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Posts posted by Susan_Delgado

  1. It's funny, one of the theories that says we could terraform Mars calls for the use of some of the same things that we consider "pollution" here on Earth.


    That's right.


    Sending industrial polluting machines to Mars which will spew greenhouse gases into the atmosphere to build a life-sustaining atmosphere.


    Around the same time, plants would be sent to Mars to absorb the CO2 and produce oxygen.


    All done with robotics and automation.


    That should be the plan for Mars. Not the astronaut with the pretty flag.


    That's what we should do with the Moon first. To test the technology.



    I think you are exactly right, HRH. We should experiment with the technology on the moon first .... I often wonder what was the point of the Apollo program if we never follow up on it?


    Plus, I think it would just be incredible to have people actually living and working ON THE MOON in my lifetime -- if the terraforming thing works. So much more exciting than the International Space Station (at least to me.)

  2. I love Sisko, particulary after he gets hooked up. And I loved Kira after she stopped being so strident and peed off about everything. I loved O'Brien. I loved Quark. I loved Odo. Well, geez, I loved everybody except for Jake ... I tolerated him.


    Janeway was a lot more interesting when they were hinting at a romance between her and Chakotay ... of course, they dropped the ball on that one just like they dropped the ball on Picard and Crusher. THAT would never have happened on DS9 ... it would have been addressed, examined from all sides, and resolved one way or the other over the course of the series!

  3. I, too, was confused.  Bashir scanned him, and he came up normal.  It really makes you think... Bashir gave him a clean bill of health.  They can DNA-scan people and check one against the other (Adm. Janeway in Endgame, for example), so they had to have known O'Brien was a clone.  So I think, maybe they did know, but Bashir was told to play it cool.




    The DS9 crew knew it wasn't O'Brien the whole time, I thought. Bashir was just faking it with him about that physical exam. They were just stalling until they could locate and rescue the real O'Brien.


    I loved this episode. You spend the whole time thinking that everyone except O'Brien are the bad guys and then at the end, boom, O'Brien was the "wrong" person.

  4. ^^That was really good acting on Terry Farrell's part when they "stole" the Dax symbiont and put it in that other guy. She was completely different after her operation when Julian brought her out of the anesthetic. You could see in her face that she was not the same. Likewise for the other guy .... his entire manner and even his physical appearance were markedly different while he was walking around with Dax inside of him.


    One of your comments above will come to fruition in the first mirror universe episode. Are you up to that one yet?

  5. I can say this about DS9... they don't really have a nerd.  TNG had Data, Voyager had Tuvok and Doc, and TOS had Spock.  Vulcans and artificial life-forms with no sense of humor and a more logical than human perspective.  It's good to have this balance.  Odo almost fits the bill... Actually so does Dax in a way, but not because she's Vulcan or an AI, but just because she's lived so many lives, both male and female.  It's not so much a complaint, but I miss that character trait in the mix.


    Oh, and my favorite Trek relationship so far is Tuvok and Neelix.  That was a lot of fun...


    Plus, having just watched Voyager, towards the end I really felt like they were recycling plots.  Seeing DS9 and all the new (to me) plots... So far I haven't seen anything that jumped out at me and said "hey, they did that (or, will do that) in Voyager!"  So the newness is welcome.



    As you've pointed out, DS9 is rather original in its approach to the Trek franchise. I think that the emotionless-learning-about-the-human-condition thing had pretty much been done to death. Plus, who'd want to take that on and try to follow Brent Spiner B) ?!!


    Odo is the oddball on DS9 .... he's always on about "humanoids," but he's got emotions.


    There's no way for me to pick a favorite onscreen Trek friendship ... each has its own charm. I like Garak and Bashir early on. I enjoy O'Brien and Bashir immensely. Odo and Quark are wonderful ... There's an episode coming up where we see the first glimmer of affection between them. It's very good.


    Tuvok and Neelix were very cute. Neelix annoyed the holy crap out of me until they got rid of Kes (best decision they ever made ... they should never have made her and Neelix a "couple." Like anybody was going to buy that!)


    I love Picard and Data. Especially in First Contact.


    Worf and Martok (coming Season 5) are also fun to watch.


    I'm rewatching the series now for the third time on DVD, so I guess the fourth time if you count the run of the series on t.v. I think that Jadzia Dax is really kind of a loner up until Worf shows up ... I mean Dax is friends with Sisko, but that is really Curzon that is his friend. Jadzia herself is all buddy-buddy with Quark. She's hard to pin down because of all those past lives.


    I tell you another two people who are buds who get a really great episode .... Jake and Nog "In the Cards" end of Season 5. That is one of my favorite episodes, I think.


    And BTW I've always considered Julian to be Indian or Pakistani. When his parents show up on the station in Season 5, they are obviously of that nationality or race whatever you want to call it.


    What episode are you up to now?

  6. No, Paradise was the episode where Ben Sisko and Miles O'Brien transport to the planet where that crazy sadistic woman has set up an EM field to shut down all technology, and she tortures and kills people in the name of "getting down to the roots of the human condition".  Ugh.  I tell ya... Were I Sisko, I would have shot her as soon as phasers were working!  Or put her in that box and transport it to a Y-class planet (see the Voyager episode "Demon").




    Oh yeah ... I hated that woman. I would have shot her, too. I was completely grossed out by that stupid chick they sent to seduce Sisko and persuade him to hang around. And the whole idea of using Miles and Sisko for stud service for their little incestuous commune there ..... ewwww.

  7. Garak is awesome, but we don't really get to see a whole lot of him at any time. There are several excellent Garak episodes coming up.


    I think they were smart in their sparing use of Garak. It just adds to the mystery of the man, you know?


    The more hair Ben Sisko shaved off, the cooler he got. I really like his look from season 4 on ... shaved head, goattee.


    Is Paradise the episode about the changeling infiltration of earth? I can't remember.

  8. It was after Shakaar. I believe it is the episode following "You Are Cordially Invited."


    Just in rewatching the series (yet again!) I am finding that I'm really not "buying" the relationship between Kira and Odo like I once did. I thought that Philip Anslem was great, both as a religious person and as a n'er-do-well. I would like to have seen more of him and Kira together, although not every episode. I couldn't see him becoming part of the main cast or anything, but it would have been nice way to end Kira's story in the final episode. Kira loves Bajor. I wish she could have moved back to Dakor (sp?) Province after the war and had Bareil waiting for her in the home she's never had.

  9. We just watched this one last night and I found myself wishing that things would have worked out for Kira with Mr. Mirror Universe Bareil.


    In retrospect, I think that I would rather have had Kira end up with Bareil and had a shot at a family and happiness than having her fall in love with Odo and end up all alone with her lover off in the soup!


    I really enjoy the chemistry between Nana Visitor and Philip Anslem ... I think it might have been better if the writers had decided to go that way. I always thought I was a big Kira and Odo fan, but this time through I'm finding myself thinking about what might have been with Kira and Bareil. Mirror Bareil did say that he saw himself with her during his orb experience. And the orb experience we saw Kira have also featured Bareil.


    Just what I'm thinking about this time through the series (third time).

  10. The Ferengi are alright, though I still think they can be annoying.  I don't completely understand their greed.  Are the replicators specifically prohibited from replicating that gold-pressed latinum that Quark craves?  With all the security override chips Quark keeps on hand, you'd think he could get around any such restriction.  In the socialist future of Star Trek, the capitalist Ferengi fall short of making too much sense.




    If you watch the special features, the Ferengi are modeled after the human society of our time. They are the most human-like species on the entire show.


    I'm sure there are ways to detect replicated latinum, gems, or other currency.


    The socialist future of Star Trek is only within the Federation. There are numerous other worlds and species who are not part of the Federation ... they are all still using currency and getting paid for their work. I'm sure that Kira is drawing some sort of salary for her job as Bajoran liaison and first officer at DS9.


    I have a question: How are the Federation folks paying for their drinks and food at Quark's and other businesses on the Promenade? The Bajorans use money, as do the Ferengi, and that Morn guy (whatever species he is). And Quark isn't giving away anything for free whether his customer is in the Federation or not!

  11. On a more positive note, one of my favourite stories from DS9 was the one where Worf and Martok are trapped in a prison and forced to fight with each other. That was a story that developed character but it also had a strong adventure plot as well. Can't remember the name of the episode at the moment.



    :P "In Purgatory's Shadow" and "By Inferno's Light" .... Season 5.


    I think that two-parter is probably my favorite episode of the whole series. I like it even more than "In the Pale Moonlight" from Season 6.

  12. I guess we're just supposed to understand that the pieces and parts are all in the right places interspecies. I think they were always more concerned with the genetics of interspecies procreation. Obviously, they have to keep all this PG, so I doubt we'll ever know the real mechanics of it all!

  13. Of all the actors and actresses on Trek, the one I'm always most puzzled about not seeing anywhere is Michelle Forbes (Ro Laren). I loved her as Ensign Ro, she was fabulous. And so beautiful. I looked her up on IMDb and saw that she had done some guest spots on shows like Law and Order, but I really don't watch that show regularly. Now if they'd made her (or anyone else from Star Trek for that matter) a regular, I would have made a point to watch.


    As for the main cast of any Star Trek series --- unless they were in heavy make-up and are very camouflaged on Trek, I think it would be hard for them to find work regardless of how talented they are because of typecasting. I just really hope for all of their sakes that they socked away some money while they were making it.


    It's a risk you take as an actor going the regular series route ... I mean, look at the cast of Seinfeld. Nobody wants to see Julia Louis-Dreyfuss being anyone BUT Elaine, myself included I'm afraid!

  14. Click For Spoiler
    I can't remember all the techno-babble :P but if the colony had survived, was there any way for Sisko and the gang to have returned for a visit? Or was this colony completely cut-off from the original timeline?


    It would have been more of a Star Trek ending to have left the colony as it was, ala Meridian. I suppose, though, they had kind of already done that once and were trying to do something different.


    I wonder if that would have bothered O'Brien? He was so uncomfortable with the whole scenario. You could tell the "infidelity" was really weighing on him.

  15. but sadly I think the fanbase had become adjusted to the style of later shows like DS9 and Voyager, which is why there was a section of fandom who disliked it.



    I never thought that DS9 and Voyager were anything alike stylistically. DS9 featured a continuing saga of religious and political intrigue, plus a war that dominated the latter half of the series. Voyager was episodic with a little T & A thrown in (Where did they find those bras for Jeri Ryan .... yowsa! I'd buy one tomorrow if I could find one.)


    How do you feel that DS9 and Voyager's styles were similar? Perhaps I am missing something :D .

  16. Who?  Is that the actor's name?  And Winn?  Interesting villain (?) so far.



    I can't remember the character's name (sorry) but Frank Langella is the actor's name. He played the guy who was the ringleader of the Circle. And he was all conniving with Winn until she cut him loose at the end.


    First one's in season 4, the other two are in season 5.  So they're not chronological but they somehow go together?  How's that work?



    All three are about the same guy. It's his "story" (and he sticks to it! :D ).


    I think people use the term "arc" when they want to avoid a negative connotation from the words "soap opera." All soaps should be as good as DS9, then people wouldn't think so little of them!

  17. The DS9 episode "For The Uniform" is on right now on SkyOneMix.


    Awesome frickin episode.



    Sisko is the Mack-Daddy :D


    Here's another example of DS9's successful use of the multi-episode arc ... For the Cause, For the Uniform and Blaze of Glory were nowhere near each other in a chronological viewing, but if you ran them back to back to back they are a three-part episode!


    God dawg, this show rocked the house!

  18. Whatever works to get kids to learn. However, I think it is sad that there will be people in the future who won't get it when someone refers to "pea pods."


    My kid is going to KNOW stuff ... I'll probably turn him into an outcast amongt his peers for being too smart about things they don't care about, but who knows, he could grow up to be the next great Star Trek producer/writer.


    Of course, there's nothing wrong with knowing your Harry Potter ... Stephen King used golden snitches in his Dark Tower series .... they were actually WEAPONS like grenades or heat-seeking missiles. Had I not known about HP, I wouldn't have known what King was referring to. I would still have understood the book, but I would have missed out on one of those throw-away references of King's that makes his books so rich.