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Posts posted by MANVERU

  1. Is it true that Barbers are among the richest people in Wookie society?




    What is the main goal of sw? like st is to "bodly go where no man has gone before"...?

    Well, since the inhabitants of the SW universe have mastered Hyperspace, they no longer share the need to explore, after the sixth movie, an invasion from another galaxy entered their's. They have been very cautious since.

    Basically, since the fall of the Empire, The New Rebellion will struggle to restore peace to the galaxy. Who knows, maybe they will decide to start exploring other galaxy's.

    But the MAIN goal, is for peace and prosperity throughout the galaxy!



    Why are they less advace in future than past? In past u see them with Dual lightsabers (WHich is more superior to normal) but later on they only have Single handed ones? Personally i would of though it would make more sense to have more Duel Lightsabers.


    Simply, when the Empire came into power (18 BBY). They knew the only way to keep the galaxy in order, was to pretty much rule with an Iron fist, ridding the galaxy of freedom, doing this, they fazed out the Jedi and any force users. Why? becasue they posed a great threat.


    Now, think about it. The only force people known to exist then, was the Emperor and Vader.


    The Old Republic built a great civilisation, made on peace, technology and exploration.

    When the Emperor came into power, he tore down these things, ridding the galaxy of "peace, technology and exploration."

    Thus he made a new civilisation "The Galactic Empire".

    Think of it as a new start. The Emperor didn't want anything to do with the OR, so he tore it down, even destroyed any technology, that could prrove beneficial to The Empire.

  2. Okay, I've been briefed on alot of the stuff, and will be flying out to the training center in April (it's been bumped back becasue of less numbers).



    I hate to admit this, but i'm really scared about this.






    I need to calm down, I know it's still over 4 months away, but I'm really packing it!!


    I'm just scared that this may not have been the best choice, even though I've already signed over my soul to the devil (the Devil being the government)


    Did anyone in the service feel this way?