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Deep Space Nine on t.v. every day here!

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It's been a long time since I posted out here. Facebook and Twitter have just about ruined the internet IMO.  I love the old message board format.

Anyway,  I just wanted to comment on how awesome it is that we have a channel on our cable system that shows Deep Space Nine every week day...It's just grand that people who may never have watched the show before can now be introduced to its greatness.  It is long past due for these amazing actors to get the air time they deserve in a consistent time slot (which they did not have during the original run of the show!)  

I hope that people who didn't like the show before have reassessed their opinions. I hope that people who never watched the show are now tuning in. I hope that this show will speak to them, change minds, open minds, uplift them the way it did for all of us diehard fans back in the golden era of Trek -- the 1990s!


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