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So, why has this thread been so quiet lately. We just had 2 new episodes of the best show on TV in one week. How cool is that.


Sunday night's show was one of the best, and desturbing episodes of this series to date. I think I was shocked for a good part of monday over the fact that Jack actually went through with killing Ryan Chapelle. Personally, I think it was a worst death than what happened to George Mason last season. Just the brutality of it, was really desturbing.


Last nights episode was a bit of a let down, but it was still pretty good. I guess it was inevitable that we would have a filler after the last few weeks of heart pounding, emotional episodes. This Saunders guy is the biggest bastard of the show yet. So we wants to destroy america/clean it because of the atrocities of the government. Does this sound like a clechie to anyone else, and probably not his real reason for unleashing a deadly Virus that is already killing. As for the Virus, how the heck are they going to get that thing contained. Also, the guy in the hospetal, if the doctors were trying to find the guy, why didn't they lock down the hospetal when they did. 3 people escaped, and that will lead to even more deaths.


As for Kim, it was good to see her have something to do, but I was afraid we would see a return of her stupidity. Thank god that didn't happen, and the kidnapping was aprupt. Like I said, it was kind of a down episode because of this cliffhanger this week. Does anyone know what Kim said to end the show?


Best line of the night: Jack talking to Jean saying, "There is no lawyer. It's just you and me." Oh man the look on Jack's face as well as Jeans was brillent. :)

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Well, I haven't seen the last two eps because there were Leaf games on. I taped one but since the Leafs lost games where I set a tape for something, I have decided to not det tape on game days. As you can see, I'm superstitious.

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