A l t e r E g o

Federation Vice President
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Status Updates posted by A l t e r E g o

  1. Hello Bethlehem!


  2. I am so excited for Discovery Trailer!


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. A l t e r E g o

      A l t e r E g o

      Discovery will also be on Netflix International and Canada's "Space" channel. Does that help you out?

    3. Indy


      Last I heard it wouldn't be aired on Netflix in America, so if that's true, then no.

    4. A l t e r E g o

      A l t e r E g o

      Sorry about that, then. Streaming CBSAA is only about $7 to 12 bucks a month, depending on commercial free or not.

  3. Happy Birthday, Jack!

  4. Kevin has been busy!

  5. Who wants corn-on-the-cob?!

  6. Excited for a new ST series!

  7. Hey, welcome back to STFs.

  8. I really should fill out my profile someday...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. A l t e r E g o

      A l t e r E g o

      Hi Indy. Sorry it took so long to fins this. Could you be more specific? I am not sure what your context was after so long.

    3. Indy


      I don't know.  I think it had to do with a visitor to my profile, but I was confused how a 'removed' member would still have access to personal profiles.  Doesn't matter, it's totally irrelevant.  LLAP


    4. A l t e r E g o

      A l t e r E g o

      Okay. Well welcome back.