
The Founders
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Posts posted by Goose

  1. Stardate:213436.9


    Hey people i posted this in the stardate topic so i figured id make a topic out of it so everybody can see.Go to its an awsome web site with alot of cool stuff.I reccomend checking everything out thoroughly.Have Fun!!!!

  2. Stardate:213433.9


    If u want to have a stardate timer on ur computer like i do go to then click on screen savers,icons ect. I would highly reccomend checking out the rest of that site cause it has a lot of awsome stuff!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  3. Stardate:213433.5


    I downloaded that song off of Winmx about a year ago and I still think its funny.


    If any of u have a music downloading program(thats probably a stupid question :lol: )Then i reccomend downloading "I am not a trekkie"by Undergod. Its a remix/techno and its pretty good.

  4. Stardate:213433.5


    Stardate is explained like this:


    take for example the stardate at the top of my post it is the current date and time.


    21=Century(21st century)

    3=year in century(2003)

    433 x.365=day in year

    .5=percentage of day past

  5. At first i had fears that Star trek was slowly dying because of the performance of the recent movie and Enterprise's diffuculties. But now I don't think Star Trek will end.  Change yes end no.  Besides it's fans like us that's kept it going for so long and it will be those same fans that will see to it's continuation.



    I totally agree I think as long as there is fans like us Star Trek will never die :) :) And if there should be a time were it looks like Star Trek is going to end I think it is up to us the fans to make sure that it never completely dies.I believe that star trek isnt just a show its a look at mankind and the possibility of a great future.Has anyone read "I'm working on that"by William Shatner.Its a great book and it explains alot about star trek and its realtionship with humanity and the future of man.

  6. Stardate:213427.9


    Getting back with the original question though.No i dont remeber having any temporal incidents as u described.But then again u got to consider if it happened what if ur future self has a sort of temporal prime directive and has to make sure that no interference of the timeline happens(this is where ur observer comes in)so i would think they would want u not to see him or her so as not to disrubt the timeline.and if u did i imagine they would find a way to erase ur memory.Its a very itriguing question.I myself love the concept of time travel and am planning on studying temporal mechanics more closely.

  7. Stardate:213427.9


    First I agree with Captain Picard on his theory.Remember there is TWO COMPLETELY SEPERATE TIMELINES.Second as far as the anhylation theory goes i believe its that the same matter cant occupy the same space and time so basiclly u couldn't touch for future or past self.I may be wrong but im not sure.I studied very very very basic quantum and temporal mechanics.(Like 10 pages :) )

  8. Stardate:213425.9


    WELCOME!!!!!!!!!! :)


    I also came from the official boards.I remember my time there :shudders:They have nothing on this board.Dont worry about advancing through the ranks.There is so much to post about u wont know where to start! :)

  9. Stardate:213425.9


    Commishioner Bud Selig had officals scan the remaining 76 bats that was in Sosa's locker.The results came up negative fortuantly for Sosa. Because Selig flat out said that if one more bat contained cork the following actions would be taken.Sammy Sosa donated 4 bats to the hall of fame.he donated three from the 1998 season,They were homeruns 58,60,and 62.He also donated the bat that hit homerun number 500 that he hit earlier this year.Selig was going to have those bats scanned if just one more bat in Sosa's locker contained cork.If any of the bats in the hall of fame contained cork then Sosa's career was over.Selig going to have those homeruns erased for the record books and give Sammy Sosa the same treatment as Shoeless Joe Jackson and Pete Rose recieved.Lifetime ban from baseball.


    So the question u have to ask urself is this.Is he still Slammin Sammy Sosa or his he just Scammin Sammy Sosa :)