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Dream Teams

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OK, new game. I'm calling it "Dream Teams", because I'm feeling uncreative.


The rules: each 'dream team' can only have 5 or fewer members. All must be characters or news/history figures. (Politicians are OK). All non-Trek figures must be referenced (EG, Dr. Ames (Heinlein's Cat Who Walks Through Walls)). Scenarios can be as simple or complex as desired.


The game: Each poster suggests a scenario. EG, "You're going to take over the world."

The next poster says the five people they'd want to help them. EG, "Capt. Janeway, Genghis Khan, Arnold Schwarzenegger, the Borg Queen and Mini-Me (Austin Powers movies"


Bonuses are allowed. EG, "Where would you start?" "Answer: Washington, DC or Risa"


Got it?


Now, for the first scenario...


You're asked to start and run a hospital for the criminally insane. You need to raise money, get the place built, and run it.


Bonus: Who would your first patients be?

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? Why dont you do a complete one as an example, so we can see what exactly you're talking about. I'm lost. lol

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Ok, I'll answer my own scenario:


I'd want the Goa'uld (Stargate) to bully people into donating money

Data for all of the administrative stuff

The Holodeck (I know it's not a character) to build it

Dr. Crusher to run some of it

The EMH to run the rest


And the first patient would probably be Richard Simmons.


Does that help?


Next scenario: You're asked to go create a mutant snakefish.

Bonus question: Who asked you?

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Okay, maybe this seems like a foolish question but did you mean there is something called a snakefish and you want a mutant variety produced OR


Do you mean you want a chimera (a creature that is part snake and part fish?)


The former would be easier - many scientists today are already doing that.


For the latter, the capability allegedly exists as well. However, I'd go with Dr. Phlox because he would certainly be able to do so. I don't think he'd need a five man team - just an assistant


Who would ask for such a thing - someone on a desert planet so the fish could slither away when the water hole dried up.


My Scenario:

You want to create an online libary of all the books ever written.

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LOL, sorry--yes there is a creature named the snakefish. There were a few funny things about it in the news lately.


I'd want:



Whoever invented the Holodeck

and someone from, just for the fun of it.




You've been asked to write a 9-book series on the secret lives of Tribbles.

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1) Uhura - loves Tribbles


2) Capt. Koloth (I think) - should be an expert on them now. :dude:


3) The Crocodile Hunter - loves investigating the secret lives of animals


4) VOY's Doc - he can talk about one boring detail for ten boring hours; 9 books should be no problem for this aspiring author. :dude:


5) ALF - one furry alien can translate for the other; get info straight from the source.




You're marooned on an island, and can't think of a way to get off or get help.

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1. Captain Jack Sparrow (to help find some rum)

2. Kiera Knightly just to make it interesting

3. A fat guy in case we need a last resort for food

4. Giligan

5. One of those guys who go's into the jungle with a pocket knife and a q-tip and build shopping malls with it.


You are asked to defend Michael Jackson in court.

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1. OJ Simpson--a good luck charm.

2. One of the lawyers from Simpson's Scheme Team

3. Der Gropenfuher/The Governator

4. My 2 year old niece who gets away with everything

5. Jean-Luc Picard, because he's good at diplomacy with aliens, and we will need to talk to Michael Jackson at some point.


You're asked to conquer Mongolia with the aid of a pack of bubble gum.

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McGuyver - he can solve anything with Bubblegum

Mr. T. - to stomp anything McGuyver can't fix with Bubblegum

Hugh Hefner and company to distract everyone while the occupation occurs

Scotty - to stun the entire continent with an energy bolt

(Please stop me from cursing) Cheney - so Haliburton can rebuild the entire continent



Your mission:

convince the local school to keep music and art in the curriculum

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Picard- on the tin whistle


Riker- on the trombon


Data- on the violin


O'brien- on the cello (which I play)


worf- to hold a phaser at them if they can't see the benifits of music and the arts



your mission:

to convince worf to perform a one man stand up comedy show :clap:

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