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Posts posted by Goose

  1. Stardate:213490.9



    Technically they already have a sort of prototype for the replicator.Its called the 3D printer(i think)It uses ink,corn starch,and alot of other materials to print things in 3D that work!!!!!!!!So far that I know of scientists have made working ball bearings and sports equipment(footballs,basketballs,baseballs,ect.)So we may not be far off from having some sort of replicator. :)


    I may post something about this is the tech. forum if i can find information

  2. Stardate:213490.8



    I think that they will be back.IMO the Alpha Quadrent is very lucky voyaer destroyed the Transwarp Hub.Cause since the borg assimilated that shuttle they have that technology and if they would of made it to the alpha quardrent with that nobody would of stood a chance :)

  3. Stardate213488.9



    As the rest have said I will also miss reading your posts.I was looking forward to meeting you in Vegas and shaking you hand. :angry: Myself I always respected the fact that u didnt seem to care what other people thought of your opinions.But if you feel that you have to leave,then live long and Prosper you will be missed

  4. Here is a copy of something my sons girlfriend posted on her blog.


    , my sons blog]: senator hatch wants to blow up my computer.


    from yahoo news

    "He said damaging someone's computer 'may be the only way you can teach somebody about copyrights.' The senator... endorsed technology that would twice warn a computer user about illegal online behavior, 'then destroy their computer.'


    'If we can find some way to do this without destroying their machines, we'd be interested in hearing about that,' Hatch said. 'If that's the only way, then I'm all for destroying their machines. If you have a few hundred thousand of those, I think people would realize the seriousness of their actions', he said.


    'There's no excuse for anyone violating copyright laws,' Hatch said.

    That sounds illegal, doens't it?


    Anywho, here's a few ideas...


    1. Cut CD prices in half. If people only had to pay $8 or so for a CD, they might be more encourage to go buy one instead of downloading.


    2. What if you can't find a CD? Are you to be denied great music?


    3. Why not go after the peep-2-peer programs and the other "less known" programs instead of threatening the general public?


    4. Give people the option to pay-download or go buy the CD. People might do less "free" downloads.


    I could go on and on, but there are many solutions here. I myself do not mind spending $15 on a CD as I don't buy CD's all that often. Besides, if you download a track or two, I don't think they care, I think they get upset when you download an entire CD. I know several people who just downloaded the Nemesis soundtrack when it came out instead of buying it. :angry:



    Well put Captian.I agree if they cut the prices of Cd's I wouldnt download as much.For the price of one Music Cd i can buy 20 burnables.So of course the Amerian public is gonna go for the cheaper deal.

  5. Stardate:213488.9



    I also think that he will follow Kirk's advice.


    "Dont let them promote,dont let them do anything that would take you off the bridge of that ship,cause while your there you can make a difference."-Kirk to Picard in Generations