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Posts posted by MANVERU

  1. We all know that Hanks is a big time actor, he's done everything!



    Think about it.

    Star Trek isn't that big anymore, would he REALLY be doing this?


    After the closing of ENT, Trek has definetly calmed down, I very much doubt that they will make a roaring comeback with Tom Hanks.


    Though it would be an awesome movie with Hanks, I doubt he will aggree

  2. well, I have a shower every morning.


    And by night time, yes it does smell.


    I looked this up on a medical site, and it's really quite normal for it to smell, especcially males.


    What it is, is sweat seeps through the belly button, and becasue belly buttons are closed in (some are anyway) it will create friction, hence becomeing smelly.

  3. A disgruntled Klingon starts to make fuss in Quarks bar. There was an accident, and by the time it was finished, the Klingon had a knife in his chest.

    Realising what Quark has done, he freely admits that he has "Slain" a Klingon, and he died an honourable death.



    with this, Quark is named the head of the dead Klingons house, and is married to his widdow!!!




    Awesome episode, I love ANY episode that has Klingons in it!!!

  4. DS9 is overwhelmed when Commander Riker comes for some shore leave.

    Anxious to inspect the Defiant, Riker steals it.

    But it is not Riker, but merely the result of a transporter accident gone wrong. A clone.


    He hijacks it and intends to use it with the Maquis against the Cardies.


    Luckily, Sisko is able to stop the attempt, and we learn an interesting secret about the Obsidian order.




    I loved this episode. I was completely shoked when Riker made the appearance.


    However, It was really annoying how many times they called him "Luitenant". When he is in fact a "Commander"

  5. gah, okay, for christmas I got some DS9 seasons, and have been watching the episodes non stop.



    I never fast forward the intro.


    And seeing a face there....


    It's driving me nuts!!!!!!


    I can't think that it wasn't put there.



    It's just too obvious.

    I was watching an episode with a mate, and when the opening titles came on, he looked at me and said:

    "Um, did I just see a face in the comets trail?"

  6. Do Jedis have a health care plan?


    Of course!!!


    Are Jedis the goody goodys or the baddys?


    Goodies, they believe in keeping the peace and order in the galaxy, however, power can corrupt a weak minded one, and lure him to the wonders of the Dark Side



    How much money does a Jedi make?


    When any Jedi is sworn in as a Padawan, they must take several vowes.

    Very similar to that of the Catholic religion. Including poverty. I'm not too sure, but I do know they make enough to support any Jedi's needs.

    Being a Jedi is about obtaining peace, not possesions.


    How does one use a blast shield whilst operating a X-wing or other fighter?


    Very similar to Trek. You push a button!!!!

    however, using a blast shield will slow down your flight maneuverability


    Do Jedis have a health care plan?


    Of course!!!


    Are Jedis the goody goodys or the baddys?


    Goodies, they believe in keeping the peace and order in the galaxy, however, power can corrupt a weak minded one, and lure him to the wonders of the Dark Side



    How much money does a Jedi make?


    When any Jedi is sworn in as a Padawan, they must take several vowes.

    Very similar to that of the Catholic religion. Including poverty. I'm not too sure, but I do know they make enough to support any Jedi's needs.

    Being a Jedi is about obtaining peace, not possesions.


    How does one use a blast shield whilst operating a X-wing or other fighter?


    Very similar to Trek. You push a button!!!!

    however, using a blast shield will slow down your flight maneuverability


    Most/Least favourite droid?

    the R4 units have always taken my fancy.



    Have there ever other forms of travel besides the usual hyperdrive in the SW Universe, such as generational ships?

    Not to my knowledge.



    And what other types of sci-fi (if you know) does George Lucas enjoy?

    STARWARS.COM states that he's a big fan of Battlestar galactica, but he has been watching HEEPS of Star Trek, to get ideas about the TV series.


    Ever saw the short film: George Lucas in Love?


  7. I thought Maul was allies with the Emperor and if so then it was he who used the dual lightsabre



    yes, he was his apprentice, some people just prefer to use the conventional saber. True, the double ended would serve a greater purpose, but tradition can sometimes serve a much more greater power.


    Then explain the Uncharted Territories. The EU has stated that about a third of their galaxy in unkown.


    um, no. Other novels have said that all of the galaxy has been ENTIRELY charted, I think you might be refering to areas that are impossible to navigate through.



    Di wanna wanga?

    wanga eh goer



    How the hell do you make the blade so... normal at the end of a light-saber?

    This question has plagued fans for ages! Many theorys state that the actual blade of the saber, is infinite, and that a high polarity force field surrounds the blade, and if the user do wishes, he can install a nob, that can control the length of the blade, this would proberbly adjust the length of the force field.



    Has there ever been a recorded incident of a Jedi accidently slicing off his toes by turning on his light saber while it was still holstered?

    I'm absaloutely sure there has been, but it would have proberly been some careless Padawan.


    What use does the blast shield serve?

    um, der, it's a blast shield. It shields things that go BOOM!



    Where does Annakin get his hair done?

    Just Cuts.

    And Obi wan has been known to look after his partner.
