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Posts posted by Chataeya

  1. I know I voted but after reading all the posts, I feel like its being put out there to bring in new fans. I just know IMO that I love Star Trek, all of it no matter when its takes place or where. I have always watch it on TV and rented any movie that I could and watched them. I so miss ST on TV and no I dont have the privilege of cable or satellite TV, so if its free I can see it. I have watched them all from start to finish. before TOS or After Voyager , Movie or TV I dont care I just want my fill of Star Trek! lol

    Basically I just wish that they all had come out in the right order, as for going back and forth it can be confusing. But then again the only thing really confusing is the props they have use from the siding cardboard doors on TOS to the submarine type doors on ENT . Yes I understand that as time went on props got much better for them but to an untrained eye it can set you off with your comprehension of what you are seeing.

    I am the type that observes things differently the most normal folks sort of like the "Mentalist" on CBS on Tuesday night (yes on of my favorite shows) I dont always watch what is up front more to the point of I look for what is behind the goings on up front that most would look at.

    Oh well, I am going off this topic so I will stop now :cheers:

  2. Me either. What is it about? Maybe if u put something in here about it someone could give you an answer. As of now I am curious.


    Binaural Beats




    Ok I went and did a quick check and this is one of the sites I found. I have heard of it and back in 1994 I used a cassette tape of sounds to Astral Project, or better known as Astral Projection, I use to listen to it and found myself in a floating form more like the feeling of floating I guess. But it help relieve stress in a very nice way. Now whether I did really take a trip out of body I can't say. Plus it depends on if the sound comfort you or make you agitated. So if you do take caution in using them.

  3. I've activated a feature that allows everyone to change their display name once every 30 days. Just go to your "My Controls" and look for the setting "Change display name" as pictured below:




    This will ONLY change your display name, your login name will remain whatever it currently is.



    About the only thing I would do is change my name to Chakatay, as if you follow spanish o=male and a=female lol then i would go back to and see what kind of BS it would start after all its been 6 years since I got jumped on for picking Chataeya. :giggle:

  4. I have watch shows on TV cable that have showed finds from old homes, and like the host said "You never know what you will come across in old houses." A friend of my Mothers bought a farm house that dated back to one of the original first one room homes built some (at the time) 276 years ago. When in the Basement you could see the first room door way had wood around it with some of the painting still on it. Basically pictures of things they thought would keep bad away. The next room was add to the first the a full room the size of both first and second. Then of course the first floor ,second floor and a Third Maid/butlers quarters. There was a small set of steps leading up to the top floor off the kitchen and then the main part of the house. This was when I was 13 which was a long time ago so now that same house is over 300 years old. It creep'ed me out to be in it back then, and maybe it would now know that at one time back in the 1700's there was a fire in the house to cover up a murder. A young socialite who just came of age to marry was killed because the family and girl choose someone other then the fellow that wanted her. It seems that this fellow thought that if he couldn't have her no one could. He was never caught and punished for his crime as from what the owners could find out was somehow he had connections.

    As far as the homes first room it seems that it was built half in a hill and half out so they think it was a home built by Native Americans. What Tribe I am not sure. It's location is up in Pennsylvania above Philadelphia. I'd say maybe about 10 to 20 miles off the Delaware river.

  5. :giggle:

    Ok, Now that is funny ,but i believe true, as when we h

    went to Vegas Homer was searched after taking off his belt he had to hold onto his pants, he was told to put his hands up and The guard started to search him and his pants went down to his ankles. Lets just say the one doing the searching turn beet red and apologized right and left. We got thru the gate real fast with no more hassle.

  6. Wow! IDK but I met Takei in person at the 2006 Con, Out in the hallway I spoke to him because he dropped some papers he had and I said something to him about it and he looked at me with a mean face, picked up the papers and didn't even say Thank you or nothing just mumbled something under his breath when I said "Your Welcome", So IMO Takei can be mean too.

  7. Wow! This could really cause a stink! My word do we now come down to this, to the point of watching what we say in our homes? before you know it we will have to look out the window to make sure no one is within ear shot of our homes. not that I condone cursing, but really is it getting to the point we can't talk freely in our own homes now?

  8. So, here's my current desktop..

    » Click to show Spoiler - click again to hide... «

    :laugh: No wonder your keyboard doesn't work with that pic on it you keep drolling over it.. B) mines just some plain windows pic from desktop choices that they have. I have yet to find something I really like.

  9. Well!!!! Well!!!!!!! So much for V'ger. Humph, I think his interest in Star Trek was only cause of me.....If you are not interested in somethink that a partner is don't lie about it. Or pretent! Why do people do this to there partners??? I know for sure this post will end up on the last page of off topics. V'ger if u ever do find this I am disapointed in you. Shame Shame on you.