Stephen of Borg

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Posts posted by Stephen of Borg

  1. What Trek novels do you have? List a few of your favorites, or you can list your collection. I just recently have started to buy Trek novels so I know you guys will probably have a lot more than I do. Here's the list of the novels I have:




    Star Trek The Next Generation: Do Comets Dream? By: S.P. Somtow


    A Time to Be Born By: John Vornholt


    A Time to Die By: John Vornholt


    A Time to Sow By: Dayton Ward & Kevin Dilmore


    Star Trek The Return By: William Shatner


    Star Trek Avenger By: William Shatner


    Star Trek Spectre By: William Shatner


    Star Trek Dark Victory By: William Shatner


    Star Trek Preserver By: William Shatner


    Star Trek Captain's Blood By: William Shatner


    Star Trek The Next Generation: I, Q By: John De Lancie and Peter David


    Star Trek The Lost Era: The Sundered By: Michael A. Martin and Andy Mangels


    Star Trek The Last Round Up By: Christie Golden

  2. Every series had a man race of bad guys they would always run into. Which race do you think gave each crew the most trouble in each series?


    The original series always fought the Klingons

    The Next Generation always fought the Romulans

    DS9 had the Cardassians

    Voy had the Borg


    that's the way I see it. What's your opinion as to who the main villains were in each series?

  3. Voyager is one of my favorite series. My favorite series is TNG but Voyager is second when you take out the TOS series. I don't usually added TOS to the list of my favorites because it's a given that it is the first and usually the best. So my favorites in order, without TOS being added is






  4. I was inspired to do this neat poll for three reasons


    1. The real elections are coming soon

    2. I saw something similar to this on another site

    3. It'd be fun


    So which two do you think would make a better President and Vice President? Kirk and Spock? Picard and Riker? Or neither of the two and vote a third party and give the names of two people you think should be chosen. Please keep this fun and in the realm of Star Trek. This is NOT intended to be a real political debate about real issues, but a fun poll that is in the Star Trek universe. No flame wars please. :flowers:


    If you'd like to give your reasons for who you voted for, do so :cloud9: It'd be interesting to read why you have chosen who you have. If you don't want to, that's cool. If everything goes right, on Nov. 3 who ever has the most votes will win this poll!

  5. O.k., if you could take all seven season and narrow down to your top 10 favorite episodes, what would they be? If you want, explain why you chose this in your top 10.


    Here's my top 10 favorite TNG episodes


    1. Tapestry


    This is my all time favorite episode. It’s when Q shows Picard his past. That’s what I love about this episode, not only does it have Picard and Q as the main part of the story, you get to see a little in Picard’s past, when he had hair!!!


    2. A Matter of Honor


    I love this episode when Riker joins a Bird-of-Prey in an officer exchange program. It’s very fun to watch the tension between Riker and his fellow Klingon crew members, some of which hate serving under a human. It has every one’s favorite Klingon dish in this episode, you know which one I’m talking about.


    3. The Schizoid Man


    My favorite Data episode, a man possesses Data so he won’t die, and he won’t give it up for anybody. The story here is just excellent “Grampa”.


    4. Hero Worship


    This is one of my favorites for the fact that the kid tries to be an android, Data in particular, his attempts are humorous. Data Jr. He dresses like Data and tries to imitate him in every way. Very enjoyable.


    5. Time's Arrow Part 1 & 2


    This episode just ranks high on the coolness factor in my book. Data gets to travel back into the times of Mark Twain and actually meet him and a friend from the future in the past, Guinan. I love episodes about time travel, and this is my favorite out of all of the Star Trek episodes that have to do with time travel.


    6. Captain's Holiday


    Good old Picard just doesn’t rest does he? He is into forced vacation and he doesn’t get much relaxation when he is greeted by aliens from the 27th century and he’s off to another adventure. It’s fun to watch him try to enjoy his interrupted vacation when he has to look for the Uhtat with his love Vash.


    7. Sarek


    The mighty one has fallen when he contracts Bendii syndrome causing everyone else aboard the Enterprise to act in outburst of anger. It’s very interesting to see Picard go berserk after his mind meld with Sarek.


    8. Elementary, Dear Data


    Another fun Data episode that’s fun to watch as he and Geordi reenact a new Holmes story and Professor Moriarty discovers he is only a hologram.


    9. Ethics


    My favorite Worf episode. Worf becomes temporarily paralyzed and is ashamed to be seen by anyone. He asks Riker if he would help Worf commit suicide. Very touching episode with a lot emotion.


    10. The Offspring


    I don’t even have to tell you which episode this is or why I like this. I think almost everyone that likes TNG would put this in their top 10. One of the best and saddest episodes out of all the Trek series.

  6. Man, hello to everyone, it's been a while since I have posted here. Anyway, I'm in the mood and ready to start reading some more Trek novels. Also, I got some cash to spend. Can you recommend me a few? I usually read Trek novels that have to do with The Next Generation. Going this Sunday to Books-A-Million to get which ever you suggest. So please, give me some names of good TNG novels! thanks.

  7. I was thinking this morning what it would be like if Mark Hamill made a guest appearance on some Star Trek project in the future. I'm not saying it's going to but how would you feel if this ever did happen? Could someone of Star Wars fame be accepted by hardcore Trek fans? I think so, but I don't know how you would feel. What's your opinion?

  8. He has at least one more book that will be coming out of his Trek series called "Captains Victory". I agree with what you said. If they do try to bring James Kirk back to life on Enterprise, hopefully Shatner will figure out a way that it will be close to his books. I just hope he's really careful and takes his Trek novel fans into consideration when he is on Enterprise.


    It's sad about the "Invasion Iowa" project being a scam. If you don't know, it turns out that he wasn't filming a movie with Leonard Nimoy at all, he was really doing a reality show for Spike TV that will come on tv next year. It will show the citizens of the town and their acting abilities in auditions among other things.

  9. I have favorite bands in all genres of rock


    Metal Bands




    Nine Inch Nails

    Cradle of Filth


    Alice Cooper

    Ozzy Osbourne

    Motley Crue


    Rock Bands


    Huey Lewis and the News

    Lenny Kravitz

    Bryan Adams

    Rod Stewart



    Phil Collins



    Punk Rock Bands



    Good Charlote

    New Found Glory

  10. My nerdiness knows no bounds! Here's some Trek jokes I found that are pretty cute. If you like Trek, you'll like these, I did. I've posted this on other sites, but I don't think I did here. They're corny, but you'll love them. :(



    Question: Where do Star Trek fans go to lift weights?

    Answer: The "He's dead, Gym"!


    Question: How many ears does Picard have?

    Answer: Three. A right ear. A left ear. And a final front ear.


    Question: What did Picard say as Data struggled to repair the Marclosian Stitching Machine?

    Answer: "Make it sew."


    Question: What did the first officer answer when Picard asked "Why did you let Troi win at poker?"

    Answer: "Because I Riker."


    Question: What did the blonde Klingon say?

    Answer: "It was a good day to dye."


    Question: What is Thomas Riker's dating philosophy?

    Answer: "If at first you don't succeed, try Troi again."


    Question: What do you get if you cross a borg with a black magic marker?

    Answer: A borg with a big black X on it.


    Question: What did Worf say when small ice asteroids began hitting the Enterprise hull?

    Answer: "Captain, we are being hailed."


    Question: What did Will Riker say when he discovered that he had a transporter duplicate?

    Answer: "We're Number One! We're Number One!"


    Question: Why are Beverly Crusher, Worf, and Deanna Troi similar?

    Answer: Because one's a Doc, one's a Worf, and one's a Marina.


    Question: What does Major Kira's emergency signal sound like?



    Question: Did you hear about the singing contest for young men at Starfleet Academy?

    Answer: It's called the Kirk Tenor Prize.


    Question: How many of the Enterprise's senior officers does it take to screw in a light bulb?

    Answer: All of them. One to screw it in, and the rest to debate the moral implications.


    Question: What did LaForge say when his girlfriend asked him what to wear on their date?

    Answer: "I'm BLIND!"


    Question: What did Lore use to kill Data's cat?

    Answer:Spot remover.


    Question: What do you call it when that Strategic Operations Officer on DS9 runs as fast as he can?

    Answer: Worf Speed.


    Question: Why couldn't Kira get permanent quarters on DS9?

    Answer: Because everybody knew she was a Visitor.


    Question: What did the senior staff of DS9 sing when Kira was packing to leave

    at the beginning of "The Circle"?

    Answer: Nana, Nana . . . Nana, Nana . . . Hey, hey, hey, goodbye!


    Question: What do you do if O'Brien refuses to fix your ship after you dock at DS9?

    Answer: Colm Meaney. (For those of you who don't know "Colm" isn't pronounced "Kohlm." It's pronounced more like "column.")


    Question: What is Sisko's favorite breakfast?

    Answer: Quarker Oates.


    Question: How would B'Elana Torres introduce her significant other?

    Answer: I'd like you to meet my better third.


    Question: What do you get when Gul Dukat kills off his half-Bajoran, half-Cardassian daughter?

    Answer: Bacardi on ice.


    Question: Did you hear that the crew of the Enterprise is getting married?

    Answer: They have engaged the Borg.


    Question: What do you get when you cross Lwaxana Troi with the bridge of a Starfleet vessel?

    Answer: An empty bridge


    Question: Did you hear that Jonathan Frakes is starring in a remake of an old

    James Bond movie?

    Answer: It's called Moonriker.


    Question: What did the Jamaican say to the Ferengi captain who was visiting Earth?

    Answer: Have a nice Dai Mon.


    Question: What do you get when you throw the casing of an unborn chicken at Quark's nephew?

    Answer: Egg Nog.



    "Who's there?"


    "Jeordi who?"

    "Didn't Jeordi ask me that?"


    Question: What would the communication officer of DS9 say to Captain Sisko when a person is going on and on on the fifth channel of communications?

    Answer: Sir Babylon 5.


    Question: How many TOS landing party members does it take to screw in a light bulb?

    Answer: Only one, but the extra red-shirt will die in the attempt.


    Question: How many Voyager crew members does it take to screw in a light bulb?

    Answer: However many it takes, you can be sure a shuttlecraft will be destroyed during the attempt.


    Question: Why did Worf change his hair color?

    Answer: It was a good day to dye.


    Question: Have you heard the new Klingon army motto?

    Answer: Join The Kligon Army.


    Question: What is Data's favorite song?

    Answer: "I Left My Head in San Francisco".


    Question: How do you know if you're facing Captain Picard?

    Answer: Because you are blinded by the reflection off his head.


    Did you hear that the Star Trek Doctors from The Next Generation, The Original Series and Deep Space Nine are setting up their own medical practice?


    They're going to call it "Crusher, Bones and Bashir."

  11. Which Star Trek Companion Guide is your favorite? If you don't know what that is, it's a book that has all of the episodes and what they are about. It also tells which special guest was in the episode and it also tells a little behind the scenes thing about each episode. It also gives the history of the show and movies.


    The ones I have are


    Star Trek The Next Generation

    Star Trek Voyager

    Star Trek Deep Space Nine for the PC


    My favorite is probably the DS9 one just for the fact that it gives a video trailer for each episode which is really cool. This comes in real handy for when I want to tape some of the episodes off of tv. For example, I look to see what TNG and DS9 episodes are coming on Spike TV and I can look up the episode name in my companions and I can see what the episode is about and if I want to tape it. Sometimes I find out that I already have that episode on tape when I look it up in the book.


    Yes, I sadly have to tape the episodes off of TV. I can't afford to pay $700 on almost each series, that's way too much to pay. But if you do, more power to ya. lol :(

  12. I really hope they don't bring James Kirk back to life some how on Enterprise. Why? Because it would destroy his novels. In his novels, Kirk is brought back to life by the Borg. If the crew of the Enterprise finds a way to bring him back, it will kill the novels like I said. And I don't want that to happen, I love he Shatner Trek series too much. But I'd love to see Shatner on Enterprise, but just not as James T. Kirk.