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#364 - {Official} Star Trek Trivia

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{Official} Star Trek Trivia #364




How was the sensor signature of Spock’s casket isolated?






Answering: Do not answer here, send your answers to this week’s trivia questions in a PM to me (master_q).


Points: 5


(More questions should be coming - The audio mp3 clips have not yet been uploaded)



Master Q

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This was pretty much an open-ended question - you could have taken your answer into different directions



Sample Answers:

-They detected a cylindrical mass composed of terminium

-While scanning for vegetation types, a metallic mass was detected, a close-range scan then detected a lifeform which was later thought to be microbes which were on the surface of the tube when it was launched.

. . . .


If you gave a reasonable answer then you got credit



Master Q

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