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Posts posted by Surax

  1. Okay, this whole board misinterpreted my comments completely.


    I was not saying I hated Enterprise. I love Enterprise. I was saying I hated nit-pickers who bash Enterprise for stupid reasons, like similar ship design. If you wanna call it unoriginal, fine. But I think that there are better example of it being unoriginal, like the need to bring the Borg into season 2.


    If you wanna bash Enterprise, fine, I can live with that. However, pick a better example. That's all I'm saying.


    <_< Enterprise Rocks <_<

  2. You know what I really hate. Nit-pickers.


    Yes, they are similar. Enterprise may or may not be based on the Akira class. What does it matter? You either like the show or not. If you hate the show, don't hate it because two ship designs are similar. Hate it because of crummy plots, bad characters or other reasons you may be able to come up with.

  3. Click for Spoiler:

    Admirable end to the season. I enjoyed the Nazi ending. Red Eye Guy (Reg) was cool. Let's start a trend. From now on, the Red Eye Guy shall be called Reg.


    Nice to see Hoshi actually talking.


    Alas, T'Pol's emotionalism will always annoy me, no matter how much you issist it makes sence.



  4. It's one thing to have a machine pumping oxygen into your nose. It's another to need water. Not only needing to be completly surrounded by FRESH water, they will need it around their whole bodies so they don't dry out.

  5. I voted for # 1. I am ecstatic.


    I think, however, that the main reason it was renewed is so they can give it a proper send off. Ratings have been dismal at best. UPN was hoping that by moving it to Friday, they would save it. However, the only reason it had the troubles it did was because it was up against American Idol. And it has been my experience that shows that are on Friday night haven't fared to well because people go out to party and what-not on Fridays.


    I think that UPN is under the impression that all Trekkies are geeks with no lives who won't be doing anything on Friday nights anyway. Which is totally wrong.


    BTW, I'll be watching it every week.

  6. Okay, I didn't vote in this one for one reason. How can there be a BEST civillian? You can have a favourite one, but there is no way to judge whether one is better than the others.


    I've often noticed in these polls that quite a few people use BEST and FAVOURITE interchangably. If the question asks for BEST, vote for who you believe to be the BEST. I often vote for a character I hated but who I though was the best.

  7. Okay. This episode conflicted me. On the one hand, it could have been good. Interesting to meet their grand-kids to see how they've changed and stayed the same. Lorain was especially interesting, much more emotional than Spock. And it was nice to see that the tradition of stealing others technology was pased on.


    On the other hand, this episode should not have happened. Since "Our" Enterprise survived the corridor, the other Enterprise should not have existed and been able to help them.


    For those who don't know me, I am damn opposed to temporal mechanics. Gives me a headache. :laugh:

  8. I agree with previous comments that this should be two seperate questions. I think that Odo was the best security officer. His shapeshifting gave him an edge against intruders and he wasn't as bound by regulations as the others were.


    I think that Tuvok was the best tactical officer. Being a Vulcan, he was always to be impartial, knowing how to weight the odds and not being afraid to retreat.

  9. Click for Spoiler:

    An all-around decent episode. Glad we found out abut T'Pol's addiction, although I was a bit annoyed about her being emotional at all.


    One thing that puzzled me, though. Why couldn't Archer offer to ferry the aliens until they could return the warp coil? It'd keep everyone alive and happy, and increase the crew a bit. And when everything was done, they'd be returned to their ship or home planet. But maybe I'm just nit-picking.


    Enjoyed seeing a sphere-builder. That part I liked.




  10. I think O'Brian summed it up best.


    "I hate temporal mechanics."


    So little is ever described on any Trek. It is hard and confusing to follow. It is even harder to agree on something. I have never liked episodes involving time travel. If First Contact could have been done without the time travel, it would have been my favourite Trek movie but it is second to The Undiscovered Country.


    Why can't they leave time travel to the Q?

  11. Archer definately made the wrong decision. First of all, the crew need Archer's experience. He is invaluble to their mission.


    Second of all, if the mission went wrong, which it did, and he was captured, which he was, he could have potentially given out important information. Archer got lucky.


    Travis is more expendible and has less information.

  12. Since this new season started, Enterprise has been getting better. I think most people would agree that the episodes are improving.


    However I find them lacking something. The ideas are good, the plots are good, the action is good. But they are not GREAT.


    After much thought, I think I have found that missing piece. Character.


    I do not like these characters enough to care what happens to them. In Azati Prime last night (and I'll try to avoid spoiling), although I was rooting for Archer, I didn't really care that much whether he completed his mission or not. He isn't developed enough.


    Throughout the entire series, the episodes I have most like combine action and character development. Like the episode where we see Mayweather's mothership. We see his character developed and we see him kick some Nausiccan *buttocks*.


    Even episodes without as much action. I really enjoyed Hoshi trying to find Reed's favourite food.


    If they had saved this season for later, when we cared more about these characters, this would have been a great season. But not it's just really good.

  13. Since this new season started, Enterprise has been getting better. I think most people would agree that the episodes are improving.


    However I find them lacking something. The ideas are good, the plots are good, the action is good. But they are not GREAT.


    After much thought, I think I have found that missing piece. Character.


    I do not like these characters enough to care what happens to them. In Azati Prime last night (and I'll try to avoid spoiling), although I was rooting for Archer, I didn't really care that much whether he completed his mission or not. He isn't developed enough.


    Throughout the entire series, the episodes I have most like combine action and character development. Like the episode where we see Mayweather's mothership. We see his character developed and we see him kick some Nausiccan *buttocks*.


    Even episodes without as much action. I really enjoyed Hoshi trying to find Reed's favourite food.


    If they had saved this season for later, when we cared more about these characters, this would have been a great season. But not it's just really good.

  14. This episode was extremely disappointing. Mutiny is a HUGE topic and not to be taken lightly. Every time Star Trek has done a mutiny episode, it was one of the best. This one was not.


    The writers wasted a potentially awesome topic on this piece of... well it's a piece of something.


    I could tell the basic plot of the episode from the trailer. I knew from the beginning that a) Archer was not himself, b)the Major would side with the captain and c)T'Pol would get overly emotional. AGAIN.

  15. Click for Spoiler:

    Here's an obscure Voyager referrence. At one point when they were trying to find the second sphere, Reed says that it might as well be 75 000 light years away. That's how far away Voyager got stranded from Earth.


    Interestingly enough, the actress who played Tores directed this episode.