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'Star Trek XI' Trailer Updated

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Spockified to the power of four!

Edit: pointed out that Amanda is also holding an infant Spock, bringing the total to four.

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But he wouldn't wear fur unless he had no choice.


What I don't get is why they just didn't put him in the trailer to begin with.

They probably added him to get more people interested. He has such a distinct voice and character that even nonfans would recognize him.

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But he wouldn't wear fur unless he had no choice.


What I don't get is why they just didn't put him in the trailer to begin with.

I'm sure its not real fur.

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The theory I've seen as to why Nimoy was omitted from the original version of the trailer was to make the new film seem less connected to the franchise as a whole. That's the challenge the new movie faces. It has to draw in some new fans and that could be difficult if it seems like it's just another Star Trek movie (hence why the title is not Star Trek XI). This has to be a movie that can be enjoyed by someone who has seen all of Star Trek, but at the same time, by someone who has never seen a minute of Star Trek. That is not going to be easy. If it seems like you have to know about Star Trek to see this movie, that's going to turn people off.


The Nimoy trailer is only being released online (exclusively to AICN, I think), so it will most likely only be seen by Star Trek fans and other genre fans.

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But he wouldn't wear fur unless he had no choice.


Perhaps another example of them not paying attention to Trek history, a small example that could be overlooked but still...


What I don't get is why they just didn't put him in the trailer to begin with.


I think this is Abrams trying to distance the film from Star Trek, as silly as that seems since it's titled "Star Trek". It seems like there's been a lot of negative reaction from the core of Trek fandom and this seems like "damage control". It won't matter if they bring in a lot of first time viewers if the fanbase doesn't turn out multiple times and buys the DVD's and other merchandise related to the film.

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