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Posts posted by rob39874

  1. I think it was the Queen Picard could sense because it seemed in First contact that the queen had romantic intentions for Locutus.


    Also I would not say Picard is a cyborg due to having some remaining borg implants or a fake heart. A cyborg has to have quite a few mechanical parts of his body. I would class Data more of a cyborg than Picard except he does not have any biological components

  2. Look we all have one thing in common here we are all fans of Star Trek but as soon as we digress to other Sci fi it starts a arguement. Most of us who are older born before or in the early 80s grew up with the original BSG and it was great maybe not like some other sci fi but still good for it's time.


    However the new BSG is not to a lot of peoples taste the sex changeing the cylons being able to look human (I preferred it when they were robots with the swaying red light.)


    Now most of the younger generation may consider the plot lines cheesey but most people consider TOS to be cheesey as well yet we still love it.


    now this forum was to discuss the old BSG can the old fans and the new fans just agree to disagree and lets talk about why we like the old BSG and stop all the fellow member bashing

  3. Picard is great I actually did a profile on him as college and most of was about his time on TNG


    Not like Robert Beltram who actually told fans at a convention that he hated Star Trek and he begged the writers to kill him off every season.


    Lets just say he hasn't been asked to do a convention since.