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Posts posted by MANVERU

  1. I got this idea off of a Star Wars Forum.

    Basically post something that desrcibes how much of an absaloute nerd u are at ST!!!


    I'll start:



    When someone in class makes a commnt about Star Trek, You feel it is your duty to correct them when they say, "Yeah, I love that dude. Data is the coolest """ROBOT""" "


    It just makes me so mad :lol:

  2. I actually read this on one of those ST fact file thingys.


    OK, it's not magnetised, refer to that episode in the first season TNG.

    the episode was 'haven' I think, u know where wes was convicted of the death penalty.

    Any ho, Wen they beemed that chick abored, "their god" got really pee'd off!! so Picard immediatly afixed the comm badge to this chick for beeming.


    now, how it works is this.

    There is a finite button at the top of each badge, not really a button, but more of a pad that is sesitive to touch, wen this button is pressed, it will

    "Electriaclly" connect to any surface the backing is attached to!!


    This is a gif of TNG badges.

    U can see on the back of it the electical field that attaches to any material. Quite clever really!!




    oh, I can't remember the number fact file I found this in, so don't bother asking.

  3. I htought it was rather good, the idea of Data having a sence of.....


    hm, what would you call it?

    sence of.......well. he was more human.

    though it was "grandpa"

    It was rather amusing




    I was totaly stoked!

    When Data (grandpa) told off Picard!