 2 weeks later it would be back on again.  What a pain.  Boo to TNN! But of course some ST is better than to ST.

    I agree with you on that, I either watch the episodes that I have now seen over a thousand times or I wait up until 5 am to catch a episode of VOY.