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Posts posted by Zagreus

  1. In the Pale Moonlight is not just the best of Trek it is fantastic television. It makes great viewing wether you like sci fi or not. The smartest thing in it though is the historical aspect. According to sme souces the British intercepted a message form the Kaiser of Germany to the leader of Mexico saying that if Mexico could keep America busy and not join the war in Europe then Mexico had first dibs on annexing America after the war. Historians believe that no such meassage was sent but that it was a plan by the British Government to involve the Americans in the war. Luckily the sinking of the Lusitania and Woodrow Wilsons persuaded them to join anyway.

  2. I have already got season one on video and I dont really have the money to do the change over. I will get all the other seasons but if you give it a year they come down in price drastically.

  3. Actually, although I'm not 100% sure of this, it was Sulu's job to fire weapons. Certainly this was the case in season one. However in the movies Chekov became the weapons officer, most notably in ST:TMP. Actually Chekov is probably the most versatile of the crew. Navigation, weapons and in STIII he was the communications officer when they stole the Enterprise.

  4. Monty Python's Life of Brian

    The Great Dictator (Chaplin)

    The General (Keaton)

    Monkey Business (The Marx brothers)

    Sleeper (Woody Allen)

    Carry On Abroad / Carry On Camping

    Muntiny On The Buses

    Police Academy

    The Hound of the Baskervilles (Peter Cook and Dudley Moore)

    Blazing Saddles (Mel Brooks)

    The Pink Panther Strikes Again / A Shot in the Dark

    Sons of the Desert (Laurel and Hardy)

    Silver Streak

  5. Do you know what really makes me laugh about the whole thing? The estate of Terry Nation didn't want the Daleks to be 'too evil'. What? The Daleks are supposed to be the most evil creatures in all the universe! They were intended to me a metaphor for the Nazis. Thats why in 'The Daleks' and 'Dalek Invasion of Earth' they give the Nazi salute. And I still get chills from hearing the Dalek in 'Power of the Daleks' saying 'we are your servants' and no one believing the Doctor that they are going to kill all and sundry.


    But what can we expect from the same estate that stopped any Dalek episodes being shown in the 40th anniversay month because they werent getting enough money?

  6. Over here we have the Official Star Trek Fact Files. It is a magazine that has now finished its run but it would pay you to try and get hold of it. It really is the most exhaustive reference for all the Trek series and films ever assembled. I think they are repackaging them now with the emphasis on TNG. It now comes out every week and has a DVD of three eps with it.



  7. I found a really cheap but good condition copy of the Blish novelisations of TOS season two in one volume. They are quite good but some of the stories miss out whole chunks of what happened in the episode. Mirror, Mirror springs to mind. They miss out a lot of the background and torture stuff in favour of hurrying to the conclusion. The Changeling was catually very good though. And oddly when I was at school they use to have a full set of the Blish books in the school library! Yeah the story is funnier if you actaully know who badly stocked the place was.

  8. Is it just me or are people overly bothered about the tampering Enterprise is doing to the established Trek universe? Why do people moan when it is likely we still have a few seasons of the show to go where everything can be set right or an explanation can be offered. When it was announced that Enterprise was going into the Delphic Expanse there was an uproar because such a place had never been mentioned in Kirk and beyond's time. Well now we know why. It was artificially created and there is no Expanse because the Spheres causing it were turned off. Simple. And the whole Regeneration debacle! It doesnt actually change anything of the Borg lore we know. I'm not worried about Enterprise, it'll work out.

  9. Does anyone know a book or web site that can tell me the original UK air dates for Star Trek: The Next Generation? Myself and friend were discussing our first Trek memories and I can vaguely remeber the final scene from Angel One in the first season and would love to know the exact date. Thank you.

  10. The images of the people involved while Valeris and Spock are melding is new. There is also a scene where you see the Gulag party travel from the surface just after they have been 'welcomed' is new I think. The scenes with Colonel west were not in the original film but have been restored for previous video versions and TV sometimes.

  11. I thought this episode was fantastic. I like Jeffery combs in whatever he does and Shran has a depth which means he is sincere in repaying debts (although he goes against Archer in this episode he is doing so for the greater good of his own people and you can see that he doesn't make the decision lightly). The only thing I have to moan about this episode is that the Xindi seemed a bit stupid in letting Shran's ship enter and exit the system so freely. If the weapon was so important why didn't they remove any chance of duplicity by blowing his ship up or at the very least attacking it? All in all a good episode though!

  12. BEST

    Timeless, Eye of the Needle, Scorpian 1 and 2, Basics 1, Meld, Critical Care, Death Wish, Blink of an Eye, Message in a Bottle, Future's End 1 and 2, Projections



    Demon, Course: Oblivion, Twisted, That one where Paris goes past warp 10, The two irish ones, the one with flotter in it.


    But Voyager has more good eps than bad