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Posts posted by SolarWind

  1. SolarWind looks down upon Qualside at Boston. Smiles and thinks to herself "This is a good day" and seeing the last vestige of imagry of WAB's illusion of power, struggeling to stay afloat, she drops a " Fireball " onto it, sinking it, yet again. Banishing all his powers of illusion. She then watches the show in the gorrilla's cage. :wub: When will he EVER learn? :wub:



    The sky opens up and hoards of warriors decend upon all the EEvil deeds purpetrated by this scoudrel. Backed up by bolts of lightning. The ocean then opens up and swallows his ship, and all the EEvil he has created. Down to the depths of Haites. May you BURN!!!!!!!!!

  3. Unaffected by Captain WAB's feeble attempts at controlling everything and everyone with his swath of EEvil and destruction, SolarWind again conjures up a massive water-spout over his Bucket of Metal he calls a ship. Spinning wildly, WAB screaming, the ship again is sucked up from the surface of the Ocean and now deposited in the middle of the Indian Ocean. Again his memory is erased as he lies face down on his deck. Sits up, rubs his face with both hands and yells " WHERE AM I??" A large hand magically appears from a cloud and points at WAB. " You Behave yourself young man" The voice boomed from the cloud. He looked up dumbfounded and said " HUH?" :wub:

  4. SolarWind blows through the mist and exposes the 'EEvil Eye' She can see all that is wrong in this world.



    Captain WAB has troubles and must try to get along with those around him. More can be gained by co-operation and respect than trying to blow everyone out of the water. Captain nik, simplify the flowery language so the simple folk can follow the story. Too much Sun makes a desert, my friend. Jeanway, shut up. Tina get back to business. Fenriz talk more. Worf, well, he's Worf, what can I say :blink: ILikeSeven, where are you? HarryKim, I thought you were WAB's right hand man?



    SolarWind dissipates over the Sea and is gone up through a water spout as quickly as she came.

  5. A ghostly apperition befalls the ' EEVIL EYE', striking the Captain with a bolt of lightning. A large hand comes down from the sky, picks him up and tosses him into the Ocean. " Mind your Manners or you will pay!!!" MMMhhhaaaa. Then as if in a twinkleing of an eye , it dispersed, leaving the crew bedazzled, it's Captain screaming for help from the chop.

  6. I've had "Me and Bobby McGee" by Janis Joplin stuck in my head of at least an hour.  As much as I love that song it's getting old. Gah!

    Hey, I did this thread a couple weeks ago!!! You stole My thread!!!



    Now I've got a new name " Q Stole My Bike Stole My Thread " !!!! :laugh



    :rofl: :lol: :lol: :roflmao::eekout:

    Ok, Q Stole My Bike Stole My Thread. Can I call you QSMBSMT? :laugh:

    OH No, another user name :rofl::rofl: